Sunday, August 4, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- August 5 to September 4, 2024

19] Interested in going to the Holy Land? – Aug. 5 – Sept. 4

20] Volunteer with the Maryland Democratic Party – Aug. 5 - 10

21] Defending Cori Bush – Aug. 5 - 6

22] Canvass tenants – Aug. 5

23] Remember Hiroshima & Nagasaki Aug. 5 & 8

24] Letter-Writing with Swing Left Aug. 5

25] Trans Rights meeting – Aug. 5

26] Pre-election meeting – Aug. 5

27] Dorothy Day and Jacques Derrida Aug. 5

28] Gaza Summer School – Aug. 5

29] Take Action Tuesdays – Aug. 6

30] Commemorate Hiroshima & Nagasaki -- Aug. 6 & 9


19] –  Members of Christians for Ceasefire in the U.S. are working with Palestinian Christian partners on a delegation to Palestine in light of the mass atrocities taking place. Friends of Sabeel North America is one of the main partners who coordinates such delegations regularly. There is a direct invitation from Christian leaders in Palestine. This just peace delegation of accompaniment will entail some of the more common encounters with key Church leaders and Palestinian communities, as well as meeting with families of the hostages and other public actions to leverage key decision makers. The timing is sometime between Aug. 5 & Sept. 4, and the trip will be about 7-9 days. If you are interested in exploring this, please let Eli know ASAP:  Eli S. McCarthy Ph.D., Just Peace Fellow, Franciscan Action Network, 510-717-8867 (c),

20] –From Mon., Aug. 5 through Sat., Aug. 10 from 10 AM to 10 PM ET, volunteer with the Maryland Democratic Party Booth at the Howard County Fair. It's a terrific opportunity to meet people in the community, register voters, and sign up volunteers. Also consider joining the parade on Sat., Aug. 10 at 5 PM ET. Visit

Get over to the Howard County Fairgrounds, 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship, MD 21794.  Sign up at

21] –  Phone Bank virtually for Cori Bush on Mon., Aug. 5 from 6 to 8 PM and Tues., Aug. 6 from 11 AM to 6:30 PM ET, hosted by the Working Families Party Coordinated. Join to make calls to re-elect Cori Bush to Congress! AIPAC does not like her. Never made calls before? Don't worry, you'll get all of the training you need to call with confidence. All you need is a computer or internet-connected device and a phone. RSVP at

22]The Northern Virginia DSA Tenant Organizing working group on Mon., Aug. 5 at 6:30 PM will canvass with Stomp Out Slumlords to defend D.C. tenants’ rights. SOS’s campaign to defend DC’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act from the landlord lobby’s attacks continues at the Cromwell Apartments in Columbia Heights, 1515 Ogden St, NW, WDC. Help reach out to tenants to educate them about the threat to tenants’ rights and what they can do to fight back. As with the anti-eviction canvassing, there will be a short training before, and you will be paired up with more experienced door-knockers. To RSVP or get information about future canvassing dates, email

23] – John Steinbach [] wants you to attend a Hiroshima Remembrance Program on Mon., Aug. 5 from 6:45 to 9 PM ET, as part of the 43rd annual National Capital Area Hiroshima Nagasaki Commemoration. As we pause in our busy lives to reflect on the horrors of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, nuclear experts inform us that the danger of nuclear war has never been closer. The Doomsday Clock is set to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest ever. The war in Ukraine continues to rage and intermediate range missiles are being deployed, while arms control agreements are a relic of the past. In Israel/Palestine, Gaza lies in ruins with tens of thousands dead, while Israel possesses several hundred nuclear weapons. World-wide over 10,000 nukes remain poised to end human civilization. Register for this virtual commemoration at 

 Speakers will include: Dr. Gwen Dubois, president of Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility, Linda Gunter, founder of Beyond Nuclear, Fan Yang, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, and John Steinbach, coordinator of the Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area. In addition, welcome Hideko Tamura Snider who was ten years old and living in Hiroshima when the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on her city. At 7:15 PM, there will be a pause to remember the exact instant of Hiroshima's annihilation.

