Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- September 4 - 5, 2024

28] Close down Gitmo – Sept. 4

29] Hear from Ari Berman – Sept. 4

30] Team ENOUGH is a youth-led program – Sept. 4

31] Postcard Writing for Gun Sense Candidates – Sept. 4

32] Learn about direct communication – Sept. 4

33] Planet in Peril Sept. 4

34] Progressive Issues Activism – Sept. 4

35] HBCUs on MPT – Sept. 4

36] Vote Save America 2024 – Sept. 4 - 5

37] Swing Left – Sept. 4

38] Representatives of Future Generations – Sept. 5


28] -- Steve Lane [] wants you to join a vigil on Wed., Sept. 4 at noon in front of the White House.  This vigil is aimed at urging passers-by to help close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

29] -- On Wed., Sept. 4 at 5 PM ET, get with Majority over MAGA Book Talk with Ari Berman. Register for Co-Executive Director Ezra Levin’s conversation with Berman -- author of Minority Rule – at

 The mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, represented an extreme form of the central danger facing American democracy today: a blatant disregard for the will of the majority. This crisis didn’t begin or end with Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election. Through voter suppression, election subversion, gerrymandering, dark money, the takeover of the courts, and the whitewashing of history, reactionary white conservatives have strategically entrenched power in the face of a massive demographic and political shift. Berman charts these efforts with sweeping historical research and incisive on-the-ground reporting, chronicling how a wide range of antidemocratic tactics interact with profound structural inequalities in institutions like the Electoral College, the Senate, and the Supreme Court to threaten the survival of representative government in America.

30] -- Are you a young person between 13 and 25 years old who is interested in taking action around preventing gun violence? On Wednesdays, including Sept. 4, from 6 to 7 PM ET, join a Team ENOUGH welcome session to learn more about the different ways you can engage.  Team ENOUGH is a youth-led program whose mission is to educate young voices about gun violence and mobilize them to take meaningful action against it. Supported by Brady United, it harnesses the expertise and experience of today’s youth to advance intersectional work across the country. The following session takes place on Sept. 11, and the series will continue through Dec. 18. RSVP at

31] -- MD Moms Demand Action [] on Wed., Sept. 4 from 6 to 7:30 PM ET invite you to Postcard Writing for Gun Sense Candidates at the R House, 301 W 29th St., Baltimore 21211. The next Postcard Writing event will be on Sept. 6.  This project will continue through Sept. 30.  RSVP at

32] -- On Wed., Sept. 4 at 7 PM ET, join CODEPINK Co-director Danaka Katovich for an organizing skills training all about direct communication! Come hear helpful skills and practice the art of direct communication with your fellow organizers. This is an interactive training - please only join us if you're willing/able to participate. RSVP at

33] -- Timmon Wallis [] is urging you to join in Wed., Sept. 4 at 8 PM ET for Planet in Peril! A National Actionar.  RSVP at

Learn about the September Days of Action for a nuclear weapons and fossil fuel free world. Help expose the companies producing new nuclear weapons and promoting increased production of fossil fuels. Put pressure on these top 40 companies that profit from fossil fuels and nuclear weapons spend millions on lobbying, elections and propaganda to maintain their control over Congress and the White House. But these companies – and their investors – also care about their public image and their reputations. Boycotts, divestment and shaming are very effective tools we can use to pressure the profiteers. It’s been done before and we can do it again! Hear from Kathy Kelly, board president of World BEYOND War, and Ira Helfand MD, a member of the International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize.

34] – On Wed., Sept. 4 & Oct. 2 from 8 to 9 PM ET, People Power United is meeting to discuss Progressive Issues Activism. RSVP at Discuss what is the issue, what's at stake, and how to propel action for Voting Rights, Gun Safety Reform, Healthcare, Human Rights, Equal Rights, End Corporate Rule, Stop Global Warming, Voter Access Protection & Election Integrity, Economic and Social Justice. This is a group of people who believe in the possibility of change and work to make it happen.

35] – On Wed., Sept. 4 through Sun., Sept. 8, Maryland Public Television will be doing HBCU weekend.  See a series of films telling the under-told stories of sacrifice, courage, innovation, and hope that chronicle HBCU contributions to science, medicine, history, education, civil rights, the arts, music, sports, and more. For example on Sept. 4 see four films from 8 to 8:30 to 9:30 to 10 to 10:30 PM ET. The 8 PM film is Dr. Eddie Henderson: Uncommon Genius. Visit

36] – Join Vote Save America 2024 and Organize or Else Welcome Call by Crooked Media on Wed., Sept. 4 & Thurs., Sept. 5 from 8 to 9 PM. This will continue through Sept. 12 from 8 to 9 PM ET. We all know the stakes of the 2024 election. Want to help, but don’t know where to start? Want to make friends while making a real difference? After attending this Welcome Call, here's what you'll be able to do: Understand VSA's 2024 strategy. Learn how to take action with your Organize or Else team and Make new friends. RSVP at Note: Please only sign up for one Welcome Call. All material covered each week will be identical.

37] – On Wed., Sept. 4 from 8 to 8:30 PM ET, join Swing Left for a volunteer orientation. This orientation will continue on Sept. 11 at 8 PM ET. Take on MAGA extremism—and win—in 2024, and beyond! During the 30-minute orientation, share the most effective volunteer options. Extremism has taken root and is now thriving in the Republican Party. This emboldened GOP is attacking democracy itself—designing extreme legislative gerrymanders, rigging the courts, attempting to subvert election results, and stripping away the democratic voice of the people—in order to lock in permanent minority rule.   Swing Left has the tools, programs, and community infrastructure to help you get involved strategically in whatever way you can, no matter where you are on your civic engagement journey. RSVP at

38] – Basel Peace Office [] on Thurs., Sept. 5 at 11 AM ET is offering a forum Establishing a UN Envoy and other Representatives of Future Generations.  You are invited to Protecting the Rights and Wellbeing of Future Generations through Institutional Representatives, an online event to Discuss the UN Secretary-General's proposal to establish a UN Special Envoy for Future Generations; Learn from existing examples of representative positions protecting the rights and wellbeing of future generations; and Encourage local national and regional authorities that have not already done so to establish similar representative positions.  RSVP at

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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