Thursday, September 19, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- September 19 - 21, 2024

50] UnFrack FERC – Sept. 19

51] Vote Save America 2024 – Sept. 19

52] Women and the Antiwar Movement -- Sept. 19

53] Throwdown Thursdays – Sept. 19

54] Deep Canvass Election phone banks – Sept. 19 & 21

55] Black Voters Matter – Sept. 19

56] Welcoming the Stranger – Sept. 19

57] Take on David Smith – Sept. 19

58] Take back the House Sept. 19 & 21

59] Reform Maryland’s tax system – Sept. 19

60] Muslims for Just Futures – Sept. 19

61] Climate and Militarism Sept. 19

62] Uncommitted – Sept. 19

63] Supreme Court 101 – Sept. 19

64] Ending the American War – Sept. 19

65] Power Team call – Sept. 19

66] Win all three -- Sept. 19


50] – Drew [] wants you to be at a meeting on Thurs. Sept. 19 to UnFrack FERC. (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). And this is the chance to end this imperial outpost of fossil fuels. With grassroots movements escalating against fossil fuels and federal Courts finally validating our arguments and issuing real consequences for FERC's failures – is this the beginning of the Fall of FERC? I'll explain more below, but we think September 19 is the critical moment to stand up to FERC over all their past failures, and demand a permanent change in the way the federal government reviews, permits, or opposes fossil fuels – especially LNG exports.

Three new Commissioners have taken seats at FERC, which could be enough to enact real changes — if they vote for it. And the D.C. Circuit Court has been striking at the heart of FERC's broken permitting process. RSVP at

51] – Join Vote Save America 2024 and Organize or Else Welcome Call by Crooked Media on Thurs., Sept. 19 from 3 to 4 PM & 8 to 9 PM ET. The next call will be on Tues., Sept. 24 from 12:30 to 1:30 PM and continue through Sept. 26 from 8 to 9 PM ET. We all know the stakes of the 2024 election. Want to help, but don’t know where to start? Want to make friends while making a real difference? After attending this Welcome Call, here's what you'll be able to do: Understand VSA's 2024 strategy. Learn how to take action with your Organize or Else team and Make new friends. RSVP at

Note: Please only sign up for one Welcome Call. All material covered each week will be identical.

52] – The Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee [] on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 4 PM ET will host a webinar on Women and the Antiwar Movement. The ultimate success of the movement to stop the war in Vietnam was due to the mobilization of multiple segments of society, such as students, academics, businesspeople, lawyers, religious activists, unions, veterans, and humanitarians. Not least of these were traditional women's peace organizations such as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and Women Strike for Peace that redirected their efforts toward stopping the war. Vietnam specific groups were created such as Another Mother for Peace and to organize a meeting between American and Vietnamese women in Toronto, Canada. This webinar features the experiences of women peace activists who helped to transform the movement into a broad coalition that reached into a majority of American households and influenced the movement for women's liberation. RSVP at

53] – On Throwdown Thursdays join a Virtual Phone Bank on Sept. 1 from 5 to 6:30 PM ET. With a critical and competitive Senate race this November, help to ensure a progressive victory. Play a crucial role in preventing a Republican takeover that would shift the balance of power in the Senate. Reach out to the community to raise awareness about the importance of this race, candidate agendas and encourage voters to help save the Senate. Register for more than one outreach opportunity and feel free to share the link with friends, coworkers, and neighbors:

54] – The People's Action [] is continuing on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 5 PM & Sat., Sept. 21 at 1 PM ET to do Deep Canvass Election phone banks.  RSVP at

People’s Action has a vision for the future in which we all have a say, we all have what we need, and we all belong. In that vision, our government and our economy serve all of us, not a handful of billionaires, and concerns about corporate profits take a back seat to the well-being of our people and our planet. Over the coming weeks, reach out to voters in critical states to share this vision with them and invite them to join us in working towards it. These calls will continue through Sat., Oct. 19 at 1 PM ET.

55] – Join the Black Voters Matter virtual postcard party on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 6 to 7 PM ET. Create personalized messages to remind individuals of the POWER that they hold in their communities. You will get a training and the platform for you to submit your message. RSVP at

56] -- On Thurs., Sept. 19 at 5:30 PM ET, check out Welcoming the Stranger: Abrahamic Hospitality and Its Contemporary Implications at Mortara Center, Georgetown University, 3600 N St. NW, WDC.   The Berkley Center <> informs the interested that Ori Soltes and Rachel Stern will discuss their book "Welcoming the Stranger," which explores hospitality and inclusion in Abrahamic traditions.  The book is a collection of essays, explores hospitality and inclusion in Abrahamic traditions from historical, theoretical, theological, and practical perspectives.  It offers an enlightening and compelling discussion of what the Abrahamic traditions teach us regarding welcoming people we don't know.  RSVP at

57] – Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 6 PM at the Reginald F Lewis Museum will discuss Under Threat: Countering David Smith’s Ballot Initiatives. David Smith, chair of Sinclair Broadcasting, is supporting ballot initiatives that seek to diminish Black political power in Baltimore. This is part of a larger right-wing attack on the progress made in criminal justice reform, reparations, community-based violence prevention, and other progressive policy measures. This discussion will provide the audience with more information about these ballot initiatives and the work being done to fight them. Register at ef11-991a-6045bda8aae9&emdi=732994e5-7674-ef11-991a-6045bda8aae9&ceid=136680

58] – On Thurs., Sept. 19 from 7 to 9 PM and Sat., Sept. 21 from noon  to 2 PM ET, sign up for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for a virtual phone bank "TAKE BACK THE HOUSE!" RSVP at

59] – The Fair Share Coalition [] advocates to reform Maryland’s tax system to close corporate tax loopholes, adequately fund our public services, help our state thrive and be competitive, and deliver tax relief to over 1 million working families.

On Thurs., Sept. 19 at 7 PM ET, come to a Fair Share Coalition Community Meeting on Zoom! Find out about the plan to recruit new members, chat about recent developments in the state budget, build relationships and power across organizations, and strategize for 2025! A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP:

60] –  Muslims for Just Futures [] on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 7 PM ET are holding a member meeting to build local and national power.  Since October, Israel has murdered over 42,000+ Palestinians in Gaza including 16,000+ children, and thousands more are unaccounted for under the rubble. An estimated 1.5 million Palestinians have fled their homes and are sheltering in Rafah. They are facing violent Israeli bombardment and many are on the brink of starvation because Israel has blocked food, water, and medical supplies.  But the U.S. government is still arming Israel despite grave violations of U.S. and international law. The next meeting will be on Thurs., Oct. 17 at 7 PM ET.  Sign up at

61] – Lindsay Koshgarian [] on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 7 PM ET will make the point that there is a connection between climate & militarism. War is a cause of climate change, and war diverts funds needed for climate change.  RSVP at

War, militarism, and climate breakdown are closely linked. War is a huge source of carbon emissions and ecological destruction, while disproportionate investments in militaries and weapons divert direly needed funds away from climate action. Despite these links, peace, climate, and justice movements have long struggled to bring their causes together. 

62] – A lot has happened since the launch of Uncommitted back in February, where Michigan led on the front lines to protest the Biden administration’s Gaza policy through the power of our votes. Since then, there are close to 1M Uncommitted votes across the country. On Thurs., Sept. 19 at 7 PM ET, Lexi Zeidan [] indicated you can get an update on Uncommitted: Breaking barriers, building our movement, building power to save lives.  This event will be live-streamed on an Instagram page to hear about Uncommitted’s reflection of where we are at right now, how we got here, and where we plan to go between now, the election and beyond to fight for a Free Palestine. Register at

63]MomsRising Together [] on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 8 PM ET hopes you will join a call about Supreme Court 101: Why the courts matter in the 2024 election! Hear from the National Women's Law Center. RSVP for the call here!

Learn how the Supreme Court justices get nominated, and why the 2024 election is so vital in deciding the future of the courts.  Over the past year you may have been growing increasingly concerned about the decisions the U.S. Supreme Court has been making. Impacting everything from reproductive health care to gun safety laws to voting rights. The judiciary branch of government has a huge role to play in the lives of our families, our rights, and our country.

64] –United for Peace & Justice [] on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 8 PM will have a discussion Ending the "American War" in Vietnam; and Lessons for the Present. Professor Carolyn Eisenberg discusses her book, Fire and Rain: Nixon, Kissinger and the Wars in Southeast Asia. Drawing on documents declassified in recent years, Fire and Rain explores how management of the war and of U.S. diplomacy by Nixon and Kissinger shaped U.S. foreign policy in ways that still resonate. Professor Eisenberg also provides insights on the impact of the anti-war movement, including how it was viewed from the White House. REGISTER at

65] – On Thurs., Sept. 19 from 8 to 9:30 PM ET, get with Showing Up for Racial Justice for The Many Over The MAGA: Power Team Calls. Find a home with the Many over the MAGA Power Team this election season to keep Trump out of office!  RSVP at

Every other week there will be holding Power Team Calls - open to new team members to get some fresh perspective on what is happening with the election that week or to get an understanding of the context of key swing states.   Then, every other week, opposite the Power Team Calls, you will join one of our standing phone banks to call into one of the 6 swing states (WI, NC, GA, AZ, NV, and OH). The next Power Team call is on Thurs., Sept. 19, and the final call will be on Nov. 14.

66] Progressive Democrats of America [] hopes you will join in on Thurs., Sept. 19 at 9 PM ET to execute the plan that will not only win the White House but take back the House and secure the majority in the Senate. Find out how YOU Can Be the Difference in Victories for the White House, the U.S. House, and Senate. RSVP at

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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