32] Write a letter to a voter in Virginia– Sept. 1
33] Japan-Taiwan Ties in
2021 – Sept. 1
34] Takoma Park
Mobilization – Sept. 1
35] The True Costs of our Post-9/11 Wars – Sept. 1
36] The Under-recognized
Workforce – Sept. 1
37] Coffee and a Column – Sept.
38] Phonebank for a Green New
Deal – Sept. 1
39] Phone bank AZ voters
for a pathway to citizenship – Sept. 1
40] For the People Act! – Sept. 1, 2 & 4
41] Nuclear Bombshell – Sept. 1
42] Jews United for Justice meeting – Sept. 1
32] – Zach VanHouten, People for the American Way
[alerts@pfaw.org] has the perfect volunteer opportunity you can do from your
couch. Help Get Out the Vote in Virginia this year by signing up to write
letters to voters! The upcoming statewide election in Virginia is likely to
have major implications for the national midterms that are right around the
corner. Often viewed as a bellwether to the national political climate,
Virginia has been crucial in proving the popularity of progressive policies and
the national shift towards a more progressive electorate. This year, the Republican candidate for
governor is a Trump idolizer, who despite his seemingly moderate campaign
pledges, has proven to be really nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Someone who would advocate for a far-right and regressive agenda if elected -
such as his opposition to gun safety reforms, opposition to common-sense COVID
safety measures, and more.
33] – On Wed., Sept. 1 from 8 to 9 AM ET, go online to hear Changing the Discourse on Taiwan: Japan-Taiwan Ties in 2021. In 2021, the public discourse about Taiwan in Japan has shifted, with affirmations of the importance of Taiwan for regional security from political leaders and discussion of Taiwan in the annual defense white paper. How do these unprecedented changes impact Japan-Taiwan relations and Taiwan’s engagement with international partners? Join the discussion, sponsored by the Stimson Center, with Madoka Fukuda, Hosei University; and Hung-jen Wang, National Cheng Kung University. Sign up at https://www.stimson.org/event/changing-the-discourse-on-taiwan-japan-taiwan-ties-in-2021/.
34] – Takoma Park Mobilization [info@tpmobilization.org] announced that the Climate Action Coffee is back on the first Wednesdays of the month at Busboys and Poets in Takoma, 235 Carroll St. NW, one block from Takoma Metro, from 9 to 10:30 AM! The next meeting will be on Sept. 1. Support the generous friends at Busboys and Poets who have shown creativity and resilience during the pandemic and enjoy the best fair trade coffee in town -- on the house! You can also Zoom weekly on the remaining Wednesday mornings at https://zoom.us/j/387972672?pwd=aFE3eXRRSUFjVERmZHB5VXJlM09PUT09. The Meeting ID is 387 972 672 with the Password being 227728. Dial-in at 646 876 9923. Note Zoom meetings are 8 to 9:30 AM, while in-person meetings at Busboys and Poets will be 9 to 10:30 AM.
35] – 20 Years Later: The True Costs of our Post-9/11 Wars will take place on Wed., Sept. 1 from 10 to 11:30 AM ET. In anticipation of the 20-year mark since September 11, 2001 and the subsequent launch of the post-9/11 wars, lead researcher Dr. Neta Crawford will present the Cost of War Project's updated estimates on the most comprehensive and widely-cited assessments of the financial and human costs of the past 20 years of war. The last time the Project released these numbers was in 2019, estimating that the post-9/11 wars had cost $6.4 trillion and 801,000 lives. The event, hosted by Murtaza Hussain of The Intercept, will also feature a panel on the broader implications of these costs with Dr. Catherine Lutz and Dr. Linda Bilmes of the Costs of War Project, and Dr. Maha Hilal of the Justice for Muslims Collective. Reflections will also be offered by Senator Jack Reed and Representatives Barbara Lee, David Cicilline, and Ro Khanna. RSVP to https://watson.brown.edu/events/2021/20-years-later-true-costs-our-post-911-wars, and you will receive the livestream link.
36] –Victoria Ballesteros, National Immigration Law Center [info@nilc.org] announced on Wed., Sept. 1 at noon ET there is a panel discussion on “The Under-recognized Workforce that Is Leading Us through the Pandemic and to Recovery.” Labor Day is right around the corner. Approach the celebration of America’s workers by including the millions of immigrant workers who have shown up every day, putting their lives on the line to help our country get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Discuss how we can create a more just and equitable society that supports immigrant workers, including with a pathway to citizenship. The panel will include NILC Executive Director Marielena Hincapié, Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA), U.S. Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX), and Resilience Force Executive Director Saket Soni, and the conversation will be moderated by Dara Lind from ProPublica and Vox’s “The Weeds.”
