Sunday, August 18, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert – August 18 – 20, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert – August 18 – 20, 2024

"I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Friends, this list and other email documents which I send out are done under the auspices of the Baltimore Nonviolence Center.  Go to

  If you appreciate this information and would like to make a donation, send contributions to Max Obuszewski, BNC, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Max can be reached at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 [at]

1] Books, buttons and stickers

2] Web site for info on federal legislation

3] Need help in archiving activist material

4] Need a cleaning lady

5] Get the book A Bag of Stones

6] Get the book Male Supremacy in the Catholic Church: An Insider’s View by Roy Bourgeois

7] Baltimore activist selling her home

8] Progressive Central 2024 – Aug. 18

9] Talk with Freedom Flotilla Activists – Aug. 18

10] High Traffic canvassing – Aug. 18

11] American Ethical Union report – Aug. 18

12] Knock on doors for Democrats – Aug. 18 - 19

13] End Gun Violence – Aug. 18

14] Activists Writing Together – Aug. 18

15] March against an execution – Aug. 18

16] Film The Tree Remembers – Aug. 18

17] General Election Research Kickoff – Aug. 18

18] International solidarity work – Aug. 18

19] Film Red Detachment of Women – Aug. 18

20] Protest at the Pentagon – Aug. 19

21] Bystander intervention training – Aug. 19

22] Election Protection Zoom – Aug. 19


1] – Buttons, bumper stickers and books are available.  “God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions” stickers are in stock. Call Max at 410-323-1607.

2] –To obtain information how your federal legislators voted on particular bills, go to  Congressional toll-free numbers are 888-818-6641, 888-355-3588 or 800-426-8073. The White House Comment Email is accessible at

3] –  Janice Sevre-Duszynska needs some assistance in archiving her activist material.  If you are interested in this project, contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.

4]Is there a woman in the Baltimore area who does house cleaning?  This assignment would be on an irregular basis with several hours per week.  Contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.

5] – Barry Lee Burnside, a gaggle of great writers and copy editors are making available “A Bag of Snakes: Selected Writings on Prisons and the Death Penalty by Murphy Davis and Eduard Loring. Edited by Barry Lee Burnside.” Ed indicates the book will be available for sale on April 13, and is asking you to pre-order your copy. Your donation will provide a needed financial boost for the printing costs. The suggested donation is $20 for one copy; and $30 for your copy and an additional copy for a prisoner or someone in need. Any donation is appreciated. More or less you will receive the book.  Barry and the team have spent over two years putting this book together. It begins with outlines and notes found in the boxes of materials Murphy left when she ascended. The work is a work of love, and all involved are proud of the fruit borne by seeds nourished in good soil.

 To order by postal mail, make your check to Open Door Community.  Send it to Open Door Community, PO Box 10980, Baltimore 21234.  For any questions, contact David Payne at 404-290-2047 or

6] – Another book to consider purchasing is Male Supremacy in the Catholic Church: An Insider’s View by Roy Bourgeois. His new book is both memoir and position-paper, and it makes the case that the Roman Catholic Church is a corrupt system that spits out truth-tellers. The crime he was excommunicated for was attending the ordination ceremony of Janice Sevre-Duszynska in Lexington, Kentucky, in August 2008. The ordination was under the auspices of the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests.  The Vatican’s response has been to excommunicate any woman who has the audacity to see herself as a priest equal to a male priest. You can purchase a copy from Amazon or by Kindle.

Here are two quotes to contemplate: “I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men. She is to keep silent.” – Timothy 1, 2:12-13.  “If the patriarchy that dominates the church is not dismantled and women are not treated as equals, the church will continue to diminish and, eventually, die.” – Roy Bourgeois. 

7] – A home in Baltimore is for sale on a dead-end street in the Lauraville neighborhood, with three bedrooms, and one bath. The yard backs into a field and then a forest. There is a serene and quiet setting with an abundance of wildlife. The owner will be asking a reasonable amount for the property but it will not be overpriced. Contact her by text only at 443 500 6733. On the text, leave your name and phone number, and she will get back to anyone that reaches out. 

