outside the Albert V. Bryan US District Courthouse, 401 Courthouse Square.
Alexandria, VA. The rally is in walking distance of the King Street Metro
Station and the Alexandria Amtrak and VRE Station. Chelsea is being held
in solitary confinement and being fined $1,000.00 a day for refusing to testify
in the grand jury witch hunt to bring Julian Assange to trial in the United
States. Assange is being held in extremely harsh conditions at Belmarsh
Prison in London. According to his family, and journalist John Pilger his
health is rapidly declining. RSVP on the Facebook event page --https://www.facebook.com/events/456206805213932/ .
Go to the link to hear the interview.
Yemen Was
Called the Forgotten War, but Activists Are Refusing to Forget
September 14, 2019

protest U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen in Los Angeles,
California, on November 20, 2018.RONEN TIVONY / NURPHOTO VIA GETTY IMAGES
Janine Jackson: When observers who have spent years in
war-rocked places describe events as “staggering,” you know you’re talking
about a disturbing new order. That’s how the UN humanitarian coordinator in
Yemen responded to the September 1
bombing by Saudi Arabia of a detention center in southwest Yemen that killed
more than 100 people, some believed to be prisoners of war. And yet this horror
must take its place amid myriad horrors Yemenis are enduring, with 80 percent
of the country’s people in need of assistance, after
years of civil war made infinitely more destructive by the
intervention of third states—including the United States, which a UN
panel says may be complicit in war
The situation in Yemen calls for multiple responses, but for the
US, ceasing to contribute to the catastrophe should be job No. 1. Joining us
now to talk about making that happen is Hassan El-Tayyab. He’s legislative
representative for Middle East policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. He joins us now by phone from Washington, DC. Welcome to CounterSpin,
Hassan El-Tayyab.
Hassan El-Tayyab: Thank you so much for having me.
Looking just at fragments of the news,
a Washington Post video has the headline, “As
Yemen Civil War Rages On, a Father Helplessly Watches His Son Die of a
Treatable Infection.” It’s hard to overstate the degree of hardship that
Yemenis are enduring and have been enduring. I’m not sure that it’s clear that
we’re not talking about people “in the line of fire,” or people “engaged in a
war”; it’s important to understand that it’s civilians that are bearing the
brunt of this conflict, right?
Yeah, absolutely. As a result of the Saudi/UAE blockade around Yemen, we see 14
million people living on the brink of famine; 1.3 million cases of cholera, 10,000 new cases each week.
And like you said, a lot of this illness and death is treatable and preventable, if they can get the aid that they need into the country,
and humanitarian orgs are on the ground in
Yemen doing amazing, courageous work. But with the blockade, the prices of
essential goods are just so out of reach for the average Yemeni.
So, again, this is on top of the airstrike campaign by the Saudi/UAE
coalition. This is just a blockade that’s preventing critical aid from getting
into the country.
Now we have a UN panel saying that not only the Saudis,
not only the Houthis, but also the United States, the UK and France and Iran
may be deemed complicit in potential war crimes that they’re seeing in
Yemen. New York Times readers might not know it: The
paper’s headline was “War Crimes Committed
by Both Sides in Yemen, UN Panel Says.” Other outlets weren’t so coy about putting the United States right in
the headline. What is the current state of the US role in Yemen? What should we
know about it?
The reason why the United States is complicit is because of
our military aid to the Saudi-led
coalition. We are providing logistical support and intel-sharing for their aerial
campaign; we’re doing spare-part transfers, making sure that all those F-15s that are dropping bombs on
civilian targets in Yemen are up to speed; and we also are providing a moral
cover by continuing this assistance. And obviously, there’s sending rockets and providing
bomb sales to the coalition. So all those ways, we’re just deeply complicit.
You see language in media about the US “turning a blind eye” or “remaining silent,” and that’s not what’s happening, but I want to say, media
have shown some of the devastation in Yemen. I’ve even seen editorials in
the Washington Post and in the New York Times against US involvement there. But we need to go the next
steps. So talk about the tools of intervention that we do have, and what’s
happening in the movement to get the United States out of the conflict in
For a long time, the Yemen civil war and the US part in it—you
know, Yemen was called the “forgotten war,” but
there have been some members in Congress that are refusing to
forget, and activists around the country that
are refusing to forget.
And what we’ve had is several votes on a resolution called
the Yemen War Powers Resolution. And this is a bill to basically get Congress to reassert its
constitutional Article 1 Section 8 war authority. And we’ve had several votes over the past
several years, until the eventual passage in the spring of 2019.
Again, the House and Senate both passed this resolution; it was one of Trump’s
first vetoes of his administration.
And with each of these votes, we did see more news coverage, but again, not
enough, for sure. But it has been promising to see so many activists and people
starting to wake up to what’s happening and the US role in this war.
I’ve seen the sign-on letter from FCNL and others in
coalition. Is there something afoot right now that folks can grab ahold of and
come out for?
Yes, after the Yemen War Powers Resolution was passed, it was
vetoed by the Trump administration. But during consideration of the 2020
national Defense budget, several amendments were actually attached to
that budget on the House side; one would do pretty much the same thing as the
Yemen War Powers Resolution and cut off logistical support to the coalition.
There’s an amendment in there to do a one-year ban on bomb sales. And there’s
also an amendment to stop spare-part transfers to the coalition. So we think
the three of those combined could completely remove the United States from the
And it is pending; there are joint conference negotiations
happening to reconcile the differences between the Senate version of the bill,
the National Defense Authorization Act, which doesn’t have any of
these amendments, and the House version that does have those amendments. So
we’re trying to get the conferees, that are making these critical decisions, to
make sure that those amendments that we care about, that could end US
involvement in the war in Yemen, to make sure they stay in the final bill that
goes to the president.
So our coalition work is to try to pressure the House Armed
Services and the Senate Armed Services Committees, in particular, to keep those
provisions in. The key players right now are Adam Smith from Washington,
Senator Reed from Rhode Island, obviously Speaker Pelosi, Senator Schumer from
New York, Representative Engel and Senator Menendez—those are the top people
that have the power to keep this in the bill. Obviously, there are key
Republicans that we’re reaching out to as well; Senator Risch and Senator
Inhofe are really important in this decision.
I have to say about media, I sometimes worry that for folks who
get their understanding of foreign policy primarily through media, foreign
policy is basically a question of: “Who is it OK to kill? What side of this war
should we be on? Who should we be at war with?”
It seems as though, in the media and in public conversation,
nonmilitary responses are like the sad sacks in the corner. That’s not really
“doing” anything, you know, as if diplomacy doesn’t also call for deep thought
and robust energy and engineering. And I just wonder if, in terms of the way
media talk about Yemen, but also talk about conflicts everywhere, there needs
to be some kind of primary shift where it’s OK to be for peace and diplomacy.
I couldn’t agree more. And just to add on top of that, I think
the media need to stop taking it for granted, the fact that Congress has the
power to declare war in the first place. It’s usually just accepted: OK, well,
what is the president going to do? Is he going to send us into war with Iran?
Are we going to continue supporting Saudi Arabia?
But we’ve got to stop for a second and get back to basics.
Article 1 Section 8 is absolutely clear that only Congress has the power to
declare war. And, yes, we do need to look at the world, and see our role in it
as not just using the military to enforce hegemony and our country’s will, but
try to play a more constructive role by bringing people to the peace table.
We’ve been speaking with Hassan El-Tayyab. He is legislative
representative for Middle East policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. You can find their work online at FCNL.org. Hassan El-Tayyab, thank you
very much for joining us today on CounterSpin.
Thanks for having me.
This piece
was reprinted by Truthout with permission or license. It may not be reproduced
in any form without permission or license from the source.
Janine Jackson is FAIR’s program director and and
producer/host of FAIR’s syndicated radio show “CounterSpin.” She
contributes frequently to FAIR’s newsletter Extra!, and
co-edited The FAIR Reader: An Extra! Review of Press and Politics in
the ’90s (Westview Press). She has appeared on ABC‘s
“Nightline” and “CNN Headline News,” among other outlets, and has testified to
the Senate Communications Subcommittee on budget reauthorization for the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Her articles have appeared in various
publications, including In These Times and the UAW’s Solidarity,
and in books including Civil Rights Since 1787 (New York
University Press) and Stop the Next War Now: Effective Responses to
Violence and Terrorism (New World Library). Jackson is a graduate of
Sarah Lawrence College and has a masters in sociology from the New School for
Social Research.
Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center,
325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218. Ph: 410-323-1607; Email:
mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/
"The master class has always declared the wars; the
subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to
gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and
everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs
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