Thursday, May 30, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- May 30, 2024

30] Understanding Hamas – May 30

31] State of Democracy phone banks – May 30

32] CISPES press conference – May 30

33] Let migrants work – May 30

34] DSA Labor Working Group meeting – May 30

35] Gun Violence in Latino Communities – May 30

36] Medicare for All discussion – May 30

37] All eyes on Rafah – May 30

38] Local Peace Economy – May 30

39] Summer of Heat Mass Action Call – May 30

40] Campaign to Victory Call May 30


30] Just World Ed [] wants you to attend Understanding Hamas, & Why that Matters on Thurs., May 30 at noon ET. This webinar will be a conversation with Dr. Azzam Tamimi, a British-Palestinian author and analyst on Islamic political thought and West Asian politics. He will be questioned by Rami Khouri and Helena Cobban. Register at

31] On Thurs., May 30 from noon to 2 PM & 4 to 6 PM ET, get involved with State of Democracy, a Common Cause organized Election Protection phone bank.   Work together to demand bold changes to our democracy to create a government that represents all of us, not big corporations or special interests. Register for a shift to make calls and help strengthen the phone bank team to protect our democracy. These shifts will also always include training for first-timers before you make calls, so if this is your first time, no worries! Register at

32] CISPES [] wants you to know about a virtual press conference on Thurs., May 30 at 1 PM ET. Leaders of civil society organizations in El Salvador are raising concerns about the second term of Nayib Bukele.   On June 1, he will be sworn in for a second five-year mandate in El Salvador, despite explicit constitutional prohibitions on consecutive terms. In a marked difference from the start of his first term in 2019, Bukele will now oversee a virtual one-party state, having dealt severe blows to opposition parties and independent institutions. His party now is poised to single-handedly re-write the constitution in ways that may severely circumscribe the struggle for genuine democracy.

 Join the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), the Institute for Policy Studies, and International Allies against Mining in El Salvador for a press conference with leaders of grassroots and civil society organizations in El Salvador working to challenge the continued erosion of the democratic state and the rule of law. Speakers also will share their perspectives on how the international community should respond to indications that Bukele will increase attacks against his perceived political enemies, formalize the police state that has emerged after two years of suspended civil rights, and pursue an extractivist economic agenda at the expense hard-earned environmental gains.  Register at

33] – Rebekah Wolf [] wants you to tune in on Thurs., May 30 at 2 PM ET for “Work Authorization for Newcomers: Everyone Wins.” Migrants want to work. Businesses have job openings to fill. And state and local governments are struggling to support newcomers who aren’t allowed to support themselves. What are the barriers to work authorization for people who are newly arriving in the United States? How could we make the system work better for everyone involved?    Register for the webinar at

34] –The DSA Labor Working Group meeting takes place on Thurs., May 30 from 6 to 7:30 PM ET. A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP at the Zoom Link:  Email Info:  Join a discussion of business, labor happenings, and future plans.

35] –Netroots Nation [] on Thurs., May 30 at 6 PM ET wants you to hear about Ni Uno Mas: The Impact of Gun Violence in Latino Communities, presented in partnership with Everytown for Gun Safety. This will be a discussion about the myriad ways gun violence shows up in Latino communities and the work that leaders are doing to keep their comunidades safe. RSVP at

36] –Join a virtual Town Hall – Medicare for All discussion with Congressperson Kweisi Mfume on Thurs., May 30 at 6:30 PM. Chesapeake PSR is a co-sponsor of the event to educate the public on the “Medicare for All Act” in Congress. Rep. Mfume, a co-sponsor, will be speaking about the significance and impact of this important healthcare reform. Engage with activists, municipal officials, and healthcare specialists in an interactive session where you can ask questions and share your thoughts. RSVP at

37] – All Eyes on Rafah is happening on Thurs., May 30 from 6:30 to 8 PM ET at Lafayette Square, 16th St. NW, WDC 20001. Israel dropped 2,000-pound bombs on displaced Palestinians sheltering in tents in Rafah over the weekend.  They murdered over 45 people, the majority children, women, and elderly people.  The U.S. produced these bombs. Join IfNotNow DC <> in mourning, grief, and rage through a collective mourner's Kaddish in front of the White House to tell Biden: No Money for Massacres.

Sign up at   If you're able to hold a support role, please fill out this form:

38] –The Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security [] on Thurs., May 30 at 7 PM is holding a webinar Intro to U.S.-China Relations. Amidst escalating U.S.-Chinese tensions and military confrontations in the aftermath of Taiwan’s recent election and the South China/West Philippine Sea where Chinese, Philippine, and U.S. ships are engaged in dangerous shows of force, Joseph Gerson will provide an illustrated introduction to U.S.-Chinese relations. It will be an easy way to play catch up on background and Common Security alternatives to the dangerous competition to shape the global disorder for the 21st century. Register at

39] –Stop the Money Pipeline [] wants you to join the Summer of Heat Mass Action Call on Thurs., May 30 at 7:30 PM ET. Since the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015, Citibank has been the world’s largest funder of fossil fuel expansion. It’s going to be a long, hot, disobedient summer in New York City. RSVP at

40] –Mike Fox for Progressive Democrats of America [] wants you to join in on Thurs., May 30 at 9 PM ET for the Campaign to Victory Call.  RSVP at

 We have several vital elections coming up, and we need a full team effort nationwide to bring home these crucial victories. Many primaries are quickly approaching. Squad Member Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) is right in the crosshairs of AIPAC and other dark money players because of his principled progressive stands. Bonnie Watson-Coleman has been endorsed several times, and she's been a stalwart Progressive Caucus Member and champion for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, Peace, and all of our other issues.  John Padora (CO-04) is a future Squad Member, and an inspiring voice for addressing additional issues, such as economic justice.

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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