Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- February 14 - 15, 2024

36] Humane agenda in Annapolis – Feb. 14

37] Hear from Palestinian film-maker – Feb. 14

38] Phone zap – Hands off Rafah – Feb. 14

39] Why You Should Join DSA Feb. 14

40] Local Peace Economy – Feb. 14

41] Year in Review – Feb. 14

42] “Protecting Workers in the Age of AI” Feb. 15

43] Tell your healthcare story – Feb. 15

44] Big Oil on the attack – Feb. 15


36] – Jennifer Bevan-Dangel, Maryland State Director <info@humaneadvocate.org> wants you to know that on Wed., Feb. 14 starting at 9:30 AM the Humane Agenda in Maryland in the 2024 Session is Underway! Be part of the fight for all animals during Maryland's legislative session!  Gather at Lawyers Mall, State Circle, Annapolis 21401starting at 9:30 AM to hear updates on the bills. Break at 11 AM to get over to your legislators' offices with a lovely leave behind, including a postcard to share why you want your Senator and Delegate(s) to support the legislative agenda.

 Then at 1 PM, there will hearings on two of the priority bills: end cruel confinement for egg-laying hens (HB357) and prohibit the use of wild animals in travelling acts (HB379). The hearings will be in the House Environment and Transportation Committee.  Another bill of concern is SB193, legislation to end the use of cruel battery cages for egg-laying hens. This bill would be one of the most impactful bills ever passed for the animals in Maryland, but it needs your help! Please call your senator and urge him or her to vote "yes" on a strong bill with a firm deadline to make Maryland cage-free. RSVP at https://secured.humanesociety.org/page/142052/event/1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=engagingnetworks&utm_campaign=MD&utm_content=MD+Leg+E-news+2-2-2024

37] – Scientists for Palestine [webinars@scientists4palestine.com] is holding a conversation with Annemarie Jacir on Wed., Feb. 14 at noon. This is a second Bisan Lecture Series of 2024, and this is an opportunity to hear from an esteemed Palestinian filmmaker. Jacir has written, directed and produced over sixteen films with premieres in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Locarno, and Toronto. All three feature films were Palestine’s Oscar entries. In 2007, she shot the first feature by a Palestinian female director, the acclaimed Salt of this Sea, which was her second work to debut in Cannes.  Recently, she directed the groundbreaking series Ramy. Register at https://www.scientists4palestine.com/the-palestine-lens/

38] – The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights [contact@uscpr.org] needs you on Wed., Feb. 14 at 2 PM ET to Zap the phone lines to stop arming Israel! Tell our elected officials: HANDS OFF RAFAH! Mobilize to defend Rafah from Israel's latest genocidal assault, and to stop “THE DEADLY DEAL,” a $95 billion spending package that just passed the Senate. The Deadly Deal includes $14 billion in weapons to Israel for arming genocide, and the elimination of all humanitarian funding to the UNRWA aid agency for Palestinian refugees, permanently. Flood Congress’s phone lines together to let them know we're watching as the U.S. government continues to back Israel's horrific massacres and forced starvation of Palestinians in Gaza. Demand that your elected officials call for a PERMANENT CEASEFIRE NOW and stop arming Israel! RSVP at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1117068964680/WN_gc2VdV14Sdes077F3mVssg?emci=d79e93ab-1ec5-ee11-b660-002248223197&emdi=b51aa71a-25c5-ee11-b660-002248223197&ceid=5467956#/registration

39] – The Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America [info@mdcdsa.org] wants you to know about Why You Should Join DSA / New Member Orientation on Wed., Feb. 14 at 7 PM ET. Curious about DSA? If so, this event is for you! You'll learn about DSA, and how you can get involved in the fight for a brighter future. You will find out about chapter's structure and campaigns, branches, and caucuses. This chapter covers the DMV area, including the District, Northern Virginia, and Montgomery County and Prince George's County in Maryland. RSVP for Zoom link at https://actionnetwork.org/events/why-you-should-join-dsa-new-member-orientation-119?link_id=67&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-january-12-2024&email_referrer=email_2175898&email_subject=metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-january-19-2024

40] –The Local Peace Economy [peaceeconomy@codepink.org] will host a call on Wed., Feb. 14 at 8 PM ET.  Learn more about Cultivating Peace NOW!  RSVP at https://www.codepink.org/lpe214?utm_campaign=lpe_2_14_invite&utm_medium=email&utm_source=codepink

  Share more about care and why it’s foundational to the local peace economy. Embracing care is a critical step on our local peace economy journeys. One of the war economy’s many lies is that self-sufficiency is a sign of strength - and even possible to begin with - when the reality of life is that all of us are alive because we have been cared for. Care is what sustains us. Email Emily at emilyfranko@codepink.org with any questions.

41] –Join Common Cause on Wed., Feb. 14 at 8 PM ET for an exclusive webinar, "A Year in Review." Take a journey through the year's triumphs and challenges, where seemingly impossible battles were turned into victories for democracy. From the successful challenge of lawless lawmakers in Moore v. Harper to a steadfast defense of democracy in statehouses across the country, the ACLU has been at the forefront of defending the principles that underpin our democracy. An unwavering commitment to justice led to Donald Trump's indictment, and a major hedge fund's attempt to take over local news was thwarted, ensuring diverse voices continue to be heard.

 2023 was a banner year for Common Cause. Visit commoncause.org to join the webinar and continue the journey toward a more just and accountable democracy!

42] – The Congressional Progressive Caucus Center [info@progressivecaucuscenter.org] is doing a virtual briefing on Thurs., Feb. 15 at 1 PM ET -- “Protecting Workers in the Age of AI.” What consequences does AI have for workers’ safety, privacy, and rights? How can we ensure that workers get a seat at the table when technological change impacts their jobs? RSVP at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5417059731438/WN_Eoxc5ESyR8OVseBWE6gzJg#/registration

43] – Healthcare-NOW! [email@healthcare-now.org] is doing a training about the healthcare system on Thurs., Feb. 15 at 2 PM -- Telling Your Healthcare Story. Learn how storytelling is critical to building a movement for Medicare for All and practice talking about your own experiences with the healthcare system. REGISTER at https://www.healthcare-now.org/trainings/

44] – Ryan Harvey [gtwaction@citizen.org] is inviting you on Thurs., Feb. 15 at 3 PM ET to an upcoming online climate webinar. Corporate trade policies pose a threat to the planet, but there is a campaign to stop them.  Specifically, discuss the Investor-State Dispute Settlement system, which allows multinational corporations to sue governments for getting in the way of their profits. Right now, the U.S. and Canada are each facing exorbitant ISDS cases launched by fossil fuel companies from the other’s country. U.S. fossil fuel company, Ruby River Capital LLC, is suing the Canadian government for $20,000,000,000 (yes, that's 20 billion dollars) in "lost future profits" for refusing it a permit for a massive liquid natural gas export terminal. The project was slated to sit along the Saguenay River, which drains into the St. Lawrence River, a major commercial waterway in North America that serves as the primary drainage outflow of the Great Lakes Basin. Meanwhile, the Canadian oil company TC Energy is suing the U.S. government for $15,000,000,000 (again, those are billions) following the White House's refusal to authorize construction of the highly unpopular Keystone XL pipeline.  Get involved with a global campaign to dismantle this system once and for all: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QD1QAkwaSf-7WSHAXC1jZA#/registration?link_id=0&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-nafta-lives-on-in-climate-destruction&email_referrer=email_2194792___subject_2721762&email_subject=invite-to-our-upcoming-climate-webinar

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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