Monday, June 17, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- June 17 - 18, 2024

18] ICAN to release report – June 17

19] Reject anti-democratic ballot initiatives – June 17

20] CCAN meeting – June 17

21] Hear from RABBI ARIK ASCHERMAN June 17

22] Poor People's Campaign pep rally June 17

23] Gaza Summer School – June 17

24] Care over Cost campaign meeting – June 17

25] Back from the Brink meeting – June 18

26] Letter-Writing with Swing Left Baltimore – June 18


18] – Susi Snyder, ICAN [] hopes you will join in on Mon., June 17 at 7 PM ET for the launching of the 5th annual report on global nuclear weapons spending and seek your help in preparing for the next move to put an end to this cycle of spending. RSVP at

19] – Rachel Kutler [] wants you to know that Jews United for Justice are committed to be sure that Baltimore City will Not be bought. On Mon., June 17 at 7 PM ET, get involved with the Baltimore Action Team to fight off two ballot initiatives: The first measure, bankrolled by executive chairman of Sinclair Broadcasting David Smith, would limit the political power of Baltimore City residents by shrinking the Baltimore City Council from 14 to 8 members. This would make it easier for millionaires and special interests to buy and control the City Council. The second, funded by developers and real estate interests, is a property tax measure named “Renew Baltimore,” which would cut property tax revenue by 44% in seven years, slashing hundreds of millions of dollars from the Baltimore City budget – leaving the city unable to pay for public schools, police and fire departments, sanitation, parks, and other basic services city residents rely on every day.  RSVP at

20] – CCAN [] on Mon., June 17 at 7 PM ET wants to know your climate priorities for Maryland. Maryland is still not on track to meet our climate goals, and time is running out. In order to reduce emissions 60% by 2031, as required by Maryland law, the state will have to take bold action in the next year. But what will that action be? And what will we do together to help achieve it?   RSVP at

21] –RABBI ARIK ASCHERMAN will speak on Mon., June 17 at 7 PM ET at Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3107 N. Charles St. to discuss the grave circumstances Palestinians face and the mission of Torat-Tzedek volunteers to protect them from violence and displacement. Torat Tzedek (Torah of Justice) is an Israeli human rights non-profit organization internationally recognized as a role model for faith-based activism. You can also participate by Zoom:

22] – United for Peace & Justice [] is letting you know about a virtual pep rally on Mon., June 17 at 8 PM ET for the Poor People’s Campaign and Moral March on June 29. RSVP at

23] – CODEPINK [] wants you to know that the local peace economy is coming to the Gaza Summer School on Mon., June 17 at 8 PM ET. ‌ ‌RSVP at

Pivot towards Self-Responsibility.  During the bi-weekly Local Peace Economy Community Calls, learn from and support one another in our journeys to cultivate community where we live.  In order for our local peace economies to flourish, we must come to know the way individualism lives within us and pivot instead to self-responsibility, which allows us to take responsibility for our needs, our values, and our contributions to the world.

24] – Patty Snee [] on Mon., June 17 at 8 PM ET will alert us to the Care over Cost campaign meeting with UnitedHealth officials on June 11.  The executives were told to end their Care Denials!! RSVP at

25] – Back from the Brink [] will be meeting on Tuesday, June 18 at 1 PM ET.  RSVP at On June 21st, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCOM) at their annual meeting will be considering an important resolution, The Imperative of Dialogue in a Time of Acute Nuclear Dangers. Can you reach out to your mayor and ask him/her to agree to be a co-sponsor of this resolution? The deadline for doing so is June 20th and your mayor must be a member of the USCOM. If you think you can help but have questions please reach out to Sean Meyer at

26] – Letter-Writing with Swing Left Baltimore will happen on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 PM ET.  This will take place on June 18 & June 25.  Meet the organizer on his/her porch in Roland Park to make a difference in the upcoming election. Flip the House and re-elect President Biden. Write letters using an award-winning, proven tactic to reach potential voters in important upcoming elections. Never written letters before? Hop on to and make an account; and download twenty letters.  RSVP at

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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