Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- October 16 - 19, 2024

42] Reach out to voters – Oct. 16

43] FERC IS SCARY – Oct. 16

44] Phone bank -- Oct. 16 - 17 & 19

45] Deep Canvass Election phone banks -- Oct. 16 - 17 & 19

46] Calls for Kamala – Oct. 16

47] Team Enough – Oct. 16

48] Community Outreach Committee meeting – Oct. 16

49] Uncommitted National Movement -- Oct. 16

50] BDS organizing – Oct. 16

51] Text out the Vote – Oct. 16

52] Superwomen Wednesday – Oct. 16

53] Apartheid Free Communities – Oct. 16

54] Block Weapons to Israel – Oct. 16

55] Gandhi's Great Grandson Oct. 16

56] CODEPINK discussion – Oct. 16

57] Biden’s War on Gaza – Oct. 16

58] Swing Left – Oct. 16

59] Women Wednesdays for Harris – Oct. 16


42] –CCAN Action Fund [] needs you in Philadelphia on Wed., Oct. 16, Thurs,, Oct. 17 & Fri., Oct. 18 from 9 AM to noon, noon to 3 PM or 3 to 5 PM ET.  Don’t like phone banking? Don’t like knocking on doors? You want to do something for Kamala Harris that feels more concrete and immediate?  You can get ten people per day to vote for Kamala Harris just by standing on a sidewalk. A little-known feature of Pennsylvania law means people can actually “vote by mail” on the spot and in person at county elections offices. Stand outside those offices throughout the Philadelphia area and ask passersby, “Have you voted? Want to vote now? Takes 10 minutes.”  Even better: Unregistered voters can get registered and vote at the same time, using the same method! This event to register Pennsylvania voters will continue through Oct. 29. RSVP at

43] –Beyond Extreme Energy [] wants you to know that FERC IS SCARY.  Join a 24 Hour Haunting of FERC from Wed., Oct. 16 through Thurs., Oct. 17 with Jacko lanterns, banners, and lots of snacks and warm clothes! You can join in from noon to noon at 888 First St NE, WDC 20426!

 You can help by calling FERC from home! Hop into the Phone Zap: FERC Phone Numbers: General Commission 202-502-8004 or 866-208-3372 (Toll-Free), Chair Willie Philips:  202-502-8550 or (202) 489-6372 (personal cell), Office of Public Participation 202-502-6595, Environmental Justice and Equity Group 202-502-8004 Toll-free: 1-866-208-3372.

 Hi this is ____ from ______, I’m calling for _____.  In July and August, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals vacated FERC’s certificates for the Texas LNG, Rio Grande LNG, Regional Energy Access and projects- due to FERC’s lack of consideration on greenhouse gas emissions and environmental justice analysis. Commonwealth LNG was remanded for similar reasons. We demand that FERC take immediate action- follow the legal demands of the D.C. Circuit Court- halt all construction and reject these projects for their impacts on the climate and marginalized communities.  Reject all new fossil fuel projects and move towards decarbonization and renewable energy sources!

44] – MPower Change [] on Wed., Oct. 16, Thurs., Oct. 17 & Fri., Oct. 18 from 5 to 9 PM ET do a phone bank to Get Out the Vote. Continue to flex your electoral muscle.  The group is calling Muslim voters around the country every week until Election Day to ensure mobilization in this election and beyond to build long-term political power.

45] – The People's Action [] on Wed., Oct. 16 & Thurs., Oct. 17 from 5 to 8 PM and Sat., Oct. 19 from  1 to 4 PM ET is doing Deep Canvass Election phone banks.  RSVP at

 People’s Action has a vision for the future in which we all have a say, we all have what we need, and we all belong. In that vision, our government and our economy serve all of us, not a handful of billionaires, and concerns about corporate profits take a back seat to the well-being of our people and our planet. Over the coming weeks, reach out to voters in critical states to share this vision with them and invite them to join us in working towards it.

