Let me know if you can help. The Tour is coming to Baltimore from May 3 through May 8. We are seeking a site to park the drone replica during the evenings and places for four people to sleep in the evenings. Let me know if you can help us with these two requests.
And then we need your participation in some or all of the events we have planned, as listed below. There was an excellent forum at Hopkins on April 27. The JHU Human Rights Group did a great job in bringing people out for a discussion on drone research at the Applied Physics Laboratory. See below the other events planned, and let me know if you can join us.
Thursday, May 3 – 4 PM – Vigil outside Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger's office on Padonia Road in Timonium, Maryland. At 4:45 pm, a letter will be dropped off at Rep. Ruppersberger's office, located at The Atrium, 375 West Padonia Road, Suite 200, Timonium MD 21093. The letter will challenge the congressperson to condemn the use of drones in warfare, and will call on him to resign from the Unmanned System Caucus and return all campaign contributions received from military contractors, including those to his Dutch PAC.
Then we will go to Mount Vernon from 5:30 to 7 PM during First Thursday in Mount Vernon. Be at Centre and Charles Streets.
Friday, May 4 - 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM - The tour will visit Goucher College and Towson University. Help distribute literature outlining Ruppersberger's campaign donations from major drone manufacturers. We will also visit AAI in Cockeysville.
5 – 6 PM - The drone tour will join the weekly silent peace vigil outside Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3107 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. Afterward there will be a potluck dinner in the meetinghouse, followed by the showing of "1984", Richard Burton's last film.
Saturday, May 5 – Noon to 2 PM – drone replica(s) will be part of a demonstration in Towson, MD at the intersection of Dulaney Valley Road and Fairmount Avenue. Later in the day, the drone replica will be in Wyman Park. It will be an opportunity for dialogue about the use of drones.
7 PM, Organizing Against Drones Forum with Nick Mottern of and Max Obuszewski of the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance. A surprise guest will be a person from Pakistan.
Tuesday, May 8 – 8 AM, Direct actionistas will gather at Homewood Friends Meetinghouse at 8 AM to prepare for a visit to John Hopkins University Homewood Campus. At noon, participants will go the campus to deliver a letter to the school’s president, condemning its drone research. 'Sometimes You Have to Take Life to Save Lives' by Jason Ditz, April 29, 2012 It’s no real secret that the Obama Administration’s ever escalating drone war has killed a massive lot of innocent people, but White House counterterrorism advisor John Brennan was surprisingly glib today when pressed on the matter in an interview with ABC’s “This Week.” “Unfortunately, in war, there are casualties, including among the civilian population,” Brennan insisted, though he did not mention that the drone strikes have been carried out almost exclusively in nations with which the United States is not at war: Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Brennan went on to defend the killings, saying “sometimes you have to take life to save lives.” He provided no examples of how the killing of nearly 2,000 people, virtually all of them unidentified, had “saved lives.” Indeed the only thing that the drone strikes have conclusively done is ruin the US relationship with Pakistan, whose parliament has conditioned a return to normal relations on the US ending such attacks. -------------------------------- Ann Wright Facebook: Twitter: annwright46 "Dissent: Voices of Conscience" |
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