Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Baltimore Activists Alert -- June 20, 2024

40] UNRWA celebrates World Refugee Day – June 20

41] Brainstorm with ICAN about nuclear spending report – June 20

42] Phone bank for Jamaal Bowman – June 20

43] Virginia Victory 2924 – June 20

44] Juneteenth celebration – June 20

45] Climate activists defeated fossil fuel June 20

46] World Refugee Day – June 20

47] Songs of Struggle in the Americas – June 20

48] Moms demand Action meeting -- June 20

49] Letter writing with Greenpeace -- June 20

50] Stop the Money Pipeline -- June 20

51] Urgency for Palestine – June 20

52] Campaign to Victory Call – June 20


40] – UNRWA USA [] is hosting an event on World Refugee Day, Thursday, June 20, at noon ET. As we grieve the ongoing catastrophe in Gaza, UNRWA is also committed to preserving and honoring the stories of Palestine refugees.  While Palestine refugees mainly live in and around camps across the Middle East, many have built lives in the diaspora, including in the United States and Canada. These individuals have thrived as doctors, teachers, authors, engineers, and artists in their communities, often attributing their success to the support of UNRWA. Our Refugee Advisory Council members are children of UNRWA. They will share stories of how the Agency was integral to their upbringings in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon and continues to be part of their lives today. This event will also feature a music performance or two by talented artists from Gaza. RSVP at

41]ICAN [] is inviting you to brainstorm virtually about the nuclear spending report on Thurs., June 20 at 3 PM ET. RSVP at

42] – The Nurses' Campaign To Win Medicare For All [] wants you to get out the vote on Thurs., June 20 at 5 PM ET for Rep. Jamaal Bowman. If we don’t use our collective power to support Jamaal, we may lose one of the most outspoken supporters of Medicare for All. Rep. Bowman has remained steadfast in his support of Medicare for All, but AIPAC and other PACs are fueling his opponent’s campaign to unseat Jamaal and undermine our progress. Sign up at

43] –On Thurs., June 20 from 5:30 to 8 PM ET, get with a Virginia Victory 2024: Monthly Grassroots Leadership Call, hosted by Tim Kaine for Virginia. RSVP at

44] – LCV [] on Thurs., June 20 from 6:30 to 8 PM ET is holding a Juneteenth Celebration: Honoring Freedom, Advancing Democracy, and Upholding Voting Rights. This holiday is also known as Freedom Day, a federal holiday marking the day that over 250,000 Black Americans were finally freed in Texas by executive decree — over two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued.  LCV invites you to a virtual panel conversation with climate organizers and Black leaders across the country to discuss our current political landscape, the impacts of environmental racism, and the intersectionality of issues that affect Black Americans. RSVP at

45] – WePower is hosting a gathering on Thurs., June 20 from 6:30 to 8 PM ET to learn how Mi’kmaq grandmothers and climate activists defeated fossil fuel. AltaGas — the controversial parent company of Washington Gas — is increasingly referred to as “one of the worst fossil fuel companies in North America.” For nearly 10 years, Indigenous Mi’kmaq grandmothers from Nova Scotia fought — and won — a bruising pipeline fight against AltaGas. Along the way, they encountered the kind of false claims, greed and fossil fuel expansion efforts that Washington Gas now shows almost daily across DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia. Join WePower DC on Thurs., June 20 from 6:30 to 8 PM at the Foundry United Methodist Church, 1500 16th St. NW, WDC 20036 to hear the incredible story of the Mi’kmaq grandmothers and of climate activists’ fight against AltaGas, and learn how you, too, can fight AltaGas and Stop Project Pipes. RSVP AT

46] – Valentina Dallona [] wants you to attend a webinar on Thurs., June 20, World Refugee Day, at 6:30 PM ET for a conversation on how we stand with climate displaced people around the world! As our leaders in government increasingly move to shut down our borders by means of physical and legal measures, we want to come together this World Refugee Day to honor the strength and resilience of displaced individuals worldwide and explore strategies to advance global climate justice for immigrant and refugee communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Talk about how we can fight for global climate action and work towards a future where all individuals can thrive in safe and sustainable communities.  RSVP at

47] – TUNE IN on Thurs., June 20 from 7 to 9 PM ET to THIS LIVE (free) BROADCAST via YOUTUBE and Facebook of Songs of Struggle in the Americas.  It is produced by the Peoples Music Network, and coordinated by Nicaragua's Ambassador to the US & Canada, Lautaro Sandino.  Hear from musicians from across the Americas and enjoy simultaneous translation of conversations. Go to

48] –Alison Rodner [] wants you to join MD Moms Demand Action for the virtual chapter meeting on Thurs., June 20 at 7 PM ET. RSVP at*fhxs4v*_ga*OTU2MjA3NzAxLjE3MDgxMDg0NDQ.*_ga_LT0FWV3EK3*MTcxNzQ0ODk2MS42MS4xLjE3MTc0NDg5NzYuMC4wLjA.&emci=b12cd7a5-ed21-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&emdi=a1dee594-3c24-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&ceid=1738958

Get an update on the work going on around the state and talk about upcoming events and actions. New members are always welcome!

49] – Greenpeace USA [] wants you to know that letter writing is back on Thurs., June 20 at 8 PM ET.  ‌Join Greenpeace USA Votes’ kickoff call to learn about letter writing for the 2024 General Election!  Last year was Earth's warmest year on record, and climate scientists are predicting 2024 will be even hotter than 2023. Hotter temperatures means more severe natural disasters like hurricanes and tropical cyclones; wildfires and floods will wreak havoc on more communities across the country. The situation is dire; we need champions in Congress who will fight for a healthy planet and a people-powered democracy. Sign up at

50] –Stop the Money Pipeline [] is trying to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and Indigenous and local communities in Virginia and West Virginia have been at the forefront of the resistance to the Mountain Valley Pipeline for years. Mountain Valley Inc. has been trying to put the pipeline in service this month, but has faced consistent delays. On Thurs., June 20 at 8 PM ET, join an educational webinar about the status of the fight against MVP and learn how you can get involved:

51] – Join Friends of Sabeel North America on Thurs., June 20 at 8 PM ET for an urgent upcoming webinar with Jonathan Kuttab, moderated by Ciara Taylor: The Fierce Urgency of Now: For Palestine, There Is No Time for Apathy. With new insights and key takeaways about this historic crisis, FOSNA Executive Director Jonathan Kuttab returns from Palestine with an urgent message and call to action for the FOSNA community and all persons of conscience. We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there "is" such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action. Register at

52] -- Mike Fox for Progressive Democrats of America [] wants you to join in on Thurs., June 20 at 9 PM ET for the Campaign to Victory Call.  RSVP at

We have several vital elections coming up, and we need a full team effort nationwide to bring home these crucial victories. Many primaries are quickly approaching. Squad Member Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) is right in the crosshairs of AIPAC and other dark money players because of his principled progressive stands. Bonnie Watson-Coleman has been endorsed several times, and she's been a stalwart Progressive Caucus Member and champion for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, Peace, and all of our other issues.  John Padora (CO-04) is a future Squad Member, and an inspiring voice for addressing additional issues, such as economic justice.

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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