46] – MAKE PHONE CALLS FOR KAMALA HARRIS FROM HOME starting on Wed., Oct. 16, 23 & 30 from 6 to 8 PM ET, and you will be in touch with key voters in Pennsylvania. You will be trained. This will continue each Wednesday through Oct. 30. More details will be provided upon registration:

47] -- Are you a young person between 13 and 25 years old who is interested in taking action around preventing gun violence? On Wednesdays, including Oct. 16, from 6 to 6:30 PM ET, join a Team ENOUGH welcome session to learn more about the different ways you can engage.  Team ENOUGH is a youth-led program whose mission is to educate young voices about gun violence and mobilize them to take meaningful action against it. Supported by Brady United, it harnesses the expertise and experience of today’s youth to advance intersectional work across the country. The following session takes place on Oct. 23, and the series will continue through Dec. 18. RSVP at

48] – On Wed., October 16 at 7 PM ET, there is a virtual Community Outreach Committee meeting.  Plan with Progressive Maryland on how to grow the Progressive movement in the community. The next meeting will be on Nov. 20, and the monthly meetings will continue on Wednesdays through December 18.  RSVP at

49] – The Working Families Party [] wants you to join the calls to build power for working people on Wednesdays Oct. 16 and Thurs., Nov. 7 at 8 PM ET.  Join the conversation with Abbas Alawieh and Layla Elabed of the Uncommitted National Movement. Uncommitted has registered and mobilized people of conscience to civically engage in this election around an anti-war agenda that specifically calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, an arms embargo, an end to the long-term siege on Gaza. They are using their platform to push voters to engage in November in a meaningful way to fight fascism and strengthen our democracy. We are united in our joint call for a ceasefire and an economy that puts working people first.  RSVP at

50] – Get over to the MoCo DSA Campaign Planning Workshop for BDS Organizing on Wed., Oct. 16 at 7 PM ET at a Comrade's apartment next to the Bethesda Metro. Get the Bethesda address upon RSVP. Email

The workshop will be led by the National DSA liaison, focusing on research and campaign planning tactics for BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) efforts in Montgomery County and Maryland at large. Use lessons from the success seen by comrades in Maine DSA with their BDS campaign work. You will be sent the address to those that RSVP to attend in person. Those who RSVP to attend virtually will be sent a Zoom link. RSVP at

51] – The 2024 MomsRising Text Out the Vote is taking place on Wed., Oct. 16 from 8 to 9 PM and Fri., Oct. 18 from 4 to 5 PM ET. The plan is to reach 5 MILLION infrequent mom voters by Election Day so people have the information needed to vote. MomsRising has already reached millions of infrequent mom voters via phone, social media, hand-written mail, with local gatherings, and more – and, now, texting out the vote is the next part of the program! You will be provided with everything you need, including training and a fun environment to text with other volunteers if you want! The texting will conclude on Fri., Nov. 1 from 4 to 5 PM ET. RSVP at

52] – Get with Superwomen Wednesday and join the virtual Phone Bank on Oct. 16, 23 & 30 at 7 PM ET. Join Supermajority’s national team for weekly, action-packed hour sessions helping women make a plan to vote. Phone bank to women in North Carolina and Georgia who share the values (the Majority Rules) so their voice can be heard in the 2024 election. New to phone banking? Don’t fret! You will be trained. These Wednesday phone banks will continue through October 30 at 7 PM ET. RSVP at

53] –Join Apartheid Free Communities online or in-person at Friends Meeting of Washington's Assembly Room, 2111 Decatur Place NW, WDC on Wed., Oct. 16 at 7 PM ET for VOICES FROM THE WEST BANK: Stories of Nonviolent Resistance and Protection with Amira Musallam and Mel Duncan.  Register at

Amira Musallam is a Palestinian Christian peace advocate whose lifelong commitment to peace activism began in her youth after experiencing violence firsthand. She has actively engaged in peace dialogues, helping to lead efforts against land seizures in her community, co-leading the non- violent resistance to the takeover of her family’s land by armed Israeli settlers. Her work reflects a deep dedication to fostering nonviolent conflict resolution.

Mel Duncan is the co-founder of Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), a world leader in unarmed civilian protection. NP’s nonviolent civilian protectors provide direct protection to civilians caught in violent conflict and work with local groups to prevent further violence and sustain peace. Since retiring from NP last October, Mel has been working with a consortium to bring a team of unarmed civilian protectors to the Occupied Territories of Palestine.

