Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- September 25 - 28, 2024

41] Stop the Hate – Sept. 25

42] Protest at El Salvador embassy – Sept. 25

43] Deep Canvass Election phone banks – Sept. 25, 26 & 28

44] Vote Save America 2024 – Sept. 26

45] End Super Pacs Sept. 26

46] Fight anti-Semitism -- Sept. 26

47] Russian threat to Europe? – Sept. 26

48] IfNotNow Baltimore – Sept. 26

49] Take back the House – Sept. 26 & 28

50] Campaign for Victory -- Sept. 26


41] – Ariel Gold, Fellowship of Reconciliation [info@fellowshipofreconciliation.ccsend.com] wants you to attend Coffee and Column with Dr. James Zogby, founder and president of Arab American Institute, joined by Maya Berry on Wed., Sept. 25 at 2 PM ET.  Dr. Zogby will discuss her testimony at last week's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on hate crimes and what she hoped to get across at the hearing before Republican senators derailed the hearing with racist questioning and threats.  Read his column "Senate Hearing Showcases Hate" at https://www.aaiusa.org/library/senate-hearing-showcases-hate?emci=aba0c168-887a-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&emdi=219aa04b-897a-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&ceid=2205942  Register here to join the conversation: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlduCurjIoH9H2NMx4r_ChOqASOaVsGhB9?emci=aba0c168-887a-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&emdi=219aa04b-897a-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&ceid=2205942#/registrationdiscussion

42] – CISPES [info@cispes.org] is inviting you on Wed., Sept. 25 at 4 PM ET to join an Join the International Day of Action to say No to Mining & Demand Freedom for the Santa Marta 5 at the Embassy of El Salvador, 1400 16th St. NW, WDC‌. Drop the Charges against Salvadoran Water Defenders!  Join the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), the Washington Ethical Society, and others during two International Weeks of Action to demand the release of Salvadoran water defenders before the trial starts on October 8! Email info@cispes.org

43] – The People's Action [info@peoplesaction.org] on Wed., Sept. 25 & Thurs., Sept. 26 from 5 to 8 PM and Sat., Sept. 28 from 3 to 6 PM ET is doing Deep Canvass Election phone banks.  RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/peoplesaction/event/565765/?link_id=3&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-whats-next-after-bidens-decision&email_referrer=email_2393896&email_subject=whats-next-after-bidens-decision

  People’s Action has a vision for the future in which we all have a say, we all have what we need, and we all belong. In that vision, our government and our economy serve all of us, not a handful of billionaires, and concerns about corporate profits take a back seat to the well-being of our people and our planet. Over the coming weeks, reach out to voters in critical states to share this vision with them and invite them to join us in working towards it. The next phone bank at 5 PM ET is on Tues., Oct. 1.   These calls will continue through Sat., Oct. 19 from 3 to 6 PM ET.

44] – Join Vote Save America 2024 and Organize or Else Welcome Call by Crooked Media on Thurs., Sept. 26 from 3 to 4 PM & 8 to 9 PM ET. The next call will be on Thurs., Oct. 1 from 12:30 to 1:30 PM and continue through Oct. 3 from 5 to 6 PM ET. We all know the stakes of the 2024 election. Want to help, but don’t know where to start? Want to make friends while making a real difference? After attending this Welcome Call, here's what you'll be able to do: Understand VSA's 2024 strategy. Learn how to take action with your Organize or Else team and Make new friends. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/631023/?followup_modal_context=nonexclusive_newsletter_most_popular_virtual Note: Please only sign up for one Welcome Call. All material covered each week will be identical.

45] – Free Speech for People [contact@freespeechforpeople.org] on Thurs., Sept. 26 at 5 PM ET. Support this Maine Ballot Initiative to End Super PACs. Passing this initiative is a big step towards a democracy without the influence of big money.  Maine has the chance to become the first state to eliminate super PACs. A citizen initiative on the November ballot would allow Mainers to limit annual contributions to super PACs from individuals, businesses, and other PACs to $5,000 in a calendar year.  Show support for this critical initiative by joining Maine Citizens to End Super PACs in phone banking on September 26: RSVP at https://citizenstoendsuperpacs.nationbuilder.com/september_26th_phonebank?emci=5ec310e0-4a70-ef11-991a-6045bda8aae9&emdi=b9a15eb9-5070-ef11-991a-6045bda8aae9&ceid=5222495

46] –  Bend the Arc is hosting How we Fight Antisemitism Now: a panel on safety, solidarity, and winning our future with Maya Berry, Ben Lorber, and Shane Burley will happen on Thurs., Sept. 26 at 6:30 PM ET.  As Maya said in the hearing, all of the hate abasing us and all of our safety is connected.  Ben Lorber and Shane Burley wrote a new book Safety through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism. RSVP at https://www.bendthearc.us/fight_antisemitism_now_panel

47]MAPA [info@masspeaceaction.org] is hosting on Thurs., Sept. 26 at 7 PM ET -- Right-Sizing the Russian Threat to Europe. A recent report by George Beebe, Mark Episkopos and Anatol Lieven at the Quincy Institute makes clear that a close examination of Russian intent and military capabilities shows this view is mistaken, and dangerously so.  George Beebe will present an important analysis of the alleged Russian threat to Europe. He is the Director of the Grand Strategy Program at the Quincy Institute and former intelligence analyst at the CIA’s Russia analysis office. RSVP at  https://secure.everyaction.com/zL0Peysaq0eKaH8Y9pSUoQ2?contactdata=vAXnTSRmShmWGQVpTUtuF8+B05RVDa9K+Rl6irMNSCJYzWMM9eAzK3ulBiEemPyfrriqZjZLx%2fX8kPvk0VHdxOdRlcMb3hFwxOxL2UEyzdmH7rwkCyA4sWwgivwD2iCWae61UQNj1UK1OxCf%2f4mPFUTn6%2fNaE9OP4Flg%2fzXCCLHgT48RWQJb2BgNongmscECmdKL1hTQzGOLlby4Jzqizq%2f88Ro1j7bKpN1jpj2mo60%3d&ms=email-240922&emci=c56f9066-aa76-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&emdi=fea7ae2e-ef78-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&ceid=320042

48] – IfNotNow Baltimore [info@ifnotnowmovement.org] is holding on Thurs., Sept. 26 from 7 to 9 PM ET an in-person chapter meeting.  The Israeli military's dangerous attacks in Lebanon have killed hundreds of civilians, violated international law, and escalated a broader regional war, which could bring catastrophe to millions more people throughout the region. Further escalations condemn more and more hostages to death.  RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/ifnotnow/event/699611/?sourceid=1051385&emci=bb448988-277a-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&emdi=7b79875a-6f7a-ef11-991a-6045bdee6681&ceid=30868439

49] – On Thurs., Sept. 26 from 7 to 9 PM and Sat., Sept. 28 from noon  to 2 PM ET, sign up for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for a virtual phone bank "TAKE BACK THE HOUSE!" RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/616196/?followup_modal_context=nonexclusive_newsletter_most_popular_virtual

50] – Progressive Democrats of America [info@pdamerica.org] hopes you will join in on Thurs., Sept. 26 at 9 PM ET to execute the plan that will not only win the White House but take back the House and secure the majority in the Senate. Find out how YOU Can Be the Difference in Victories for the White House, the U.S. House, and Senate. RSVP at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrcuGgrDItHdeYV7F9QQsruFMypvcMt5Fc#/registration

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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