54] Peace vigil at White House – Jan. 31
55] Women in Black vigil – Jan. 31
56] AFSC Action Hour for ceasefire –
Jan. 31
57] Making
Environmental Justice Real – Jan. 31
58] What’s next for the Democrats? –
Jan. 31
59] Metro DC
DSA Chapter-Wide Happy Hour – Jan. 31
60] Trans & Queer
Liberation Mutual Aid meeting – Jan. 31
61] I Bird I Vote
Conservation Summit – Feb. 1
62] Support socialist candidate – Feb.
1 – 2
63] Songs to change the world – Feb.
64] Germán Graciano of the Peace Community – Feb. 1
65] Donations needed for the Silent Fallout project
66] Baltimore activist selling her home
67] Medical supplies are needed in Ukraine
Read Dave Eberhardt’s book "For All the Saints- a Protest
69] Tell JHU president to renounce nuclear weapons contracts
70] Do you need a doctor?
Donate books,
videos, DVDs and records
72] Peace Park Antinuclear Vigil
53] – The Oil & Gas Action Network
[info@oilgasaction.org] on Fri., Jan. 31 at 11 AM ET wants you to get involved
with a #BoycottChevron action. People around the world will protest as Chevron
announces its latest quarterly profits. The BDS Movement has called to
#BoycottChevron because its profits come at the cost of genocide, apartheid,
and the climate crisis. Join a social media storm during the Chevron earnings
call on Fri., Jan. 31 at 11 AM ET. The Company will be live tweeting. Tweet at
Chevron and reply to their tweets to make clear that their profits come at the
cost of genocide, apartheid, and the climate crisis. See sample tweets below.
support the #BoycottChevron campaign because their profits come at the cost of
genocide in Palestine and the climate crisis. Learn more at http://bit.ly/boycottchevron @Chevron just announced $X fourth quarter
profits. The price? Genocide in Palestine and the climate crisis.
#BoycottChevron http://bit.ly/boycottchevron Israel’s apartheid, occupation, and genocide
is powered by @Chevron. Pledge to #BoycottChevron gas stations now! RSVP at http://bit.ly/boycottchevron
Genocide: Chevron is fueling Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
Chevron is currently supplying energy and millions of dollars in revenue to
apartheid Israel, as it bombs and starves millions of Palestinians. The
ceasefire has not ended assaults on Palestinians. Chevron operates offshore gas
fields in territory claimed by Israel, manages a pipeline that runs from Israel
to Egypt off the coast of Gaza, and is a key company implicated in supplying
crude oil to Israel. Fueling the Climate
Crisis: Chevron is also failing to align with international commitments to
phase out fossil fuels and limit global temperature rise. Among all
investor-owned companies, Chevron has produced the most cumulative climate
pollution in history. If the company were held partially accountable for the
climate loss and damage caused by its pollution, it would owe $900 Billion.
Chevron has been found liable for tens of Billions of dollars that they refuse
to pay for their ecological destruction and human rights violations.
54] – There is a weekly vigil at the
White House on Fridays from noon to 1 PM sponsored by the Dorothy Day Catholic
Worker. Email artlaffin@hotmail.com
or call 202-882-9649.
55] – Every Friday from
noon to 1 PM, Baltimore Women in Black vigil for peace with men and women who
live in Roland Park. WIB invites all to join, and any peace sign is welcome,
such as "Defuse Nuclear War." The vigil takes place outside
Roland Park Place at 830 West 40th Street and Elm Street. The VFP peace walkers
will join he vigil. Parking is free at RPP or at the Rotunda across the street.
Contact Ann Vinup at annvinup@gmail.com.
56] – The
American Friends Service Committee holds an Action Hour for a Cease-fire Now
every Friday at noon ET. Join AFSC staff to hear updates from Gaza. Then, take
action by contacting elected officials and call for an immediate cease-fire and
humanitarian access to Gaza. Our elected officials need to keep hearing from
us. RSVP at https://afsc.org/events/action-hour-cease-fire-now?ms=EMA24EI1103&emci=17faec34-887a-ee11-b004-00224832eb73&emdi=9695a439-f87c-ee11-b004-00224832eb73&ceid=764241
57] – Maryland
LCV [info@mdlcv.org] on Fri., Jan. 31 at 12:30 PM ET wants you to participate
in a webinar -- Making Environmental Justice Real - Understanding the CHERISH
Act. Discuss the CHERISH Our Communities
Act, a groundbreaking bill that transforms how Maryland protects communities
from pollution. Explore why some neighborhoods face multiple sources of
pollution, and how this legislation ensures everyone has a voice in decisions
affecting their health and environment. RSVP https://www.mdlcv.org/event/friday-digest-the-cherish-our-communities-act?emci=a2844824-aedd-ef11-88f8-0022482a9579&emdi=dea13ccf-7fde-ef11-88f8-0022482a9579&ceid=578562
58] – The DNC
Environment and Climate Crisis Council [info@dncclimate.org] on Fri., Jan. 31
at 5 PM ET is holding a meeting at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention
Center Hotel, Room Maryland 5/6, 201 Waterfront St., Oxon Hill 20745. Get the
New Year Plans, How to Win in 2025 + Beyond, Inspiring Speakers, and Remarks
from Candidates for DNC Chair. All Democrats are welcome to attend to hear from
exciting speakers and discuss what’s next for the Council in 2025! Get new
polling data, an important panel on climate in the next four years and what
Democrats can do, and the Council's mobilization and organization plan for
2025. Register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuq_aVVJ_-lZn9L4Kl7ZNoEBvbYMCteFfw1NlMOylSVjs35Q/viewform?link_id=2&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-youre-invited-council-meeting-in-national-harbor-on-friday-at-5pm-est&email_referrer=email_2597851&email_subject=youre-invited-council-meeting-in-national-harbor-on-friday-at-5pm-est
59] – There will be a Metro DC DSA
Chapter-Wide Happy Hour on Fri., Jan. 31 at 6 PM at
Midlands Beer Garden, 3333 Georgia Ave. NW, WDC 20010. Welcome to Final Fridays with Metro DC
DSA! RSVP at https://actionnetwork.org/events/january-2025?clear_id=true&link_id=38&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-nova-branch-dsa-upcoming-actions-and-events-195&email_referrer=email_2590813&email_subject=nova-branch-dsa-upcoming-actions-and-events
60] – Every
Friday there will be a Trans & Queer Liberation Mutual Aid meeting. The next meeting will take place on Fri.,
Jan. 31 from 7 to 8 PM ET. A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed
upon RSVP: https://actionnetwork.org/events/trans-queer-liberation-mutual-aid-meetings?clear_id=true&link_id=7&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-nova-branch-dsa-upcoming-actions-and-events-196&email_referrer=email_2598679&email_subject=nova-branch-dsa-upcoming-actions-and-events
Join Trans and Queer Liberation’s Mutual Aid Subcommittee to
be a part of supporting the local queer community. Together, stand strong for
the Trans and non-binary community
61] – I Bird I Vote Conservation Summit for Maryland will
take place on Sat., Feb. 1 from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation,
6 Herndon Ave., Annapolis 21403. Visit https://md.audubon.org/events/i-bird-i-vote-conservation-summit-maryland
Tickets for this year's summit are sold out. If you would like to be added to a
wait list, email Tess Wilson at tess.wilson@audubon.org.
62] –Metro DC DSA [info@mdcdsa.org] endorsed Shayla
Adams-Stafford, and socialists are organizing to elect a people’s champion to
the Prince George’s County Council District 5 seat. Comrades will be canvassing
for Shayla on Sat., Feb. 1 & Sun., Feb. 2 from 11 AM to 2 PM ET, starting
from the Progressive Maryland Office, 4500 Forbes Blvd.,
Lanham 20706. Knock on doors until
about 2 PM and meet up afterward to debrief. Chapter members and allies are
invited to participate: hand warmers will be provided, and warm dress is
strongly encouraged. RSVP at
Shayla is a former Teachers Union shop
steward, has led the fight on the school board for care not policing in our
schools, and fought back against developers to get strong project labor agreements
on public school projects. This race will decide the balance of power on a
County Council split 5 – 5 between corporate developer interests and
progressives. Establishment Democrats are opposing Shayla with everything they
63] –MAPA [info@masspeaceaction.org] on Sat., Feb. 1 at 7
PM ET is holding a Midwinter Concert of Songs to Change the World. You will laugh,
you will cry, but you will leave renewed to face the rest of the winter and the
challenges of our world that lay ahead.
Welcome back and revel again in Ben Grosscup's topical music as they
both help all mourn the atrocities of the past year, laugh at the absurdities
we confront each day, and set us off one more time to change the world for the
better. Charlie is a co-founder of the People’s Music Network for Songs of
Freedom and Struggle and Ben is the executive director. Both are troubadours of
our peace and justice movement. You can view the concert by Zoom at
64] – The
Colombia Support Network on
Sat., Feb. 1 at 7 PM ET will hold a conversation with Germán Graciano of the Peace
Community of San Jose de Apartado. Please provide your email address
at the bottom of the form linked here, and you will receive the Zoom link ahead
of the presentation. Additionally, if you have any questions for German, please
include those in your response. RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCA3_CTaQAiMMRnaJ4BFQtGxQkCIavfavzWIQjl9N8g-_IAQ/viewform?usp=preview
Germán Graciano Posso,
born in 1982 in Apartadó, Colombia, is currently the Legal Representative of
the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, to which he has belonged since its
foundation in 1997. From a very young age, Germán has actively participated in
the organization of the Peace Community, leading initiatives for the protection
of human rights and the environment. The Peace Community ( CdP) is a campesino
initiative of resistance to armed conflict in Colombia, founded in 1997 by more
than 500 peasants who, despite the violence, decided to remain in
their territory, adopting the principles of International Humanitarian Law and
committing themselves to not carrying arms, not giving information to armed
actors, fighting impunity and opting for peace through dialogue and
negotiation. It has become a model for peacebuilding both nationally and
65] – Hideaki Ito
[silentfalloutproject.org@gmail.com] wants to give you an update about the
Silent Fallout Project. It has been more than five months since Silent Fallout
was screened in Baltimore. He wants to express his sincere gratitude to all who
supported the project during its US tour and hosted screenings. The film was
shown in 20 locations over 43 days to over 600 people. The film aims to raise
awareness about the reality of radiation contamination across the American
continent and how many Americans are unknowingly exposed. It helps people
understand that they are impacted by this issue and then use the US as a
starting point to spark a global conversation about radiation.
Currently, the
project is facing a deficit of $100K, and its future is uncertain. However, Ito
is determined to raise funds and continue its activities. In 2025, which marks
the 80th year since the birth of the atomic bomb, there is a plan to embark on
a European screening tour, produce a new film, conduct a second US tour, and
host a large-scale event on August 6th. Make a donation at https://www.silentfalloutproject.org/donation
66] – A home in
Baltimore is for sale on a dead-end street in the Lauraville neighborhood, with
three bedrooms, and one bath. The yard backs into a field and then a forest.
There is a serene and quiet setting with an abundance of wildlife. The owner
will be asking a reasonable amount for the property but it will not be
overpriced. Contact her by text only at 443 500 6733. On the text, leave your
name and phone number, and she will get back to anyone that reaches out.
67] -- If you are able to donate any
kind of surplus medical supplies for field hospitals in eastern Ukraine, please
email Brendan.walls@seaseton.org
or call 410-721-70 x231. There is a colleague whose father is a medic on
the front line. One container is shipped every month to the Donbass region.
Donations can be picked up in Baltimore and Columbia every Thursday, and on
other days in Annapolis and Crofton.
68] – David
Eberhardt was a member of the Baltimore Four with Father Philip Berrigan, Tom
Lewis and Rev. James Mengel. The group poured blood on draft files on
October 27, 1967. They would be convicted and sentenced to prison.
He has written a book "For All
the Saints- a Protest Primer"- documenting the Baltimore Four action and
many others up to and including the most recent Plowshares action – Kings Bay
Plowshares 7. Dave
printed new copies of For All the Saints, a Protest Primer- 250+ pp w
photos-therefore #'s 351-400 making it o so collectable with two Berrigan book
reviews added. The books are signed, and the price remains $25. Will send free
if need be- he is not in it for the money! If you want one, send him a check,
or contact Dave Eberhardt, 4 Hadley Square North, Baltimore, MD 21218 by email
at 1941mireille@gmail.com.
INTERNATIONAL LAW. The world reached a historic milestone on January 22, 2021:
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons [TPNW] entered into force and
become binding international law -- https://www.icanw.org/the_treaty.
Nuclear War/Maryland has called attention to the growing danger of nuclear war
and the outrageous $1.7 trillion dollars we are spending to upgrade the nuclear
arsenal. On July 18, 2017, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory,
a U.S. Navy - affiliated research center received a seven-year, $92 million
contract to continue its systems engineering and research-and-development services
for the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center. Help convince JHU to renounce nuclear
weapons contracts. Contact the president, Ron Daniels, to urge him to reject
all nuclear weapons contracts: Office of the President, 242 Garland Hall, The
Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Maryland 21218.
Call his office at (410) 516-8068 or email president@jhu.edu.
– Yousef
Zarbalian [yzarbali@gmail.com]
started his own medical practice in December before the pandemic hit. It is called East-West
Medicine and Rheumatology, and its website is EastWestMD.com. Yousef
is licensed in Maryland and Virginia. He is doing primary care as well as
rheumatologic care (focusing on joint problems and autoimmune diseases like
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sjogren's). He is offering telemedicine
visits, and he has very reasonable rates for uninsured individuals. He
makes use of herbs (which can be sent directly to patients from the herbal
dispensary) as well as prescribing medications to their local pharmacy if
71] -- If you would like to get rid
of books, videos, DVDs, records, tarps and table cloths, contact Max at
410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at comcast.net.
72] -- A
Peace Park Antinuclear Vigil takes place every day in Lafayette Park, 1601
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 24 hours a day, since June 3, 1981. Go to http://prop1.org; call
Donations can be
sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, and 431 Notre Dame Lane,
Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212. Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001
[at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.
“One is called to
live nonviolently, even if the change one works for seems impossible. It may or
may not be possible to turn the US around through nonviolent revolution. But
one thing favors such an attempt: the total inability of violence to change
anything for the better" - Daniel Berrigan