8] – The Progressive Democrats of America [] hope you can attend on Sun., Aug. 18  and Mon., Aug. 19 from 9 AM to 5 PM ET the Progressive Central 2024. Join Bernie and a star studded lineup of speakers in person, or online.  He has joined a star-studded lineup of speakers, including Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Progressive powerhouse Reps. Maxwell Frost, Ro Khanna, Chuy Garcia, Danny Davis, and Jonathan Jackson, The Nation's John Nichols, Sen. Nina Turner, President of NOW Christian Nunes, International President of Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL–CIO Sara Nelson, Attorney General Keith Ellison, and Constitutional Lawyer John Bonifaz, and many more.  Register for the online feed here:

9] – Nonviolence International [] is holding a Talk with Freedom Flotilla Activists Sailing to Break the Siege of Gaza on Sun., Aug. 18 at  10 AM ET. The Freedom Flotilla activists are about to leave Malta to sail to Gaza and nonviolently break the siege. 

Sami Awad will host from Bethlehem, and you will hear from Freedom Flotilla Steering Committee member Ann Wright.  Activist sailors, Fellipe Lopes, Thiago Avila and Yasemin Acar, will speak from Malta and provide more details about their mission. These are people who are putting their lives on the line to save others. They represent us, the global nonviolence movement, coming together from different parts of the world and from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Register at

10] – On Sun., Aug. 18 from 10 AM to noon and from noon to 2 PM ET, join the Chesapeake Climate Action Network / Action Fund with High Traffic Canvassing at the Mt. Washington Farmer's Market, 2101 W. Rogers Ave., Baltimore 21209. You will be set up with clipboards and forms, and teach you best practices for having high traffic canvassing conversations. The goal is 1000 new members this fall, so we your help is needed in reaching out. The canvassing will continue through November 3. RSVP at

11] – Usually, the Baltimore Ethical Society, 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore 21202, meets on Sundays, and at times there is a platform address at 10:30 AM ET.  On August 18, there will be an American Ethical Union: Annual Assembly Report. Get a feel for all that was presented at the Ethical movement’s 109th Assembly “Mindful Stories: A Ritual of Care,” held this year live in Minneapolis and via Zoom. Email to get the Zoom link.

12] – Knock on doors in Baltimore City and join the canvass, hosted by MD Victory.  Gather at the Baltimore Office, 2330 N. Howard St., Baltimore 21211. Knock on doors to elect Angela Alsobrooks to be the next United States Senator and Kweisi Mfume to be re-elected as the Congressperson from Maryland's 7th! First time volunteering? No worries. Each canvass shift starts with a training with an organizer who will be there to help you out. You will go out with a buddy so you can knock on doors together. RSVP at

You will need a smartphone so you can download the MiniVAN Touch app, the Democratic Party’s canvassing app. Download it on an iPhone or android. Also bring a full water bottle! Canvass on Sun., Aug. 18, Mon., Aug. 19 & Tues., Aug. 20 from noon to 3 PM, 2 to 5 PM, 3 to 6 PM & 5 to 8 PM ET.   The canvass will continue until Aug. 31 from noon 6 PM ET, RSVP at

13] – Team Enough (Brady United Against Gun Violence) is holding a virtual Interest Meeting for folks in the BALTIMORE AREA on Sun., Aug. 18 from 4 to 5 PM ET.  Learn how to get involved with the Baltimore Chapter! Team Enough is a youth-led initiative to combat gun violence and encourage gun safety laws. We aim to work in the Baltimore area to teach people how to be safer with their firearms and advocate for common sense gun laws and surrounding issues such as mental health and poverty. Discuss what projects this Chapter will start and what to do to make Baltimore safer! This interest meeting is geared towards people who live in and around the Baltimore area as many projects will be held in person! RSVP at

14] – Activists Writing Together is hosted by Be the Change Bmore on Sundays and Tuesdays at Stony Run Friends Meeting, 5116 N. Charles St., Baltimore 21210. Write letters that make a difference to voters in swing states. Text unregistered folks with information on how to register to vote. Get involved on Aug. 18 from 4 to 6 PM ET.  This event will continue through Oct. 20. RSVP at

15] – Death Penalty Action [] needs you on Sun., Aug. 18 at 4:30 PM ET in Raleigh, N.C.  Meet and hear several very special friends of Death Penalty Action, including the chair of the board of directors, Rev Sharon Risher. Hear her powerful story, new music from recording artist Britton Buchanan, and the voices of others. Then, those there in-person will join a short march to Governor Cooper's mansion to deliver a demand that he commute the death sentences of everyone on North Carolina's death row before he leaves office. RSVP and follow this event which will be live-streamed on the North Carolina Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Facebook Page:

16] – You are invited to join the Endangered Species Coalition on Sun., Aug. 18 at 6 PM ET to watch a series of innovative films in a special Mimesis festival film block: The Tree Remembers.  These films were created on themes of interconnections between biological and social systems, and how these systems are impacted by climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Reserve tickets for a virtual viewing of The Tree Remembers films, followed by a live-streamed conversation after the screening:  Thank you!

17] –On Sun., Aug. 18 from 6 to 8 PM ET, join the Northern Virginia DSA Electoral General Election Research Kickoff.  A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP:

Start the research for the general elections with a kickoff, and discuss how to get started to do this research. The research will culminate in another voter guide or REDBUG like was done earlier this year for the primary election!

18] –The Metro DC DSA’s Internationalism group will hold a meeting on Sun., Aug. 18 from 7 to 8 PM. 24 at 8:00 PM ET. Share updates on international solidarity work in the DMV and continue to solidify the Working Group. This group will meet on the third Sunday of the month from 7 to 8 PM. A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP:

19] –Xie Jin’s Red Detachment of Women is being shown as part of the CCP Film Series at Suns Cinema, 3107 Mt. Pleasant St. NW, WDC 20010 on Sun., Aug. 18 at 8 PM ET.  CCP is a monthly Sunday film series dedicated to presenting politically left-wing cinema, currently hosted by Suns Cinema in Washington, DC. CCP covers a vast array of socialist, communist, anarchist, trade unionist, anti-imperialist, and other revolutionary movements featured in lesser-known left-wing films. This film is a classic of left-wing political educational documentary and a well-known, but rarely screened socialist feminist blockbuster. This screening is a loosely fictionalized account of the actions of the Hainan communist women’s militia during the Chinese Civil War. Get tickets at

20] – There is a weekly Pentagon Peace Vigil from 7 to 8 AM on Mondays, since 1987, outside the Pentagon Metro stop.  The next vigil is Aug. 19, and it is sponsored by the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker.  Email or call 202-882-9649.  The vigil will be outside the Pentagon's south Metro entrance and in the designated "protest zone" behind bicycle fences across from the entrance to the Metro. 

By Metro, take Yellow Line and get out at the "Pentagon" stop. Do not go to the Pentagon City stop! Go up south escalators and turn left and walk across to protest area. By car from D.C. area, take 395 South and get off at Exit 8A-Pentagon South Parking. Take slight right onto S. Rotary Rd. at end of ramp and right on S. Fern St. Then take left onto Army Navy Dr. You can "pay to park" on Army Navy Dr.,  and there is meter parking one block on right on Eads St. Payment for both of these spots begins at 8 AM.  No cameras are allowed on Pentagon grounds. The restrooms are located inside Marriot Providence Inn on corner of S. Fern and Army Navy Dr.

21] –The Allies Solidarity Network was launched to unite nonprofits during this Election and Beyond. The group is committed to providing empowering tools to address harassment in all its forms. Join for a training and help create a world filled with humanity that respects our right to be. Take a Bystander Intervention in the Workplace on Mon., Aug. 19 at 11:30 AM. Register at

 The goal is to reduce instances of workplace harassment online and in person by giving employees the tools they need to disrupt those perpetrating the harassment. Employees with the right information on how to be an effective online bystander in the midst of workplace harassment using a proven 5D’s methodology; 98% of employees leave the training committing to intervene next time they witness disrespect or harassment.

22] – Progressive Democrats of America [] wants you to participate with the Green Grassroots Emergency Environment and Election Protection (GREEP) Zoom on Mon., Aug. 19 at 5 PM ET. Hear from leading activists, elected officials, and others committed to union organizing as well as cleaning up our elections and the environment, and other critically important issues. RSVP at

To be continued

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, and 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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