Thursday, August 4, 2011

What do 'Flotilla Folk' do and why?

What do 'Flotilla Folk' do and why?





In response to a Jerusalem Post piece on July 25, "What

do "Flotilla Folk' do?" by Roz Rothstein and Roberta Seid.


Being, so to speak, of the "flotilla folk" ourselves,

we read with some interest Rothstein and Seid's idle

speculations on who our shipmates might have been, for

idle speculations they certainly are, the writers

having never contacted any of us. In fact, at least

when it comes to the American-flagged boat, The

Audacity of Hope, we are not nearly as much of a

mystery as one might imagine. Our biographies are all

publicly posted at


A perusal of our stories would reveal, among other

things, that 58 percent of us are women and that our

median age is 60.


Similar demographic patterns existed on other boats as

well. Many are retired people; most with modest means.

We are people willing to spend our savings to fly to

Athens and stay there for weeks, doubled or tripled up

in hotel rooms, waiting to sail to Gaza.


We are people who felt, who still feel, that we must

make the time and find the means because struggling for

justice is the moral thing to do. Because we have all

come to believe, in the words of Howard Zinn, that "You

Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train" - all notions, one

feels, that Rothstein and Seid view with a mixture of

scorn and incredulity.


As Americans, many of us also feel our primary duty is

to speak truth to precisely that power that purports to

speak on our behalf - a notion that is, likewise,

rather alien to most Israeli-Jewish society, although

by no means to Jews elsewhere. A third of us,

passengers and organizers of The Audacity of Hope, are

Jews, representing a long and valiant tradition of

Jewish progressive activism in the US, Europe, South

America, South Africa and elsewhere.


What Rothstein and Seid have neglected to note (carried

away as they were by their enthusiastic description of

our Israel-Hating Syndrome) is that many passengers on

The Audacity of Hope have a long and distinguished

record of anti-war activism.


They have been outspoken opponents of the American war

in Vietnam; they have spoken against American

involvement in Central America, and in the past decade,

against wars the US has waged on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Many have traveled numerous times to war-ravaged

Baghdad and Afghanistan. Kathy Kelly, one of our

passengers, traveled to Iraq 26 times! NO, WE are

definitely not like other folks, if by "other folks"

Rothstein and Seid refer to themselves. Unlike

Rothstein and Seid, we insist on remembering not only

the 23 people killed by rockets from Gaza, but also the

over 1,000 Palestinian civilians killed by Israel in

Gaza in Cast Lead. And the scores killed in Jenin, and

those shot routinely in demonstrations in the West

Bank. Unlike folks such as Rothstein and Seid, we

refuse to forget that 1.6 million people in Gaza have

been living in an open-air prison for five years now,

or that 2.6 million in the West Bank have been under

military occupation for 44 years - the longest military

occupation in modern history, and a situation with

absolutely no current parallels! That we have turned

our attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in

general and to the occupation and oppression of the

Palestinians in particular derives directly from the

understanding that these could not have survived

without US government support. It is the US government

that has directly abetted Israel in its continuing

dispossession of the Palestinians, and that has

supported and protected Israel through its decades of

refusal to enter meaningful negotiations. Insofar as we

are Americans, and insofar as our action is

fundamentally political, it is intended to raise the

awareness of our own people and to pressure our own

government to change its course.


And yes, horrendous things are happening elsewhere in

the world. Some on the flotilla have been very

concerned about that. The IHH - that organization which

The Jerusalem Post links to jihadist groups - has, in

fact, interceded to support the Syrian refugees in

Turkey, and delivered medicine and medical equipment to

hospitals in al-Bayda and Benghazi in Libya. How

inconvenient for your case! But not to worry. One would

be hard-pressed to find any trace of these facts in the

mainstream Western or Israeli press.


Reading your derisive comments - all intended to

belittle the flotilla and its passengers - it strikes

us that the main question is not the one you pose,

namely, who we are. Rather, a very different question

comes to mind. Here we are, by your description - a

bunch of pathetic losers, misguided vacationers,

professional activists and idealists who ran out of



A grand total of 1,500 - an overestimation to begin

with - and in actuality a lot less once the Mavi

Marmara withdrew.


And yet, the State of Israel sees fit to keep us in the

headlines for months with threats of attack dogs,

snipers and anticipated deaths. Israel pulls out all

stops in putting pressure on Mediterranean countries in

general, and on Greece in particular, to make sure we

don't leave port. The Israeli ambassador to the UN, Ron

Prosor, on June 22, called on the international

community "to do everything in their ability in order

to prevent the flotilla and warn citizens of their

countries of the risks of participating in this type of



BUT IF we are deluded losers, what does that make the

State of Israel and its hysterical response? If 16

passengers on a small yacht off the coast of Gaza are

bored vacationers with a mental disorder, what does

that make the four fully armed gunboats confronting

them? The fact of the matter is that Israel, without

any aid from us, provided our otherwise symbolic and

rather small-scale effort with the overwhelming

amplification that made it headline news in the rest of

the world, and most crucially, it would appear from

your article, an ongoing Israeli obsession.


While we wanted the plight of the Palestinians to be

noticed by the world, we did not set out to have the

flotilla become a major world event. That it has become

one, however, became patently clear to us once

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saw fit to travel to

Greece to deliver her heartfelt thanks to fPapandreou

for services rendered - the stopping of our flotilla.


Frankly, we are grateful!


Ann Wright is a retired US Army Reserve colonel and

former US diplomat. Hagit Borer is a professor of

linguistics at the University of Southern California.



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