 On Aug. 8 at 9:45 PM, gather at the White House Antinuclear Vigil for the annual candlelight vigil to remember Nagasaki. Never Again

24] – Letter-Writing with Swing Left will happen in person in Catonsville on Mon., Aug. 5 from 7 to 8:30 PM ET.  This will continue on Mondays through October 14. Join in for a fun evening of letter-writing, snacks, and political conversation!  Write letters using this award-winning, proven tactic to reach potential voters in important upcoming elections.  Never written letters before? Hop on to and make an account; download twenty letters; and you will be shown how to write them at the party! RSVP at

25] –The Northern Virginia Democratic Socialists [] are holding a meeting of the MDC-T Trans Rights & Bodily Autonomy Campaign biweekly meeting on RBA on Mon., Aug. 5 at 7 PM ET. A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP:

 Email This regular bi-weekly organizing meeting is for coordinating, planning and executing strategy and actions

26] -- Charlie Cooper [] indicates that on Mon., Aug. 5 at 7:30 PM ET there is a GMOM and For the People -- Maryland teleconference meeting. You can call in at 1 301 715 8592 with a meeting ID of 931 3066 2622 and the password is 173976.  Or you can join by Zoom at

The agenda will include a pre-election action menu. Visit the meeting agenda -

27] – The Maurin Academy <> on Mon., Aug. 5 at 8 PM ET will welcome guest lecturer Harry Murray who will be teaching the first session of four classes over the next year, once every three months by Zoom. He will be teaching about the intersections of the co-founder of the Catholic Worker Dorothy Day and French philosopher Jacques Derrida on hospitality.  Catholic Workers get free access to all of the live and recorded content, and they should email   Visit

28] – CODEPINK [] is inviting you on Mon., Aug. 5 at 8 PM ET for the Gaza Summer School Session: Art and Resistance in Palestine! Hear how artists and performers in Palestine channel collective creativity into resistance with Chicago-based artist, Mary Hazboun. Plus, skill up with a workshop on organizing in the belly of the beast with CODEPINK co-director Danaka Katovich! RSVP at

29] – Join Take Action Tuesdays organized by People Power United on Tuesdays from noon to 1 PM ET.  Use your lunch hour to take action on issues, text bank, do letters and postcards to voters, and more! No supplies needed. You will be trained. People Power United is a group of community members that champions progressive values and power for the people. The 2024 election depends on us, and we are attempting to persuade people to vote for Freedom over Fascism. Participate on Tues., Aug. 6 from noon to 1 PM ET.  The next Action Tuesday is July 30, and these events will continue through October 29. RSVP at

30] –Baltimore’s Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration Committee will gather on August 6 & 9 as part of Forty Years of Resistance to living with Nuclear Weapons. On August 6, there will be a rally from 5 to 6 PM with some participants at 33rd and North Charles Streets and others at 34th & North Charles Streets near the Johns Hopkins University sign. At 5:30 PM a small delegation will go onto the Homewood campus to the home of President Ron Daniels to deliver a letter supporting the students’ call for divestment from weapons contractors.  Most of the weapons contracts take place at the Applied Physics Laboratory near Laurel, Maryland.  The weapons contracts there total more than $1 billion.

 At 6:15 PM, there will be a potluck dinner in the basement of Homewood Friends Meeting, 3107 North Charles Street. At 7:15 PM, there will be a panel discussion about JHU’s weapons contracts with Max Obuszewski, Gwen Dubois and Jasmine Sausedo, a doctoral student in sociology at Johns Hopkins University.

  On August 9, an educational exercise will take place from 4:30 to 5:30 PM outside the Johns Hopkins Hospital on Broadway near the shuttle service between Orleans and Monument Streets. An information table will be set up, some participants will hold placards and others will leaflet students getting on and off the shuttle.  At 6:30 PM, there will be a community meal at 18-8 Sushi, 727 W. 40th Street, Suite 138, Baltimore 21211. The restaurant phone number is 410-889-1888. Contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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