54] – Peace Action Education Fund [] on Wed., Oct. 16 at 7 PM ET is doing an Action Call: Block Weapons to Israel, Increase Humanitarian Aid. Support Sen. Sanders Legislation to Block Weapons Transfers to Israel, Increase Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, and Stop a Wider Regional War. The Ed. Fund and the CeaseFire Now Grassroots Network invite you to an “actioner” (action-oriented webinar.)

This event will feature Max Hoffman, Senior Foreign Policy Advisor, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Diala Qasem, Senior Legislative Assistant, US Representative Andre Carson (D-IN) and Myriam Sabbaghi, Organizing Director, National Iranian-American Council (NIAC). Rep. Carson is the main sponsor, along with Reps. Jayapal and Schakowsky, and over 70 House co-sponsors, of the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act, to restore US humanitarian funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees. In addition to promoting the issues noted above, Myriam Sabbaghi from NIAC will speak to the dangerous situation in the region, and the urgent need for diplomacy to stop a wider war. Register at

55] – On Wed., Oct. 16 at 8 PM ET, Nancy Merritt <> wants you to listen to Tushar Gandhi on Carrying Forward Gandhi's Message of Nonviolence.  RSVP at Join the online discussion with Mahatma Gandhi's Great Grandson.  Mahatma Gandhi, the father of India, taught and lived nonviolence throughout his life.  Yet his life ended by assassination.  In a world today that is filled with both beauty and violence, how do we act?  How do we carry forward Gandhi's message to be the world we want to see?  To embody in our lives this message?  The great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi will explain the legacy of his family and the importance of nonviolence. 

Tushar Gandhi is a social activist, an author and an actor.  In 1998, he established the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation with its most important aim of explaining and demonstrating the continuing relevance of Gandhi's insights and actions today.  In 2019 Tushar became a Director of the Gandhi Research Foundation.  In 2023 he was appointed as the Ambassador for "Return to Palestine."  He has appeared in a fictional Bollywood film, "Hey Ram" and a semi-fictional movie, "Road to Sangam."  Tushar has worked on behalf of textile-mill workers and on curbing cow-vigilante lynch mobs.  He authored "Let's Kill Gandhi" and "The Lost Diary of Kastur, My Ba."  

56] – Join CODEPINK in preparation to bring an anti-war, feminist values to the 2024 Women's March! On Wed., Oct. 16 at 8 PM ET, discuss the feminist, antiwar, intersectional values and what to do when feminism is co-opted by militarism, imperialism and genocide! Bring ideas, questions and friends! RSVP at

Hear from Danaka Katovich, CODEPINK's Co-Director, Jasmine Butler, CODEPINK’s Member & Youth Coordinator and Grace Siegelman, CODEPINK’s Digital Engagement Manager + Feminist Foreign Policy Project Coordinator. CONTACT Grace at

57] – Meet the Al Jazeera producers behind new Gaza documentary on Wed., Oct. 16 at 8 PM ET. RSVP at

Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines team has investigated the killings of civilians by the Israeli military in Gaza and the role of the United States in the war. Their new documentary “The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza” examines their findings. It also explores the human stories behind them. Join AFSC staff in this special online discussion with the film’s producers. Please watch the film ahead of time online.

58] – On Wednesdays, Oct. 16. 23 & 30 from 8 to 8:30 PM ET, join Swing Left for a volunteer orientation. Take on MAGA extremism—and win—in 2024, and beyond! During the 30-minute orientation, share the most effective volunteer options. Extremism has taken root and is now thriving in the Republican Party. This emboldened GOP is attacking democracy itself—designing extreme legislative gerrymanders, rigging the courts, attempting to subvert election results, and stripping away the democratic voice of the people—in order to lock in permanent minority rule.   Swing Left has the tools, programs, and community infrastructure to help you get involved strategically in whatever way you can, no matter where you are on your civic engagement journey. RSVP at

59] – The Indivisible Team [] on Wednesdays Oct. 16 & 30 & Nov. 6 at 8:30 PM ET wants you to attend Women Wednesdays for Harris and every week through the election. Unlock the secrets to relentless resilience with insights from renowned voices like Sharon Salzberg, Erica Ford, Liza Colón-Zayas, Pooja Lakshmin, Kristin Neff, and Senator Cory Booker. Your mental and physical health is paramount in the fight for the health of our democracy. Partner on a national call bringing together women from all across the country to build community, strategize, and share tools to drive a Harris victory in November.  RSVP at

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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