Baltimore Activist Alert – September 1 – 2, 2024
"I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours." -Martin Luther King Jr.
1] Books, buttons and stickers
site for info on federal legislation
help in archiving activist material
4] Get
the book A Bag of Stones
5] Get the book Male Supremacy in the Catholic Church: An
Insider’s View by Roy Bourgeois
6] Baltimore activist selling her home
7] State of Nation and
Ethical Culture – Sept. 1
8] Free Peltier – Sept. 1
9] PDA Town Hall – Sept 1
10] Potluck
picnic – Sept 1
11] DSA
Electoral Working Group meeting – Sept. 1
12] Protest at the Pentagon – Sept. 2
13] Interfaith 5 K – Sept. 2
14] D.C. Labor Chorus will perform – Sept. 2
15] Election Protection Zoom – Sept. 2
1] – Buttons, bumper stickers and books are
available. “God Bless the Whole World, No
Exceptions” stickers are in stock. Call Max at 410-323-1607.
2] –To obtain information how your federal legislators voted on particular bills, go to Congressional toll-free numbers are 888-818-6641, 888-355-3588 or 800-426-8073. The White House Comment Email is accessible at
3] – Janice Sevre-Duszynska needs some assistance in archiving her activist material. If you are interested in this project, contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.
4] – Barry Lee Burnside, a gaggle of great writers and copy editors are making available “A Bag of Snakes: Selected Writings on Prisons and the Death Penalty by Murphy Davis and Eduard Loring. Edited by Barry Lee Burnside.” Ed indicates the book will be available for sale on April 13, and is asking you to pre-order your copy. Your donation will provide a needed financial boost for the printing costs. The suggested donation is $20 for one copy; and $30 for your copy and an additional copy for a prisoner or someone in need. Any donation is appreciated. More or less you will receive the book. Barry and the team have spent over two years putting this book together. It begins with outlines and notes found in the boxes of materials Murphy left when she ascended. The work is a work of love, and all involved are proud of the fruit borne by seeds nourished in good soil.
To order by postal mail, make your check to Open Door Community. Send it to Open Door Community, PO Box 10980, Baltimore 21234. For any questions, contact David Payne at 404-290-2047 or
5] – Another book to consider purchasing is Male Supremacy in the Catholic Church: An Insider’s View by Roy Bourgeois. His new book is both memoir and position-paper, and it makes the case that the Roman Catholic Church is a corrupt system that spits out truth-tellers. The crime he was excommunicated for was attending the ordination ceremony of Janice Sevre-Duszynska in Lexington, Kentucky, in August 2008. The ordination was under the auspices of the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests. The Vatican’s response has been to excommunicate any woman who has the audacity to see herself as a priest equal to a male priest. You can purchase a copy from Amazon or by Kindle.
Here are two quotes to contemplate: “I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men. She is to keep silent.” – Timothy 1, 2:12-13. “If the patriarchy that dominates the church is not dismantled and women are not treated as equals, the church will continue to diminish and, eventually, die.” – Roy Bourgeois.
6] – A home in Baltimore is for sale on a dead-end street in the Lauraville neighborhood, with three bedrooms, and one bath. The yard backs into a field and then a forest. There is a serene and quiet setting with an abundance of wildlife. The owner will be asking a reasonable amount for the property but it will not be overpriced. Contact her by text only at 443 500 6733. On the text, leave your name and phone number, and she will get back to anyone that reaches out.
7] – Usually, the Baltimore Ethical Society, 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore 21202, meets on Sundays, and at times there is a platform address at 10:30 AM ET. On Sept. 1, get with “The State of our Nation and Ethical Culture” by Zoom. Both the national Ethical Culture community and the United States face challenges about where we go from here. Limited resources, mistrust, trauma, and burnout must be overcome so we can bring out our best. People of skill and goodwill are trying to make that happen. Hugh Taft-Morales reflects on the state of both the alternative to traditional religion and our nation. He’ll draw on his trip to Minneapolis for the American Ethical Union Assembly and his project this summer regarding the presidential election. Taft-Morales serves as Leader of the Philadelphia Ethical Society and the Baltimore Ethical Society and is a member of the Ethical Action Committee of the American Ethical Union (AEU). To receive a Zoom invitation, please email
8] – DC Action For Assange [] is holding its monthly vigil at Attorney General Garland's home for Leonard Peltier on Sun., Sept. 1 from 3 to 4 PM ET. While Julian Assange was released from prison, the group sees that there is some unfinished business. For example, the group will seek a pardon for Julian Assange. Go to for updates.
In July, political prisoner Leonard Peltier was again denied parole, and it could be years before he is given another opportunity to seek release. Meanwhile, his health continues to deteriorate. The vigil will occur on the first Sunday of the month at 5100 block of Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda. It is two blocks from the Bethesda Metro Station. Visit
9] – The Progressive Democrats of America [] are inviting you on Sun., Sept. 1 at 4 PM to a Town Hall -- Organized Labor on the Rise, A Cause for Celebration. RSVP at
Hear from PDA's own Donna Smith, a veteran of the Labor Movement, and Sen. Nina Turner, who leads a nationwide organization that works in coordination with unions to strengthen organized labor in 21st-century America, and learn about ongoing organizing campaigns across the country! Celebrate what is certainly the greatest accomplishments for the American left since the rise of progressivism with the 2016 Sanders campaign—the re-emergence of a powerful organized labor movement! Indeed, organized labor is back, ready to rumble, and win! It's of, for, and by the working class—becoming a prosperous middle class once again—and PDA is 100 percent in solidarity.
10] – The Jewish-Islamic Dialogue Society of Washington is holding a Potluck Picnic on Sun., Sept. 1 from 4 to 9 PM ET. Enjoy music, swimming, and a bonfire. The potluck picnic will feature Halal/Kosher burgers, vegetarian options, and a variety of other dishes contributed by attendees. To contribute, please bring a dish based on the first letter of your last name: A-D for entrees, E-I for appetizers, J-M for drinks, N-R for side dishes, and S-Z for desserts. Don't forget to bring a folding chair for comfort, and if you play an instrument, sign up to perform! RSVP at, and the address will be provided upon confirmation.
11] – The Northern Virginia DSA Electoral Working Group meeting will be on Sun., Sept. 1 from 7 to 8 PM. Join #nova-electoral on slack, and fill out our interest form. Also, feel free to reach out to @Alex Yarkosky on slack with any questions about electoral work. A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP:
12] – There is a weekly Pentagon Peace Vigil from 7 to 8 AM on Mondays, since 1987, outside the Pentagon Metro stop. The next vigil is Sept. 2, and it is sponsored by the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker. Email or call 202-882-9649. The vigil will be outside the Pentagon's south Metro entrance and in the designated "protest zone" behind bicycle fences across from the entrance to the Metro.
By Metro, take Yellow Line and get out at the "Pentagon" stop. Do not go to the Pentagon City stop! Go up south escalators and turn left and walk across to protest area. By car from D.C. area, take 395 South and get off at Exit 8A-Pentagon South Parking. Take slight right onto S. Rotary Rd. at end of ramp and right on S. Fern St. Then take left onto Army Navy Dr. You can "pay to park" on Army Navy Dr., and there is meter parking one block on right on Eads St. Payment for both of these spots begins at 8 AM. No cameras are allowed on Pentagon grounds. The restrooms are located inside Marriot Providence Inn on corner of S. Fern and Army Navy Dr.
13] – The Montgomery County, Maryland Interfaith 5K Walk and Run is happening on Mon., Sept. 2 from 8 – 10 AM ET. Shaare Torah Jewish Community, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington (IFFP), the Islamic Center of Maryland (ICM), the Islamic Society of the Washington Area (ISWA), and Trinity Lutheran Church have partnered to create the Montgomery County Interfaith 5k. Since 2016 they have been bringing people from diverse backgrounds together to build respect, foster friendships, and create a healthier Montgomery County. Register at
14] – The DC Labor Chorus is doing a Labor Day Concert on Mon., Sept. 1 from 2 to 4 PM ET at the New Deal Café Roosevelt Center, 113 Centerway, Greenbelt. RSVP at
15] – Progressive Democrats of America [] wants you to participate with the Green Grassroots Emergency Environment and Election Protection (GREEP) Zoom on Mon., Sept. 2 at 5 PM ET. Hear from leading activists, elected officials, and others committed to union organizing as well as cleaning up our elections and the environment, and other critically important issues. RSVP at
To be continued
Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, and 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212. Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to
"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs