Monday, April 29, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- April 30, 2024

22] Digital Divide documentary – April 30

23] Mobile Bike Shop – April 30

24] Organizing 101 Training – April 30

25] Russia out of Ukraine – April 30

26] Protest David Trone – April 30

27] DSA meeting – April 30

28] Stop weapons going to Israel – April 30

29] Freedom for All Passover Seder – April 30

30] Abolition Working Group is meeting Revisiting Sanctions on North Korea – April 30


22] – Daniela Santiago [] wants you to know that MediaJustice is proud to present its first documentary! The COVID-19 pandemic taught us that the Digital Divide affects so many people in our communities, preventing our people from staying connected, learning, and working together. Deeper than a Div/de is a short documentary exploring the Digital Divide in the Black Rural South, as the community of Utica, Mississippi navigates a remote, online world post-pandemic. Join in for the World Premiere on Tues., April 30 at 3 PM ET on our YouTube page! Go to

23] – There is a Mobile Bike Shop at Lake Montebello, Whitman Drive, Baltimore 21218 on Tues., April 30 from 4 to 7 PM ET. Visit

24] – CCAN [] on Tues., April 30 at 4 PM ET wants you to learn how to fight climate change by developing a story that communicates values that called you to get involved in the climate movement at this time. Join an Organizing 101 training miniseries this April and May via Zoom.  Did you know that YOU have the power to make real change in the world? Through grassroots organizing, people can motivate others to join in taking action to fight climate change.  

Meet on four consecutive Tuesdays starting April 30 at 6:30 PM ET. The first Tuesday in May you will develop a story that communicates shared values that anchor your community, values that may be at risk, and may also be sources of hope.  The second Tuesday in May you will develop a story that communicates the values that called you to act and lead in this way, in this place, at this time. And the final training in May will get you talking with someone one on one to share your story of self, us and now and move this person to act on climate.  RSVP at

25] – Join the Baltimore Nonviolence Center on Tues., April 30 from 5 to 5:30 PM ET at 33rd and N. Charles Sts. The invasion of Ukraine has the potential to become a war extending throughout Europe.  Putin has destroyed Aleppo and Grozny and has threatened the use of nuclear weapons.  Russian soldiers were sent into the area around the contaminated and still radioactive Chernobyl nuclear plant. Now they are stationed in the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe.   Contact Max at mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net or 410-323-1607.

26] -- On Tues., April 30 at 6:30 PM, there is a Baltimore County Meet & Greet for U.S. Senate Candidate David Trone at the Hazelwood Inn, 4937 Hazelwood Ave., Baltimore 21206.  Consider challenging the candidate as to why he contributes to AIPAC and why is there an Israeli flag outside his D.C. office. RSVP at

27] – The Northern Virginia Democratic Socialists [] on Tues., April 30 at 7 PM ET there is a meeting hosted by Tidewater DSA. Join the call to hear about the latest from the VA DSA Charter Committee and Virginia-wide cross-chapter organizing! A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP:  If you would like something added to the agenda, please email

28] – A group of people working on bringing an end to the genocide ongoing in the Gaza Strip had a productive brainstorming session on April 29 and made a decision to organize a demonstration in front of the State Department on May 7, the day before a report is due from the State Department. Here is a synopsis of NSM-20, issued February 8, 2024, which is the document that Biden signed that requires a report on May 8 by the secretaries of State and Defense [sic].

From the preamble in NSM-20: The Secretaries of State and Defense [sic] are responsible for ensuring that all transfers of defense articles and defense services by the Departments of State and Defense [sic] ... are conducted in a manner consistent with all applicable international and domestic law and policy, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, the applicable “Leahy Law” (22 U.S.C. 2378d, 10 U.S.C. 362), and NSM-18.

 From Section 1. (b)  Upon an assessment by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense [sic] that the credibility or reliability of assurances provided by the recipient country as required by subsection (a) of this section has been called into question and should be revisited, the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense [sic], as appropriate, shall report to the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, within 45 days of such assessment and shall indicate appropriate next steps to be taken to assess and remediate the situation.  Such remediation could include actions from refreshing the assurances to suspending any further transfers of defense articles or, as appropriate, defense services.

WHAT:  Demo planning meeting, Tuesday, April 30, 7:00 pm

WHY:     To press for cutoff of U.S. offensive weapons to Israel

WHERE: Meeting on Zoom; Demo at State Department --

Charlie Cooper and Max Obuszewski met with several activists including Gwen Dubois, Susan Kerin, and Prof. Leonard Rubenstein of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. We are focused on how to support Sen. Van Hollen's effort to cut off offensive weapons to Israel or force them to let in adequate humanitarian aid and stop murdering non-combatants.

We want to plan a demonstration at the State Department on May 7. A critical report is due from secretaries Blinken and Austin on May 8. They have received all the documented info they need to declare that Israel is violating international law by using U.S. weapons to kill civilians and by blocking humanitarian aid. Such a finding could lead to a cutoff of certain U.S. military aid to Israel. Our demo would be designed to garner press coverage and increase the pressure on the Biden Administration to sanction Israel.

We are in touch with several national organizations, and we need you to help us make this effort a success. We are acting with urgency because public health officials have projected that over 85,000 people in Gaza could be dead by August unless there are drastic improvements in the situation.

29] – Get with a Freedom for All Passover Seder organized by IfNotNow on Tues., April 30 at 7 PM ET at the Garfield monument in Washington, DC 20004. This Passover is for recommitting to fighting for true freedom - collective liberation for Jews, Palestinians, and all people. The Seder will take place on the west lawn of the US Capitol Building between the Garfield Monument and the Peace Monument.  Say to the world that the participants stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people because of their Judaism, not in spite of it. For thousands of years across the globe, the Jewish people have celebrated Passover and told the story of Exodus as a reminder that they have not always been free. This year, as we witness continuing violence and destruction of Palestinian life in the name of Jewish safety, we understand that if our freedom is dependent on the oppression of another people, we will never truly be free. Since the massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7th, 2023, over 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by the Israeli military in an unconscionable act of collective punishment that has credibly been described. RSVP at

30] -- The Metro DC DSA Abolition Working Group is meeting on Tues., April 30 at 7 PM ET.  A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP:

Join the Abolition (formerly Defund MPD) Working Group to discuss strategy and planning biweekly on Tuesdays. This event is open to both DSA Members and supporters. Email

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- April 29 - May 5, 2024

15] Join Foreign Service? – April 29

16] Countering the Destructive Consequences of Christian Zionism – April 29

17] Arab American Heritage Month – April 29

18] Phone bank for Alsobrooks April 29

19] Poor Peoples Campaign meeting April 29

20] Phone bank for Uncommitted – April 29 – May 5

21] TRBA Bi-weekly Organizing Call – April 29


15] – Join a Conversation sponsored by the Department of Foreign Policy & Global Security with Ambassador Marcia Bernicat, the Director General of the Foreign Service, on Mon., April 29  from 9:45 to 10:45 AM at the School of International Service, Abramson Family Founders Room, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, WDC.  This is a unique opportunity to hear about career paths in the Foreign Service and the State Department. How do you prepare to become a successful FSO or civil servant at State?  What does it look like to be a US diplomat in the 21st Century?  Seize the opportunity to hear first-hand from the senior official managing State Department's Foreign and Civil Service and the Director of Global Talent. RSVP at

16] – Friends of Sabeel North America [] on Mon., April 29 at 12:30 PM ET will have a discussion Countering the Destructive Consequences of Christian Zionism and Third-Temple Extremism.  In anticipation of the forthcoming launch of the newly established Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism (ISCZ), you are invited to an important conversation, a conversation taking on a new urgency in light of recent events.  It is imperative that a global intra-Christian dialogue focused on the repudiation of Christian Zionism among other forms of political extremism. No religion has a monopoly on extremism, and it is the responsibility of the faithful first to challenge extremists within their own traditions. Today, the Christian Zionist promotion of violence alongside the genocidal assault on the people of Gaza presents an urgent challenge to Christians around the world. Register at

17] – You are invited to join in on Mon., April 29 at 6 PM ET and acknowledge Arab American Heritage Month. Monday's conversation will focus on how the community relates to life's joy and struggles through language and art. You'll hear from award-winning Arab American artists Naomi Shihab Nye and Heather Raffo about their chosen forms of expression, the role their art plays in providing hope, and their response to the crisis of worldwide injustice and inequity.  Art is integral to connection and Arab American artists are culture bearers helping us to better understand ourselves and our world. As art is always informed by the artists' experiences and identities, Arab American artists’ often provide a healing space for Arab Americans while educating others about the community’s heritage, narrative, hopes, and dreams.  Register for what will be an extraordinary conversation here:

18] – CCAN Action Fund [] will do a virtual Phone bank to support Angela Alsobrooks as the new senator from Maryland, as she is the best candidate for protecting the environment.  On Mon., April 29, May 6, May 13 & May 20 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM ET, make calls as she supports climate policies that will reduce carbon emission levels by half before 2030, expand clean energy tax credits, and hold fossil fuel companies accountable. She is ready to co-sponsor Senator Chris Van Hollen’s Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act, which is a top priority for this organization. She also is a big supporter of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which empowers the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce voting rights. RSVP at

19] –The Poor People's Campaign [] wants you to join an in-person PPC Mobilization Meeting on Mon., April 29 at 6 PM ET at John Wesley AME Zion Church, 1615 14th St. NW, WDC 20009.  Join with Campaign Co-Chair Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II to help make preparations for our next Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington: A Call to the Polls and to Vote on June 29th, 2024 in Washington DC and online. RSVP at

20] – Maryland voters are saying loud and clear that President Biden can count us out in the May 14th Democratic Primary. We are selecting UNCOMMITTED on the ballot as a protest, to let him know we won’t stand with him as he funds more war and genocide in Gaza. In order to reach as many voters as possible, we need to contact hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. Before you get started, we'll reach out and schedule a quick training/intro call. Sign up for a shift on Mon., April 29, Tues., April 30, Wed., May 1, Thurs., May 2 & Fri., , May 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and on Sat., May 4 and Sun., May 5 from 2 to 4 PM ET. Maryland voters are saying loud and clear that President Biden can count us out in the May 14th Democratic Primary. We are selecting UNCOMMITTED on the ballot as a protest, to let him know we won’t stand with him as he funds more war and genocide in Gaza. In order to reach as many voters as possible, we need to contact hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. Before you get started, we'll reach out and schedule a quick training/intro call. RSVP at

21] –The Metro Democratic Socialists of America are holding a TRBA Bi-weekly Organizing Call on Mon., April 29 from 7 to 8 PM ET. A link to this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP at

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

Baltimore Activist Alert – April 28 - 29, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert – April 28 - 29, 2024

"I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Friends, this list and other email documents which I send out are done under the auspices of the Baltimore Nonviolence Center.  Go to

 If you appreciate this information and would like to make a donation, send contributions to Max Obuszewski, BNC, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Max can be reached at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 [at]

1] Books, buttons and stickers

2] Web site for info on federal legislation

3] Need help in archiving activist material    

4] Max is looking for tips on a garage or a storage suggestion.

5] Get the book A Bag of Stones

6] Get the book Male Supremacy in the Catholic Church: An Insider’s View by Roy Bourgeois

7] Baltimore activist selling her home

8] A Celebration of the Earth – April 28

9] Canvass in Silver Spring for the Uncommitted Vote – April 28

10] Update from the West Bank – April 28

11] PDA Town Hall – April 28

12] Common Cause virtual phone bank – April 28

13] John Lewis: Good Trouble – April 28

14] Protest at the Pentagon – April 29


1] – Buttons, bumper stickers and books are available.  “God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions” stickers are in stock. Call Max at 410-323-1607.

2] –To obtain information how your federal legislators voted on particular bills, go to  Congressional toll-free numbers are 888-818-6641, 888-355-3588 or 800-426-8073. The White House Comment Email is accessible at

3] –  Janice Sevre-Duszynska needs some assistance in archiving her activist material.  If you are interested in this project, contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.

4] – Max is in need of a garage or a storage space.  Any suggestions would be welcome.  Contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.

5] – Barry Lee Burnside, a gaggle of great writers and copy editors are finishing up “A Bag of Snakes: Selected Writings on Prisons and the Death Penalty by Murphy Davis and Eduard Loring. Edited by Barry Lee Burnside.” Ed indicates the book will be available for sale on April 13, and is asking you to pre-order your copy. Your donation will provide a needed financial boost for the printing costs. The suggested donation is $20 for one copy; and $30 for your copy and an additional copy for a prisoner or someone in need. Any donation is appreciated. More or less you will receive the book.  Barry and the team have spent over two years putting this book together. It begins with outlines and notes found in the boxes of materials Murphy left when she ascended. The work is a work of love, and all involved are proud of the fruit borne by seeds nourished in good soil.

 To order by postal mail, make your check to Open Door Community.  Send it to Open Door Community, PO Box 10980, Baltimore 21234For any questions, contact David Payne at 404-290-2047 or

6] – Another book to consider purchasing is Male Supremacy in the Catholic Church: An Insider’s View by Roy Bourgeois. His new book is both memoir and position-paper, and it makes the case that the Roman Catholic Church is a corrupt system that spits out truth-tellers. The crime he was excommunicated for was attending the ordination ceremony of Janice Sevre-Duszynska in Lexington, Kentucky, in August 2008. The ordination was under the auspices of the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests.  The Vatican’s response has been to excommunicate any woman who has the audacity to see herself as a priest equal to a male priest. You can purchase a copy from Amazon or by Kindle.

  Here are two quotes to contemplate: “I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men. She is to keep silent.” – Timothy 1, 2:12-13.  “If the patriarchy that dominates the church is not dismantled and women are not treated as equals, the church will continue to diminish and, eventually, die.” – Roy Bourgeois.

7] – A home in Baltimore is for sale on a dead-end street in the Lauraville neighborhood, with three bedrooms, and one bath. The yard backs into a field and then a forest. There is a serene and quiet setting with an abundance of wildlife. The owner will be asking a reasonable amount for the property but it will not be overpriced. Contact her by text only at 443 500 6733. On the text, leave your name and phone number, and she will get back to anyone that reaches out. 

8] – Usually, the Baltimore Ethical Society, 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore 21202, meets on Sundays, and usually there is a platform address at 10:30 AM ET.  On April 28, there will be a hybrid “A Celebration of the Earth.”  Ethical Culture encourages us to harmonize with nature to bring out the best for all life. What do you do in your life to nurture this sense of interrelationship? How does the work of the South Baltimore Community Land Trust offer us opportunities to heal the wounds humanity has inflicted on the biosphere? Hugh Taft-Morales explores these questions to honor Earth Day 2024. He serves as Leader of the Philadelphia Ethical Society and the Baltimore Ethical Society and is a member of the Ethical Action Committee of the American Ethical Union (AEU).  To receive a Zoom invitation, please email

9] – Canvass in Silver Spring for the Uncommitted Vote for Palestine on Sun., April 28 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM.  Meet in Sonny's Green/Park next to the Blair apartments, 175 High Park Lane, Silver Spring 20910. Join Montgomery and Prince George's County Branch members in door knocking for the Uncommitted Vote in Maryland's Presidential Primary by May 14th!  RSVP at

10] MAPA [] is hosting on Sun., April 28 at 1 PM ET a webinar -- Update from the West Bank: How the Occupation has Intensified Since October 7th. Since Oct. 7, we have been mostly focused on the Israeli assault on Gaza, unable to look away from the bombing, displacement and starvation of the Gazan Palestinians.  At the same time, the oppression and violence against Palestinians living in the West Bank has escalated.  In the past 6 months, 7000 Palestinians have been detained in the West Bank, including 440 children, and over 1500 Palestinians have been displaced from Area C. (source: WAFA News agency and Reliefweb).  At least 317 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli security forces and settlers in the West Bank since the Gaza attack began, according to the Palestine Authority Health Ministry.  In this webinar we will turn our attention to the West Bank.

  Hear from Shaina Low, a human rights lawyer who serves as the Norwegians Refugee Council (NRC) Palestine Communication Adviser working to amplify the stories of communities facing displacement in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).  Also speaking will be Issa Amro, well-known Palestinian activist, resident of Hebron. Working with B’tselem, the Israeli human rights organization, Issa coordinated the "Shooting Back" camera project in Hebron, which distributed cameras to Palestinians so they could document human rights violations by Israeli soldiers and settlers. RSVP at

11] – Progressive Democrats of America [] are doing its Sunday Town Hall on April 28 at 4 PM ET to talk about the Progressive Conference plans for Chicago during the Democratic National Committee Convention. Also hear from Jamie McLeod-Skinner on winning a primary for Congress in a largely rural area by promoting progressive answers to problems. RSVP Now!

  Discuss issues and strategies that will bring victories home in November, and this Sunday get an overview of the current plans, and how you may participate.  In the opinion of PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky, "There may be no more important election across the entire country than Oregon's 5th District. The progressive candidate there, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, is a transformative politician, who is advocating for the type of policies that will make a positive impact on the lives of Americans in small towns and rural areas from coast-to-coast. Jamie's program is so well designed to address endemic issues that plague so much of the country, it would turn rural America from MAGA red to progressive blue."

12]Join a Common Cause virtual phone bank to work together to demand bold changes to our democracy to create a government that represents all of us, not big corporations or special interests.  Register for a shift to make calls and help strengthen the phone bank team to protect our democracy. Join a call on Sun., April 28 from 6 to 8 PM ET. This shift will also include training for first-timers before you make calls, so if this is your first time, no worries! RSVP at

13] – On Sun., April 28 at 7 PM ET, watch John Lewis: Good Trouble, an online screening hosted by Fix Democracy First. Register at

 The Meaningful Movies Project along with Fix Democracy First presents an exclusive, free online screening of the thought-provoking documentary, John Lewis: Good Trouble by Dawn Porter. Embark on a journey towards positive societal change. The film is a powerful call to action and a reminder why it’s important that we exercise our right to vote.  There is a panel discussion after the film with Barbara Arnwine, president & founder of the Transformative Justice Coalition, an organization focused on systematic change that achieves racial justice, gender, economic and social justice and human rights. Also speaking is the Rev. Dr. Derrick Harkins, a senior advisor with Raben, a public affairs and organizational consulting firm, where he uses his extensive political and ministerial experience to help advance the firm's Faith Strategies Group. A final commentator is Cinthia Illan-Vazquez, the Executive Director at The Washington Bus, a movement building organization that increases political access and participation for young people across WA.

14] – There is a weekly Pentagon Peace Vigil from 7 to 8 AM on Mondays, since 1987, outside the Pentagon Metro stop.  The next vigil is April 29 and it is sponsored by the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker.  Email or call 202-882-9649.  The vigil will be outside the Pentagon's south Metro entrance and in the designated "protest zone" behind bicycle fences across from the entrance to the Metro. 

By Metro, take Yellow Line and get out at the "Pentagon" stop. Do not go to the Pentagon City stop! Go up south escalators and turn left and walk across to protest area. By car from D.C. area, take 395 South and get off at Exit 8A-Pentagon South Parking. Take slight right onto S. Rotary Rd. at end of ramp and right on S. Fern St. Then take left onto Army Navy Dr. You can "pay to park" on Army Navy Dr.,  and there is meter parking one block on right on Eads St. Payment for both of these spots begins at 8 AM.  No cameras are allowed on Pentagon grounds. The restrooms are located inside Marriot Providence Inn on corner of S. Fern and Army Navy Dr.

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- April 25 -- May 1, 2024

45] State of Democracy phone banks – April 25

46] Max at JHU Spring Fair – April 25, 26 & 27

47] Mobile Bike Law – April 25

48] Uncommitted phone bank – April 25

49] Phone bank virtually for Terri Hill for Congress – April 25

50] Healing Collective Trauma – April 25

51] Vote uncommitted – April 25 – May 1

52] Ending immigrant detention & deportation – April 25

53] Common Security in Northeast Asia – April 25

54] Freedom to Vote – April 25

55] Campaign to Victory call – April 25

56] Get to a Staged Reading of The Return of John Brown – April 26


45] On Thurs., April 25 from noon to 2 PM & 4 to 6 PM ET, get involved with State of Democracy, a Common Cause organized Election Protection phone bank.   Work together to demand bold changes to our democracy to create a government that represents all of us, not big corporations or special interests. Register for a shift to make calls and help strengthen the phone bank team to protect our democracy. These shifts will also always include training for first-timers before you make calls, so if this is your first time, no worries! Register at

46] – Max will be at the JHU Spring Fair on Thursday, April 25 from 4 to 7 PM, Friday, April 26 from 10 AM to 7 PM & Saturday, April 27 from noon to 6 PM ET selling used books, bumper stickers, buttons and other paraphernalia.  If you have any card tables to loan to Max, call 443-761-5899.  Due to a flood in the basement, most of his tables are in storage.  He is hoping that the students will hold a Free Palestine encampment on campus.

47] – There is a Mobile Bike Shop at Druid Hill Park, Baltimore 21217 on Thurs., April 25 from 4 to 7 PM ET. Visit

48] - IfNotNow Baltimore [] wants you to phone bank for the vote “Uncommitted” campaign on Thurs., April 25 at 6 PM ET at Red Emma’s. Pressure President Biden for a ceasefire: Vote “Uncommitted” in the Democratic primary.  RSVP at

49] – On Thurs., April 25 from 6 to 8 PM ET, phone bank virtually for Terri Hill for Congress. After you RSVP, the Zoom link will provided. RSVP at

If you have any questions, please reach out to Carly Colby (Campaign Manager) Del. Hill has been a Maryland State Delegate since 2015. She currently represents District 12A. As Delegate, Dr. Hill has leveraged her background in medicine, engineering and business to fight for quality of life issues. Now, she’s running for Congress in Maryland’s 3rd District to ensure the hard won rights we’ve enjoyed are not lost on future generations. Help us put this doctor in the House! The phone banking will continue each Thursday through May 9 from 6 to 8 PM ET.

50] –American Friends of Combatants for Peace [] on Thurs., April 25 at 2 PM ET want you to get involved virtually with Radical Imagination & Healing Collective Trauma. "In the face of immense suffering and violence, how do we begin to radically imagine a future where all live safe and free in Palestine and Israel?"  The conversation will be led by Hassan El-Tayyab, Legislative Director for Middle East Policy at The Friends Committee on National Legislation, Marcina Hale, LMFT and President/Co-Founder of Reconsider, and Stephen Apkon, Director and Producer of Disturbing the Peace. The discussion will be moderated by Rae Abileah, a social change strategist, writer, facilitator, and Jewish ritualist. RSVP at

51] – Maryland voters are saying loud and clear that President Biden can count us out in the May 14th Democratic Primary. We are selecting UNCOMMITTED on the ballot as a protest, to let him know we won’t stand with him as he funds more war and genocide in Gaza. In order to reach as many voters as possible, we need to contact hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. Before you get started, we'll reach out and schedule a quick training/intro call. Sign up for a shift on Thurs., April 25, Fri., April 26, Mon., April 29, Tues., April 30 & Wed., May 1 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM ET & Sat., April 27 and Sun., April 28 from 2 – 4 PM ET. RSVP at

52] –On Thurs., April 25 at 7 PM ET, tune in to Ending immigrant detention and deportation in the U.S. The U.S. spends billions of tax dollars on jailing and deporting immigrants—and separating families and communities. In this webinar, you’ll hear from AFSC legal experts and organizers who are working to dismantle these inhumane systems. Discuss alternatives to detention and how you can advocate for the rights and dignity of all people. RSVP at

53] –On Thurs., April 25 at 7 PM ET, check out virtually Common Security in Northeast Asia After the April 10 South Korean General Election, sponsored by the New England Korea Peace Campaign (NEKPC).   A post-election analysis of geopolitical dynamic in Northeast Asia, where tension has been building up to the level not seen in several decades since the launching of far-right President Yoon Suk-yeol administration in 2022. Dr. Simone Chun will analyze how the result of the general election either intensifies or eases the current crisis in Northeast Asia, largely determined by the Yoon administration's active alignment with the U.S. administration's new Cold War policy. She is a researcher and activist focusing on U.S. foreign policy on the Korean Peninsula, and serves on the board of directors of the Korea Policy Institute. RSVP at

54] – On Thurs., April 25 from 8 to PM ET, Common Cause is hosting a virtual Letter to the Editor Party: Freedom to Vote. This party will continue on Mon., May 13, Thurs., June 13 and Sat., July 13 from 8 to 9 PM ET. In America, we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions that impact our lives - from curbing the pandemic to creating jobs. In July of 2023, the Freedom to Vote Act was reintroduced in the Senate. The Freedom to Vote Act is an extremely necessary reform. This important legislation will protect our right to vote, end partisan gerrymandering, counter undemocratic and dangerous election sabotage efforts, and help eliminate the undue influence of dark money in our elections.

The last time the Freedom to Vote Act was introduced, all 50 Senate Democrats twice voted to advance major voting rights legislation, and all Senate Republicans twice voted against even allowing public debate on the bill, causing a filibuster.  We again have the opportunity to pass the most transformative voting rights act since the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Write a letter to your local paper and make your voice heard on the urgent need to pass the Freedom to Vote Act. Learn how to use our easy-to-use tool to draft a short letter and automatically send it to your local papers and make your voice heard! RSVP at

55] – Mike Fox for Progressive Democrats of America [] suggests that you attend on Thurs., April 25 at 9 PM ET a Campaign to Victory call focusing on Squad Member Summer Lee and Berniecrat Zach Shrewsbury for Senate from West Virginia. PDA is coming off of its single most successful event ever for any of its endorsed candidates with a promotion for Summer Lee.  And now Zach Shrewsbury is running to fill Joe Manchin's vacated Senate seat in WV. Join in to find out updates from the campaign and how you can make a real difference from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the country:

56] –Get to a Staged Reading of The Return of John Brown written by Gene Bruskin on Fri., April 26 at 7:30 PM ET at Mt. Zion United Methodist, 3050 Liberty Heights Ave., Baltimore.  Join for a staged reading of the new musical "The Return of John Brown" co-sponsored by Act II Ministry, the Labor Heritage Foundation and Teaching for Change. John Brown, the legendary abolitionist, climbs out of his grave where he was hanged for treason in 1859, only to be rearrested and threatened with another hanging. As his trial unwinds, the past and the present merge as Brown’s inspiring story is told through humor, music, mystery, and drama – depicting a feverishly charged moment in history that reverberates in today’s political climate. As the plot twists, Brown’s escape plans lead to an unexpected alliance between White and Black farmers hoping to save their land from the Smoke and Mirrors Pipeline Company and its CEO, King Louie. Click here for tickets:

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs