24] Stop the execution of two Kurdish women
25] Doomsday clock announcement -- Jan.
26] Power Half-Hour for
Gaza –
Jan. 28 – 30
27] Russia out of Ukraine – Jan. 28
28] Environmental Summit -- Jan. 28
29] North Baltimore County Democratic Club meeting – Jan. 28
30] DSA Medicare for All – Jan. 28
31] Welcome new Congress – Jan. 28
32] Gaza ceasefire – Jan. 28
24] –The Islamic regime in Iran is using execution verdicts as a
desperate act to suppress peaceful demonstrations and protests due to the
disastrous economic condition in Iran. The judicial system in Iran
executes innocent activist and individuals by forced confessions, torture and
sham trials. The unjust death sentences for Pakhshan Azizi and Varisheh
Moradi is another act of desperation by the Islamic Republic’s use of capital
punishment to suppress members of minority communities and terrorize Iranian
women who are fighting tirelessly for their rights as equal citizens of
Iran. You are asked to show your urgent support for contacting the United
Nations Human Rights office and Iranian mission at United Nations to demand the
Islamic republic of Iran stop the unjust execution verdicts for both women and
hundreds of other prisoners on death row in Iran. These prisoners must receive
fair trials according to international judicial standards, including the right
for all prisoners to independent counsels.
Contact the permanent mission of Iran, 622 Third Avenue, 34th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10017 -- https://geneva.mfa.gov.ir or Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Palais Wilson, 52 rue des Pâquis, CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland -- ohchr-InfoDesk@un.org
25] –The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists <newsletter@thebulletin.org> wants you to know that the Doomsday Clock announcement will take place on Tues., Jan 28 at 10 AM ET Tune in via livestream. Speakers include members of the Bulletin's Science and Security Board alongside Juan Manuel Santos, chair of The Elders, former president of Colombia, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
26] – Jewish Voice for Peace is doing a Power Half-Hour for Gaza: Channel grief & outrage into action to stop a genocide. A year into the genocide in Gaza, we are overwhelmed with sorrow and rage. There are no words to describe the devastating pain of the past year in which the Israeli military has killed over 44,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including more than 17,000 children. The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court have both declared that Israel must stop the genocidal acts being committed on the Palestinian people. And the U.S. government is actively supporting the Israeli military as it wreaks devastation on the over 2 million Palestinians in Gaza. JVP continues to come together as a political community in its daily half-hour to take action, Monday through Friday, for the past year. Join in and take collective action to demand an arms embargo to Israel, immediate end to the genocide, a lasting ceasefire and an end to Israeli siege, apartheid, occupation, and oppression of Palestinians and Lebanon. All are welcome. All are needed. Get involved at 3 PM ET on Tues., Jan. 28 through Thurs., Jan. 30. Visit https://jvp-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Un0Lupy1SFObVVXJaZO5UQ?_x_zm_rtaid=8L0JUS3pQkenMGtx9ha3mQ.1732760660364.03949df73aedc7035fc618f76c52fc75&_x_zm_rhtaid=249#/registration
27] – Join the Baltimore Nonviolence Center on Tues., Jan. 28 from 4:30 to 5 PM ET at 33rd and N. Charles Sts. The invasion of Ukraine has the potential to become a war extending throughout Europe. Putin has destroyed Aleppo and Grozny and has threatened the use of nuclear weapons. Russian soldiers were sent into the area around the contaminated and still radioactive Chernobyl nuclear plant. Now they are stationed in the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe. Contact Max at mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net or 410-323-1607.
28] – On Tues., Jan. 28 from 6 to 7:30 PM, come to the Asbury United Methodist Church, 87 West Street, Annapolis 21401. Attend the 2025 Maryland Environmental Legislative Summit. Join the Environmental Community to learn about our 2025 Environmental legislative priorities, hear from elected officials, community leaders, and connect with your neighbors about environmental issues affecting all Marylanders. RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJA6rCclSf6iCqXiRXs4OMY4QymeSwvUZW_lENDJ6ooHFKFg/viewform?emci=56ebb183-11cd-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&emdi=2894e7a0-40d3-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&ceid=574059
29] – On Tues., Jan. 28 from 7 to 8:30 PM ET at the Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille, 118 Shawan Road, Suite HH, Cockeysville 21030 be at the North Baltimore County Democratic Club meeting . Be involved (in-person and offered virtually) to plan for the upcoming year, elect the NBCDC 2025 Officers, prepare for the Maryland General Assembly 2025 session, and more! RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/747731/?followup_modal_context=nonexclusive_newsletter_closest
30] – The Metro DC DSA [info@mdcdsa.org] wants you to know about an event on Tues., Jan. 28 from 7 to 8:30 PM ET -- Northern Virginia DSA Medicare for ALL 101 Organizer Training. A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP https://actionnetwork.org/events/dsa-nova-m4a-101-organizer-training-january-28-2025-at-7pm?link_id=54&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-january-3-2025-2&email_referrer=email_2593574&email_subject=metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-january-24-2025
Discuss Medicare for All organizer training and public education campaigns in northern Virginia and plan other actions to ensure healthcare as a human right. The group meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month, and the meetings are open to all who support healthcare as a human right. We spend more per capita on healthcare than any other country in the world, but have little to show for that expenditure other than falling life expectancy, high maternal mortality, and increasing medical debt. This is why it is more important than ever that we turn this anger into action by organizing a nationwide grassroots movement in support of national, improved Medicare for All. This session will train new organizers about the causes of dysfunction in the US healthcare system, how Medicare for All legislation will work, and how to conduct local campaigns to build momentum for a universal single-payer healthcare system.
31] – FCNL [support@fcnl.org] on Tues., Jan. 28 at 8 PM ET wants you to Welcome the New Congress with Action! You may be wondering how we can make a difference with our advocacy in the current political environment. You’re not alone. FCNL has been strategizing and planning, and it is prepared for the challenges ahead. Learn how your advocacy can power legislative change in the 119th Congress. The call will focus on how we can work together on opportunities we can seize and threats we cannot ignore. Rsvp at https://act.fcnl.org/survey/welcome-119th-congress-action?t=23&utm_campaign=&utm_source=ak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=84865.152065.gHgzii&akid=84865%2E152065%2EgHgzii
32] – Americans Muslims for Palestine [info@ampalestine.org] on Tues., Jan. 28 at 8 PM ET will hold a webinar “Gaza Ceasefire: Next Steps in Advocating for Peace, Rebuilding, and Justice,” featuring policy experts, activists, community leaders, and legal professionals. Watch LIVE on YouTube, Facebook, X, and Instagram. Visit https://www.facebook.com/ampalestine/photos/-uscmo-join-our-special-webinar-on-gaza-ceasefire-next-steps-in-advocating-for-p/1047128757443508/?_rdr
To be continued.
Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212. Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.
"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs
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