37] – James J Zogby [jzogby@aaiusa.org] wants you to join him on Wed., Sept. 1 at 2 PM for Coffee and a Column to discuss his take on Ben & Jerry's boycott and the lessons learned. I'll also be sharing some new polling and analysis on American reactions to the boycott. You can read the column here: https://www.aaiusa.org/library/lessons-from-the-ben-amp-jerrys-boycott?emci=20f53f50-e709-ec11-981f-501ac57ba3ed&emdi=2eba09e8-610a-ec11-981f-501ac57ba3ed&ceid=389907. Please register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUld-Ctrz0qEt2zmoZCW-3lGNelFZhDg1-E?emci=20f53f50-e709-ec11-981f-501ac57ba3ed&emdi=2eba09e8-610a-ec11-981f-501ac57ba3ed&ceid=389907 to receive the dial-in information for the Zoom call. After you register, you will automatically get the dial-in information for the call.
38] –Phonebank for a Green New Deal with Sunrise National on Wed., Sept. 1 from 4 to 5:30 PM ET. Sign up to call Sunrisers and ask them to demand a bold climate infrastructure package from their representatives. Sunrise will provide all the training you need and a lot of fun and hype too! Register at https://www.mobilize.us/sunrisemovement/event/403248/?emci=16326b3a-a4ff-eb11-b563-501ac57b8fa7&emdi=7c2e4f48-a5ff-eb11-b563-501ac57b8fa7&ceid=177631.
39] – United We Dream Action [info@uwdaction.org] is teaming up to phone bank AZ senators in support of a pathway to citizenship in the reconciliation package! Undocumented people have been in the front lines of this pandemic as essential workers and have not had access to any relief funds. Call for permanent protection for millions! RSVP now to join the phone bank on Wed., Sept. 1 at 5 PM EDT: https://www.mobilize.us/luchaaction/event/405536/?utm_source=UWDA&link_id=0&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&email_referrer=email_1275121&email_subject=we-knocked-doors-in-az-heat-to-demand-citizenship-now.
40] –Join activists around the country at a virtual phonebank to urge voters in key states to demand their senators’ support of the For the People Act! The August deadline for 2022 is fast approaching! Our democracy is in crisis: with redistricting around the corner and hundreds of voter suppression laws being introduced in states across the country, we do not have time to wait. Every day we’re getting closer to a very real deadline to take action to pass the For the People Act (S.1): If the Senate does not overcome the filibuster and pass S. 1 by late August, states will not have enough time to implement the legislation’s regulations before the 2022 midterm elections! Join activists around the country at a virtual phonebank to urge voters in key states to demand their senators’ support of S. 1! RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/pfaw/event/376178/?utm_source=PFAW to call on Wed., Sept. 1 from 6 to 8 PM ET, Thurs., Sept. 2 from 3 to 6 PM and 6 to 8 PM ET and Sat., Sept., 4 from noon to 2 PM, from 4 to 6 PM and 6 to 8 PM ET.
41] – Rachel at Beyond the Bomb [team@beyondthebomb.org] wants you to attend a showing of Nuclear Bombshell on Wed., Sept. 1st at 6 PM ET! This will be repeated on Wed., Sept. 1 at 6 PM ET. Get ready for our first debriefing with the BombSquad! Watch the short film, get updates on Beyond the Bomb campaigns, and connect with other members of the BombSquad. SIGN UP HERE https://beyondthebomb.org/campaigns/bombsquad-monthly-low-down/?link_id=1&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-join-our-first-national-call&email_referrer=email_1258527___subject_1663452&email_subject=join-us-for-the-premier-of-the-nuclear-bombshell.
42] – Rachel Kutler, Jews United for Justice [info@jufj.org] needs you to attend the Baltimore Action Team meeting on Wed., Sept. 1 at 7 PM ET. Do you care about holding our police accountable, about water justice, or maybe about renters' rights in Baltimore? Do you wish that the legislative process was more accessible to residents, or that you had more tools to better engage with and organize your community? Share updates on the local campaigns and brainstorm how to move the work forward. Whether you are a regular attendee or a first-timer, everyone is welcome! Register at https://jufj.org/event/bat-sept-1/?sourceid=1020680&utm_campaign=bmore&utm_source=ea&utm_medium=newsletter&emci=03457f2a-0505-ec11-b563-501ac57b8fa7&emdi=c568267d-8206-ec11-981f-501ac57ba3ed&ceid=3403859.
Right after you join the meeting, stay for an organizing training on base building at 8 PM ET! At Jews United for Justice, the theory of change is grounded in the belief that we can make systemic change by empowering people to take action. Through campaigns, the idea is to develop leaders, build the Jewish grassroots community, shift the consciousness of our community, and build the collective power needed to undo systemic racism and inequality. In order to build that collective power, we need to first ensure we have the collective tools to do the work. This is a new, cross-jurisdictional "Organizing Base-ics" training series with JUFJ staff members and fellow volunteer leaders. Register at https://jufj.org/event/organizing-basics-1/?sourceid=1020680&utm_campaign=bmore&utm_source=ea&utm_medium=newsletter&emci=03457f2a-0505-ec11-b563-501ac57b8fa7&emdi=c568267d-8206-ec11-981f-501ac57ba3ed&ceid=3403859.
To be continued.
Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212. Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.
"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs