34] Lobby for Back from the Brink – Jan. 16
35] Lobby training – Jan. 16
36] Demystifying Divestment – Jan. 16
37] Prepare for inauguration – Jan. 16
38] Tragedy of Ukraine War – Jan. 16
39] IfNotNow meeting – Jan. 16
40] Micro-plastics campaign – Jan. 16
41] PDA Campaign Call – Jan. 16
34] -- Join Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility
president Dr. Gwen DuBois [info@chesapeakepsr.org] on Thurs., Jan. 16 from 10
AM to noon ET in Annapolis. Lobby to help prevent nuclear war and make the
world safer for children, families, and neighbors – starting right here in
Maryland. During the Reagan administration, the Nuclear Freeze movement, a
grassroots movement of millions of Americans, successfully pressured our
government to sign a treaty with the Soviet Union that led to the elimination
of a whole class of nuclear armed missiles. Subsequent treaties have led to a
reduction in nuclear warheads between Russia and the U.S., and now, worldwide,
the total is 12,100, 90% of which belong to Russia and the U.S. But these
weapons still pose an intolerable risk to humanity.
Talk to your legislator about the urgent need to pass a Back from the Brink resolution about preventing nuclear war in Maryland. Then, hang out at a pizza party later in the day. Contact Gwen for more information. 41] -- Muslims for Just Futures [community@muslimsforjustfutures.org] on Thurs., Jan. 16 from noon to 1:30 PM ET will hold a webinar Get Prepared: Protect Yourself and Community from State Repression. This event will provide you with valuable resources, practical tools, and actionable knowledge to protect yourself and your community. Explore the MJF virtual Community Defense Hub and the comprehensive resources it offers for community resilience. Learn from MJF legal network attorneys about asserting your rights against law enforcement, immigration authorities, state surveillance, and state repression. This session will revisit critical lessons from past state prosecutions against activists, including mistakes made under the first iteration of the Trump Administration, and equip you with strategies to be prepared for what lies ahead. RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSePKzsSGOodWYg36Y2quQt9xqsDj5OlNW2WRerfTerA1yZm2w/viewform
35] -- CCAN Action Fund [info@ccanactionfund.org] is inviting you to lobby for the climate on Thurs., Jan. 16 from 10 AM to 1:30 PM ET. The biggest fossil fuel companies and polluters continue to release massive amounts of planet-warming CO2, Maryland taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for the resulting extreme weather impacts. That’s why you should tell our legislators to make polluters pay. SIGN up for a lobby captain training. YOU have the opportunity to make a big difference fighting for our climate during this legislative session.
CCAN is trying to pass three bills this year: The Responding to Emergency Needs and Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act would require the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to conduct a study determining the costs of harmful emissions from the largest fossil fuel companies in Maryland and fine them for their pollution. Call on the Maryland legislature to reduce emissions from and make our homes more safe and healthy by passing the Better Buildings Act, which would require that we electrify all new electric buildings in Maryland. Finally call on the legislature to pass the Affordable, Abundance Clean Energy Act so Maryland can invest in building as many clean energy resources as possible within the state to increase our energy independence. Sign up at https://www.mobilize.us/ccanactionfund/event/746883/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=engagingnetworks&utm_campaign=mdce&utm_content=MD-CE-Lobby+captain+training-0125-c4
36] -- Timmon [timmon@nuclearban.us] on Thurs., Jan. 16 at 1 PM ET wants you to attend Demystifying Divestment and learn how to move our money out of the industries that threaten our shared future. Divestment is a powerful tool being used around the world to put pressure on the companies maintaining the fossil fuel and nuclear weapons industries. Learn about the power of divestment as a campaign and organizational tool. Hear about its past and current successes to effect change. Understand how you as a can take part and make a difference with your money and in your community. Register at https://warheadstowindmills.org/demystifying-divestment/
37] -- CODEPINK is holding an Inauguration Week DC - Prep Meeting on Thurs., Jan. 16 at 6 PM ET. Discuss the days leading up to Jan 20, direct actions, visuals, messaging and more! Bring ideas, questions and a friend! RSVP at https://www.codepink.org/dcjan20_prepcall?utm_campaign=dc_jan_13_2025_events&utm_medium=email&utm_source=codepink
38] -- MAPA [info@masspeaceaction.org] on Thurs., Jan. 16 at 7 PM ET is hosting a webinar The Tragedy of the Ukraine War: Compromise or Collapse? It will feature Nicolai N. Petro, the Professor of Political Science at University of Rhode Island and author of “The Tragedy of Ukraine: What Classical Greek Tragedy Can Teach Us About Conflict Resolution” (2023). He served as special assistant for policy in the US State Department (1989-1990), as Fulbright Professor in Russia (1996-1997) and in Ukraine (2013-2014), visiting the latter yearly until 2021. Register at https://secure.everyaction.com/YGvVcHl8c0qrnCr0hw1k9Q2?contactdata=K2njMISu45UYhkUQPSEnQKIFdk90GuN3Ql6nSWgxoYj5MxnCw0TmmXi8ykIoxWl18DsfdC4QvXIa7Uh6MFXyf9+o50WK5BM03+UQ8hYTv2gnwoORfyJtINfiEf5opR+oFiIQ33P3kI4jIjVY1dnGTvPKhTpwVunvSQZt+u5jRufEarT+sl9b8oubtxt21eN6ZJR5%2fNY704c8cBNDqz5UFjBx%2fvZV5ZwnzqgfFLth4pAexyLnEc4B57OcO7iGePzYSR8hUTXdUnRFrIHczBMC+5xdUBGN%2fvEHGcLUcVTsDKxJD8J+J8pOsXPX601EyKVDvlye157KvShMvhdn2iDf9A%3d%3d&ms=email-ukraine-webinar-250110&emci=080d4e54-7fcf-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&emdi=856f5826-9fcf-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&ceid=269591
39] -- IfNotNow [info@ifnotnowmovement.org] is holding a meeting on Thurs., Jan. 16 at 8 PM ET to discuss Project Esther. RSVP at https://secure.everyaction.com/9-xcxARLy0CpUdiFcL22MA2?ms=1925EmailNonMemberSignup&sourceid=1051385&emci=7d685a7a-a9d2-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&emdi=8e35ee82-a9d2-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&ceid=30868439
By now, you’ve likely heard about Project Esther. It’s a plan by the Heritage Foundation to use Donald Trump’s second term to obliterate not only the movement for Palestinian rights, but any organization they deem “un-American.” Under the guise of “combating terrorism,” the plan’s white, Christian, evangelical authors outline the very tactics that have been deployed against Jews. On the call, we’ll hear from Emma Saltzberg, U.S. Strategic Campaigns Director at Diaspora Alliance, an organization that works to strengthen multiracial, pluralistic democracy by confronting antisemitism and its instrumentalization – and has been leading efforts against the IHRA definition.
We’ll also hear from Tariq Habash, who resigned from his position in the Biden Administration over Gaza. Tariq is a co-founder of A New Policy, a policy and lobbying organization and political action committee focused on protecting open debate in the U.S. on the issue of Israel/Palestine and enforcing American law as it relates to Israel.
40] – Food & Water Action [act@fwaction.org] is launching a campaign against micro-plastics on Thurs., Jan. 16 from 8 to 9 PM ET. The campaign will bring volunteers and activists like YOU together to take the offensive on stopping micro-plastics pollution. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/fww/event/745611/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=engagingnetworks&utm_campaign=onor_em_01092025_Microplastics-Event&utm_content=2025-01-09+FWA+c4+NAT+Water+Microplastics-Campaign-Launch+Event+em+nL+O+NS
41] -- Mike Fox for Progressive Democrats of America [info@pdamerica.org] on Thurs., Jan. 16 at 9 PM ET wants you to know about Building the Resistance and Winning Special Elections on this Campaign to Victory Call. Want some good news in these dark times? Join a Campaign to Victory Team call. Identify where we're succeeding, how we build upon that, and how we bring in not only a big victory in FL-06 in the primary on January 28, but in other early year Special Elections. Discuss what we all can do to make a real difference with just an hour here or there. Register and the machine will send you your secure link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrcuGgrDItHdeYV7F9QQsruFMypvcMt5Fc#/registration
To be continued.
Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212. Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.
"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs
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