Monday, September 2, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- September 2 - 3, 2024

16] Working groups – Abolition & Migrant Justice -- Sept. 2

17] HBCU weekend Sept. 2

18] Take Action Tuesdays – Sept. 3

19] Activists writing together Sept. 3

20] Deep Canvass Election phone banks -- Sept. 3

21] Russia out of Ukraine – Sept. 3

22] Virtual text bank – Sept. 3

23] Call voters in swing states – Sept. 3

24] Medicare for All working group meeting Sept. 3

25] Texting Tuesdays – Sept. 3

26] Let's Elect Climate Champions in November! Sept. 3

27] Authoritarianism at Home & Abroad Sept. 3


16] –  The Northern Virginia Branch of the DSA has an Abolition Working Group and the Migrant Justice Working Group, and the groups are joining forces to continue working to challenge oppressive institutions and imagine the capacities for community care that we might grow instead. The next meeting will be on Mon., Sept. 2 at 7 PM. Please fill out our interest form in advance and we’ll get you plugged in:

17] – From Mon., Sept. 2 through Sun., Sept. 8, Maryland Public Television will be doing HBCU weekend.  See a series of films telling the under-told stories of sacrifice, courage, innovation, and hope that chronicle HBCU contributions to science, medicine, history, education, civil rights, the arts, music, sports, and more. For example on Sept. 2 see four films from 7 to 8 to 8:30 & 9 PM ET. The 9 PM film is The Morgan Choir: A Joyful Celebration.

On Sept. 3 see four films at 8 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:30 PM & 10 PM ET.  The 8 PM film is History of a National Treasure: Morgan State University. Visit

18] – Join Take Action Tuesdays organized by People Power United on Tuesdays from noon to 1 PM ET.  Use your lunch hour to take action on issues, text bank, do letters and postcards to voters, and more! No supplies needed. You will be trained. People Power United is a group of community members that champions progressive values and power for the people. The 2024 election depends on us, and we are attempting to persuade people to vote for Freedom over Fascism. Participate on Tues., Sept. 3 from noon to 1 PM ET.  The next Action Tuesday is Sept. 10, and these events will continue through October 29. RSVP at

19] – Activists Writing Together is hosted by Be the Change Bmore on Sundays and Tuesdays at Stony Run Friends Meeting, 5116 N. Charles St., Baltimore 21210. Write letters that make a difference to voters in swing states. Text unregistered folks with information on how to register to vote. Get involved on Sept. 3 from 4 to 6 PM ET.  This event will continue through Oct. 20. RSVP at

20] – The People's Action [] on Tues., Sept. 3, Wed., Sept. 4 & Thurs., Sept. 5 from 5 to 8 PM ET join Deep Canvass Election phone banks.  RSVP at

People’s Action has a vision for the future in which we all have a say, we all have what we need, and we all belong. In that vision, our government and our economy serve all of us, not a handful of billionaires, and concerns about corporate profits take a back seat to the well-being of our people and our planet. Over the coming weeks, reach out to voters in critical states to share this vision with them and invite them to join us in working towards it. The next phone bank at 5 PM ET is on Sat., Sept. 7.   These calls will continue through Thurs., Sept. 12 at 5 PM ET.

21] – Join the Baltimore Nonviolence Center on Tues., Sep. 3 from 5 to 5:30 PM ET at 33rd and N. Charles Sts. The invasion of Ukraine has the potential to become a war extending throughout Europe.  Putin has destroyed Aleppo and Grozny and has threatened the use of nuclear weapons.  Russian soldiers were sent into the area around the contaminated and still radioactive Chernobyl nuclear plant. Now they are stationed in the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe.   Contact Max at mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net or 410-323-1607.

22] – On Tuesdays, Sept. 3 from 6 to 7:45 PM, Sept. 17 from 6 to 8 PM, , Oct. 1 from 6 to 7:45 PM, Oct. 15 from 6 to 8 PM and Oct. 29 from 6 to 8 PM ET, the Working Families Party will engage in a virtual text bank. Volunteer to text. In local elections to ballot initiatives to Congress, WFP is building power at the local, state, and federal level for working people in 2024! RSVP at

23] – On Tuesdays from 6 to 8 PM ET, join people from across the country on Zoom to make calls to voters for Harris in swing states with a major focus on Pennsylvania through Nov. 5. This is organized by the CHESAPEAKE CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK / ACTION FUND, and the first call is on Sept. 3. The organizers will set you up and train you to make calls! RSVP at

24] –The Northern Virginia Branch of the DSA [] Medicare for All Working Group will hold a virtual meeting on Tues., Sept 3 at 6 PM ET. RSVP at

25] –Black Voters Matter is doing virtual Texting Tuesdays on Sept. 3 at 6 PM ET. Gather to drive change through digital organizing. The texting campaigns will give you the opportunity to engage residents across the U.S. while empowering them to make a positive impact in their communities. Texting Tuesdays will continue through November 5. Register at

26] – Do calls for a Climate Kick Off: Let's Elect Climate Champions in November! Join a virtual bank, hosted by Food & Water Action.  On Tues., Sept. 3 from 8 to 9:30 PM ET, make calls.  The stakes in this election couldn't be higher. That's why we're supporting Kamala Harris and Congressional candidates in key races across the country who will stand up for corporate polluters and put people before profits. Hear from special guests including author and climate movement leader Bill McKibben, and Jessica Craven, activist and author of Chop Wood, Carry Water on how together, we can elect climate champions to Congress this November. Make calls every Tuesday through November 5th to ensure Vice President Harris and climate champions down the ballot are elected. Join the kick off call to learn how you can plug in and fight for climate action! Register at

27] –CODEPINK [] hopes you will join a chat with peacemakers and experts on Zoom on Tues., Sept. 3 at 8 PM ET -- Authoritarianism at Home & Abroad.  ‌ ‌ ‌ RSVP at

The loss of civil liberties–freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly–often unfolds incrementally until the government censors us or we censor ourselves for fear of retribution. In Consortium News, former CIA analyst John Kiriakou writes, “The governments of the U.S., U.K. and even Canada have been working hard, sometimes in a coordinated fashion, to silence dissenting voices.” Kiriakou will tell us about his recent interrogation by the US Border Patrol and Canadian Mounted Police following a trip to Greece to discuss Israel’s genocide in Palestine and the threat of regional war in the Middle East. Also get updates on legislative attempts to censor students and teachers for Palestine in CA California and Massachusetts–and on Israel’s outlawing of six Palestinian civil society groups while terrorist settlers, in cahoots with the Israeli military, rampage the West Bank.

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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