Monday, June 10, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- June 11, 2024

25] Shut down Dakota Access Pipeline – June 11

26] Worker organizing – June 11

27] Death penalty, never fair – June 11

28] Russia out of Ukraine – June 11

29] Phone bank for climate hawks – June 11

30] Build power for working families – June 11

31] Hala Rharrit, former U.S. Diplomat, speaks – June 11

32] White Poverty – June 11

33] IRA Direct Pay Opportunity June 11

34] How you can Impact our Elections in 2024 – June 11


25] – Oil Change International [] wants you to join a rally on Tues., June 11 at noon outside the White House to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline. Standing Rock needs you again. Tell Congress and President Biden: SHUTDOWN DAPL NOW. Demand the Army Corps of Engineers choose Option 2 — close down the pipeline, seal it, and revoke the permit at Lake Oahe.  RSVP at

26] – On Tues., June 11 at 2 PM ET, join Our Revolution for a LIVE discussion on worker organizing with the Economic Policy Institute and new developments at the National Labor Relations Board. NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo will give a breakdown on all the major reforms her office has undertaken. And, Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen will join her on a panel to discuss their impact on workplace organizing. Learn about the measures the NLRB has taken to support workers' organizing and bargaining rights under the Biden administration, and hear from Cindy Estrada, Strategic Advisor to the President for the Center for Transformational Organizing, AFL-CIO. RSVP at

27] – Death Penalty Focus [] is holding a webinar on Tues., June 11 at 3 PM ET -- "Alameda County CA Prosecutors and the Exclusion of Jewish and Black Jurors." The discussion will examine how the Alameda County District Attorney's office systematically excluded people of certain faiths, races, or genders from serving on juries. Moderated by DPF President Mike Farrell, in conversation with Brian Pomerantz and Ann-Kathryn Tria, the discussion will examine how a death sentence appeal was the catalyst for the discovery of the practice, and the subsequent order by a federal judge for the DA's office to review 35 death sentences going back 30 years for evidence of jury exclusion. Register at

28] – Join the Baltimore Nonviolence Center on Tues., June 11 from 5 to 5:30 PM ET at 33rd and N. Charles Sts. The invasion of Ukraine has the potential to become a war extending throughout Europe.  Putin has destroyed Aleppo and Grozny and has threatened the use of nuclear weapons.  Russian soldiers were sent into the area around the contaminated and still radioactive Chernobyl nuclear plant. Now they are stationed in the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe.   Contact Max at mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net or 410-323-1607.

29] – Join Food & Water Action, Climate Hawks Vote [] and others to call voters  ahead of June primaries!  On Tues., June 11 and/or Tues., June 18 from 6 to 8 PM ET, make calls to voters in New York to elect climate champions to Congress. RSVP at

 Early voting has just begun in New York, support climate hawk Rep. Jamaal Bowman and Sarah Klee Hood who is trying to flip a key Red-to-Blue district.  Hood is an Air Force veteran and environmental policy expert who currently serves as a town councilor in DeWitt. She ran in this district in 2022, placing second in the primary.  She lists as climate/ environment priorities, among other things, bringing clean energy jobs to this district and advocating for a farm bill that addresses weather-related vulnerabilities. She’s on the executive board of a local Sierra Club chapter, and recently worked at a climate tech small business incubator. She has recently signed the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge.

30] – Every other Tuesday, the Working Families Party will engage in a Virtual Text Bank. On Tues., June 11 from 6 to 7:45 PM ET, volunteer to text. From local elections to ballot initiatives to Congress, we're building power at the local, state, and federal level for working people in 2024! RSVP at

31] –Hear a conversation with Hala Rharrit, former U.S. Diplomat, and with Andy Shallal, founder of Busboys and Poets on Tues., June 11 at 6 PM ET at 450 K St. NW, WDC 20001. Rharrit is the first-known career U.S. diplomat to resign due to the administration's stance on the genocide in Gaza. Go to

32] –Rev. William Barber & Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove will address their book "White Poverty" on Tues., June 11 from 7 to 11 PM at the Enoch Pratt Free Library, 400 Cathedral St., Baltimore 21201. When most Americans think of poverty, they imagine Black faces. As a teenager, Reverend William J. Barber II recalls seeing Black mothers interviewed on television whenever there was a story on food stamps or unemployment; poverty, then as now, was depicted as an essentially Black problem. In a work that promises to have lasting repercussions, Barber—now a leading advocate for the rights of our nation’s poor and the “closest person we have to Dr. King” (Cornel West)—addresses white poverty as a hugely neglected subject that might just be the key to mitigating racism and bringing together the tens of millions working-class and impoverished whites with low-income Blacks. Recognizing that angry social media posts have replaced food, education, and housing as a “salve” for the white poor, Barber contends that the millions of America’s lowest-income earners have much in common, and together with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, provides one of the most sympathetic and visionary approaches to endemic poverty in decades.

 Reverend Barber is a Protestant minister, social activist, professor, and founding director of the Center for Public Theology and Public Policy at Yale Divinity School. Wilson-Hartgrove is founder of the School for Conversion and assistant director of the Center for Public Theology and Public Policy at Yale Divinity School. RSVP at

33] – Taylor Smith-Hams, [] thinks you will be interested in an event on Tues., June 11 at 7 PM ET -- IRA Direct Pay Opportunity.   RSVP at

Join every Tuesday at 7 PM ET to dive deep into utility campaigning! Each session will feature different guest speakers who will share their expertise and then lead attendees in interactive breakout sessions through July 16.

34] – FCNL [] on Tues., June 11 at 7 PM ET is sponsoring a webinar How You can Impact our Elections in 2024. FCNL believes you can help bring about a world marked by justice and peace. To learn how you can get involved to engage candidates and help protect our democracy, register at

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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