Saturday, August 31, 2019

Baltimore Activist Alert -- September 1 - 3, 2019

19] Phone Bank for Bernie Sept. 1
20] Protest the Pentagon – Sept. 2
21] Voices Unbarred – Sept. 2
22] March for Full Employment – Sept. 2
23] Promote ending corruption in Congress – Sept. 2
24] Food Rescue – Sept. 2
25] Labor Day Picnic – Sept. 2
26] Food Rescue Pop-Up – Sept. 2
27] Get Money Out of Maryland – Sept. 2
28] DC Statehood Phone Bank – Sept. 3
29] Food Rescue at YO! Baltimore West – Sept. 3
30] Peace vigil – Sept. 3
31] Say No to Drone Research at JHU – Sept. 3
32] New Teachers Union Leadership – Sept. 3
33] Poor Peoples Campaign Meeting Sept. 3
34] “A Particular Kind of Black Man” – Sept. 3
35] Sunrise Movement meeting – Sept. 3
36] Beekeepers Association meeting – Sept. 3
37] Heading for Extinction Sept. 3
19] – Join the Terps for Bernie Phonebank at 7 PM on Sun., Sept. 1 at the University of Maryland, McKeldin Library, Room 2100, College Park 20742.  This is happening in the Tickets are at Join the students of Terps for Bernie to call or text voters and ask them to join our historic campaign to defeat Trump and transform America. In addition to a cell phone, you will need a laptop or tablet to use the Bernie Dialer. If you don’t have a laptop, you can check out one at the McKeldin Library Equipment Loan desk on the 2nd floor. Sign up for this event here: Find the location for this event here: Text (301) 458-0220 for location or if you get lost. There is visitor parking which includes street locations, surface lots, and campus garages, which are controlled by pay stations and credit card meters. All visitor parking is enforced seven days a week from 7 AM to midnight, unless otherwise noted on the meter. During these hours, guests must pay $3 per hour, with no daily rate. Many visitor parking zones allow for payment through the Parkmobile app.  Visit

20] – There is a weekly Pentagon Peace Vigil from 7 to 8 AM on Mondays, since 1987, outside the Pentagon Metro stop.  The next vigil is Sept. 2, and it is sponsored by the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker.  Email or call 202-882-9649.  The vigil will be outside the Pentagon's south Metro entrance and in the designated "protest zone" behind bicycle fences across from the entrance to the Metro.  By Metro, take Yellow Line and get out at the "Pentagon" stop. Do not go to the Pentagon City stop! Go up south escalators and turn left and walk across to protest area. By car from D.C. area, take 395 South and get off at Exit 8A-Pentagon South Parking. Take slight right onto S. Rotary Rd. at end of ramp and right on S. Fern St. Then take left onto Army Navy Dr. You can "pay to park" on Army Navy Dr.,  and there is meter parking one block on right on Eads St. Payment for both of these spots begin at 8 AM.  No cameras are allowed on Pentagon grounds. Restrooms are located inside Marriott Residence Inn on corner of S. Fern and Army Navy Dr.

21] – On Mon., Sept. 2 from 9:30 AM to noon, catch the Disconnect Between Perception & Truth, hosted by Voices Unbarred at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St. NW, WDC 20566.  Come to the Page to Stage Festival on Labor Day to hear the words of men who are currently incarcerated brought to life by returned citizens! Individuals who are incarcerated will be given a platform to have their voices heard using Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed techniques. Explore the perception of inmates versus the reality with us. You'll get the chance to jump in the action and try out some Theatre of the Oppressed activities, engage with real stories of the participants, and role play potential solutions to the issues raised.  This event is free and will take place in the Chinese Lounge of the Kennedy Center. See

22] –   On Mon., Sept. 2 from 10 AM to 2 PM, get with the MARCH FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.  This is part of the official launch of the Our Money Campaign, an issue-based advocacy campaign that seeks to mainstream the academic insights of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) to solve some of our nation's greatest social and economic challenges.  According to campaign Founder and Organizer Rev. Delman Coates, "We seek to build a diverse, grassroots, bi-partisan movement that endeavors to address poverty, wealth concentration, unemployment, affordable housing, health care, public education, the climate crisis, and household debt.  We recognize in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a credible, highly impressive, and genuinely public-spirited alternative to the disastrous economic stewardship offered by the old guard of the economics profession that brought us the Great Recession and continues to prioritize the private interests of the financial sector over the public good. We want to help ensure that the debate reaches the broader public through outreach and organizing rather than being confined to the Academy, the financial press, and op-ed pages.  Go to  Email

Gather at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, WDC 20024, and then march to the Federal Reserve. This is in commemoration of 1963’s March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom alongside our friends Dr. Delman Coates and the Our Money Campaign. See

23] -- On Mon., Sept. 2 from 10 AM to 12:30 PM, join RepresentUs at the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival.  RSVP at  Connect with voters and candidates in Maryland, and educate them on the problem of corruption and the solutions in the American Anti-Corruption Act. Meet at the New Deal Café, 113 Centerway, Greenbelt 20770.  RepresentUs Maryland will meet anti-corruption leaders, will help recruit new members, and will enjoy the festival!

24] – On Mon., Sept. 2 at noon, there will be a Food Rescue at Land of Kush, 840 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore 21201. Food Rescue Baltimore is honored to partner with The Land of Kush each and every Monday to bring access to free vegan/plant-based food in the community. Bring a bag. Take what you want from noon to 1PM or while supplies last. No purchase is necessary to take advantage of the Food Rescue Baltimore give away. Items from The Land of Kush's menu are not included in the give-away but will be available for sale. See

25] – On Mon., Sept. 2 from 2 to 6 PM, get over to a Labor Day Picnic, hosted by Baltimore Democratic Socialists of America at Riverside Park, 1800 Covington St., Baltimore 21230.  Family, Kids, and Friends are Welcome! See

26] –On Mon., Sept. 2 from 3 to 4 PM, there is a Food Rescue Pop-Up at Flourish, 3418 Belair Road, Baltimore 21213-1233.  Bring a bag, and take home healthy, free food! View
This will continue into the future.

27] – Join the Get Money Out of Maryland Teleconference on Mon., Sept. 2 from 8:30 to 9:30 PM.  Call 605-475-6711, code 1136243#.  Work only on brainstorming ideas for participation in the upcoming General Election.

28] –  Can you participate in a DC Statehood Phone Bank on Tues., Sept. 3 from 10 AM to 6 PM at the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, WDC 20004 in room G-9. Join the Washington, DC Statehood Office for a DC Statehood Phone Bank. Call state legislatures across the US to raise awareness of DC residents' lack of full and equal voting representation in Congress.   Phones, scripts, materials, and light refreshments will be provided. The Phone Bank continues each Tuesday. See Visit

29] – On Tues., Sept. 3 from noon to 1 PM, and continuing each Tuesday, come to a Food Rescue at YO! Baltimore West, 1510 W. Lafayette Ave., Baltimore 21217.  Enjoy fresh, delicious, and free food. Bring a bag. Bring a friend! Take what you want.  See

30] –  Each Tuesday from 4:30 - 5:30 PM, the Catholic Peace Fellowship-Philadelphia for peace in Afghanistan and Iraq gathers at the Suburban Station, 16th St. & JFK Blvd., at the entrance to Tracks 3 and 4 on the mezzanine.  The next vigil is Sept. 3.  Call 215-426-0364.

31] – Vigil to say "No Drone Research at JHU" near the entrance to Johns Hopkins at 34th & N. Charles Sts. on Tuesday, Sept. 3 from 5 to 6 PM. Contact Max at mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net or 410-323-1607. 

32] – On Tues., Sept. 3 from 6 to 9 PM, Real Talk Tho: School Is Back In Session with New Teachers Union Leadership, hosted by The Real News Network and Ida B's Table, 231 Holliday St., Baltimore 21202.  Real Talk Tho is an opportunity for people to discuss and debate real solutions to our city's intractable problems. What would effective policy look like and how do we get it implemented?  Search for solutions, develop the editorial work of The Real News and eat some great modern soul food. 

Baltimore’s public school system faces a host of challenges: declining enrollment, aging buildings, a lack of adequate funding for facilities and student learning, a decline in numbers of black teachers, and violence that too often spills from the community into classrooms. But, for the first time in two decades, there’s new leadership at the helm of the Baltimore Teachers Union, representing some 7,000 teachers, paraprofessionals, and school personnel in Baltimore City.

The Union We Deserve coalition won a hotly contested election in May by pledging to improve learning and working conditions for students and teachers, while battling austerity and privatization. Middle school teacher and longtime activist Diamonté Brown is the new president. See

33] –   On Tues., Sept. 3 from 6 to 8 PM, come to the Baltimore Poor Peoples Campaign Coordinating Committee Meeting at Oak Hill Center, 2239 Kirk Ave., Baltimore.  All are welcome to attend.

34] –   On Tues., Sept. 3 from 6 to 8 PM, catch the book talk “A Particular Kind of Black Man,” hosted by the Institute for Policy Studies at Busboys and Poets, 450 K St. NW, WDC 20001.  Check out tickets at  Celebrate the book release for an IPS Board Chair, Tope Folarin. The New York Times named him one of 4 Writers to Watch this Summer and was recently named to the Africa39 list of the most promising African writers under 40. In 2013, he won the Caine Prize for African Writing.  He is a Nigerian-American writer based in Washington DC. In additions to being a writer and Board Chair of IPS, he serves as Vice President of Content and Storytelling at the Local Initiatives Support Corporation. Tope blends in autobiographical and fictional elements to tell the story of a first-generation Nigerian-American growing up in the US. Tope describes it as a novel “capacious enough to hold the real and unreal.” The novel touches on migration, manhood, memory, home and identity.  Look at

35] – On Tues., Sept. 3 from 6:30 to 8 PM, attend a Hub Meeting of the Sunrise Movement at Charles Commons, 3301 N. Charles St., Baltimore 21218.  Talk through the strategy for the fall.  Sing, eat, and get to know each other!  Enter through Insomnia Cookies on the East 33rd Street side, turn right and go upstairs to the Barber Conference Room.  Visit

36] – On Tues., Sept. 3 from 7 to 9 PM, come to a Central Maryland Beekeepers Association meeting at Oregon Ridge Nature Center.  This month’s speaker will be Kelly Kulhanek from the Beltsville bee lab, she will talk about Bee Your Best Beekeeper.  Hear about Data-Recommended Best Beekeeping Management Practices.  The Bee Informed Partnership has been conducting loss and management surveys for 10 years. Learn about the management practices we have seen to reduce colony mortality at an operational level, and how we’ve tested them in the field for the last 3 years! All are welcome to attend our monthly meetings. Look at

37] – On Tues., Sept. 3 from 7:30 to 8:30 PM, get with Heading for Extinction and What To Do About It, hosted by Extinction Rebellion Washington DC and Shut Down DC-Climate Strike at Anacostia Neighborhood Library, Meeting Room 3 - Ora Glover Community Room, 1800 Good Hope Rd. SE, WDC 20020. Join XRDC for a conversation about the seriousness of the climate crisis and what we can do about it. Between Sept. 20-27, youth leaders around the world are calling for a climate strike and global week of action. On Sept. 23, activists here in the district will #ShutDownDC! Check out this talk if you want to learn more about why a Global Climate Strike is a necessary and effective way to address the Climate Emergency.   See and

To be continued

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

Baltimore Activist Alert – August 31 to September 1, 2019

Baltimore Activist Alert – August 31 to September 1, 2019

"I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Friends, this list and other email documents which I send out are done under the auspices of the Baltimore Nonviolence Center.  Go to  If you appreciate this information and would like to make a donation, send contributions to BNC, 325 East 25th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218.  Max Obuszewski can be reached at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 [at]

1] Books, buttons and stickers
2] Web site for info on federal legislation
3] Get involved with NCNR   

4] Lawyers Against War
6] The Warmth of Other Suns – through Sept. 22
7] Canvass with Bill Henry -- Aug. 31
8] Tree Maintenance – Aug. 31
9] Baltimore Vegan Restaurant Week -- Aug. 31
10] Protest killer drone strikes – Aug. 31
11] Mary Starkweather-White Memorial Service – Aug. 31
12] Eat at the great Sage – Aug. 31 – Sept. 1
13] Vegan for Peace potluck dinner – Aug. 31
14] Wild About Primates – Sept. 1
15] Felix Adler Was Not a Humanist – Sept. 1
16] Soil to Sanctuary Market – Sept. 1
17] DSA Meeting – Sept. 1
18] The ERA Call – Sept. 1
1] – Buttons, bumperstickers and books are available.  “God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions” stickers are in stock. Call Max at 410-323-1607.

2] – To obtain information how your federal legislators voted on particular bills, go to  Congressional toll-free numbers are 888-818-6641, 888-355-3588 or 800-426-8073. The White House Comment Email is accessible at

3] – THE ORGANIZING LIST will be the primary decision-making mechanism of the National Campaign of Nonviolent Resistance [NCNR].  It will be augmented by conference calls and possibly in-person meetings as needed.  It will consist of 1 or 2 representatives from each local, regional, or national organization (not coalitions) that wishes to actively work to carry out the NCNR campaign of facilitating and organizing nonviolent resistance to U.S. wars.

To join the ORGANIZING List, please send your name, group affiliation, city and email address to mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.  Different local chapters of a national organization are encouraged to subscribe.  

4] – Jeff Ross, an attorney in Maryland, is interested in gathering with other lawyers to discuss ways in which the legal profession and the law generally can be conceptualized as a peace-building and war-resisting institution and redirected to these ends. Areas to explore might include: 1) ways in which this group could support with legal analysis/writing those lawyers who are representing peace-builders/war-resisters in criminal prosecutions; 2) ways in which, from a more theoretical perspective, the law might be grounded in an ethic of non-violence; and 3) ways in which law students and young lawyers might be exposed to a non-violent vision of the law. All religious, philosophical, and critical perspectives on the law are welcome. The group might want to call itself Lawyers Against War. Jeff can be reached at 443-690-6872 and

5] -- SUPPORT AMAZON WORKERS OF CONSCIENCE.  We are in a deep struggle to support conscience within the high tech community, which may be the only way to prevent a major leap into artificial intelligence warfare that we see the beginnings of in the expanding global U.S. drone war system.  This may be of particular interest to Johns Hopkins' Navy-funded researchers, some of whom have been working on swarming drone technology.

These are not major asks and can be a powerful reinforcement of conscience at an extremely critical moment.  Please consider circulating this link to your lists encouraging people to sign the linked RootsAction petition - and leafletting Whole Foods in your areas. This is a link to the leaflet -- Should you have interest in circulating the links and possibly leafletting, contact Nick Mottern at  nickmottern at

6] – The Phillips Collection (TPC) in Washington, D.C. has a dedicated mission of addressing contemporary social justice issues of global significance. The museum has recently undertaken an extraordinary exhibition on the urgent topic of immigration and the global migration crisis entitled: The Warmth of Other Suns: Stories of Global Displacement. This important exhibition presents 75 historical and contemporary artists—from the United States as well as Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Iraq, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Syria, Turkey, UK, Vietnam, and more—whose work poses urgent questions around the experiences and perceptions of migration, internal and cross-border displacement, and the current global refugee crisis. Check out

   In conjunction with the exhibition which is on view through Sept. 22, the museum has also created a slate of dynamic programming including artist talks.  Exemplarily, on Aug. 29, Millennium Arts Salon Executive Director Juanita Hardy will feature a Salon Panel Talk on the issue of migration. Contact Phillips Director of Communications Miriam Magdieli at for complimentary passes, or to RSVP for Phillips After 5. If you have a group she can also help to arrange a tour with museum staff.  The Phillips Collection is eager to engage in partnerships with organizations working with migrant communities, whether by advocacy, direct action, or support for migrants here in DC.

7] – Canvass with Bill Henry in Union Square and Mount Clare on Sat., Aug. 31 at 10 AM, noon or 2 PM, hosted by Friends of Bill Henry starting at 1500 W. Lombard St., Baltimore 21223.  Sign up here to knock on doors with Councilmember Bill Henry --  Now more than ever, there is a need an independent voice in City government to promote accountability and transparency from top to bottom.  You will get all the training you need to be successful and have fun. Go to

8] – On Sat. Aug. 31 from 10 AM to 1 PM, do Tree Maintenance with Gunpowder Valley Conservancy. Tickets are at  Newly planted trees need TLC to survive. Spend several hours to help young trees grow into healthy forests!  Tree maintenance involves removing invasive plants, checking planted trees to see if the shelter needs to be removed and removing if necessary, digging out the planting tube, and making sure the plant is upright.  Community service learning hours available.  Register online at Also visit the website for updated location and driving directions. Summer 2019 sites will be at Loch Raven Reservoir.  Check out

9] – On Sat., Aug. 31 and Sun., Sept. 1 from 10 AM to 11 PM, the Baltimore Vegan Restaurant Week continues with Wicked Sisters and Maryland Vegan Eats at 3845 Falls Road, Baltimore 21211. You can make reservations in advance by going to Look at

10] – Every day, somewhere in the world, the U.S. conducts killer drone strikes, continuing a policy of 'endless war', exemplifying the daily killing and terror we face every day across the U.S.  On Sat., Aug. 31 at from noon until 2 PM, protest the drone war command operation @ Horsham PA Air National Guard Station, Route 611/Easton & County Line Roads, Horsham, PA. Banners/signs are available aplenty with nearby parking.  Stand, sit (bring a chair), sing or give a speech.  Tell PA Governor Tom Wolf, head of PA Air National Guard: BAN PA DRONE WAR OPERATIONS! Look at Contact the Brandywine Peace Community at or at 484-574-1148.

11] – On Sat., Aug. 31 at 2 PM, get over to a Mary Starkweather-White Memorial Service at Wilmington Friends Meeting, 401 N. West St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Starkweather-White was a long-time supporter and Board member of Pacem in Terris and life-long activist for peace with justice. She was truly remarkable in all that she did— for Pacem in Terris, for returning citizens through the Moving Forward project, the Pardons Project, New Beginnings Next Step and through programs such the Baylor Dance Program and the Baylor Peace Art Program that she initiated at Baylor Women’s Correctional Facility. Honor Mary and the projects she started and developed through the establishment of the Mary Starkweather-White Legacy Fund. The fund will be used for helping Pacem in Terris continue her restorative justice and other peace with justice work. Visit
12] – Maryland Vegan Restaurant Weeks continue on Sat., Aug 31 and Sun., Sept.1 from 5 to 9 PM at Great Sage, 5809 Clarksville Square Dr., Clarksville 21029.  BRING THE HEAT! VEGAN RESTAURANT WEEK WILL COOL YOU DOWN. Go to to check out the most current media stories and videos. Go to

13] – On Sat., Aug. 31 from 6 to 8:30 PM, get with Vegan for Peace potluck dinner, hosted by Earthsave Baltimore at Govans Presbyterian Church, 5828 York Road, Baltimore 21212.  Earthsave's veg/vegan dinner series meets on the last Saturday of each month at Govans Presbyterian Church, next to the historic Senator Theater. Earthsave's mission is to help people learn a healthier and more peaceful way of eating and living. See or

Maintaining and Restoring Bone Density in Vegans will be explained by Mark Rifkin, RD, will speak on "It’s A Puzzle, I Tell Ya! Maintaining and Restoring Bone Density in Vegans." Registered Dietitian Rifkin will show us the puzzle, and how vegans can maintain and even restore bone density, regardless of age. Everyone’s welcome... vegans, vegetarians, veg curious, or omnivores. If you’d like to entertain, email, or call 410-252-3043. 

DINNER GUESTS may choose to either bring a dish made without animal products (to serve 8) plus $5 (members pay just $2) donation; pay $15 (members pay just $12) to enjoy dinner and presentation; or pay $5 for presentation only. If you plan to pay for dinner rather than bring a dish, RSVP by calling 410-252-3043, or emailing Drive around church to large parking lot, where you'll see the white Earthsave banner near the Fellowship Hall entry. Look up

14] – On Sun., Sept. 1 from 10 AM to 4 PM, Weis Markets presents: Wild About Primates, hosted by The Maryland Zoo, 1 Safari Place, Baltimore 21217.  Tickets are at  Primates are the closest relative to humans? Learn all about chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, and lemurs — ring-tailed, red-ruffed, and sifaka! Engage with the keepers to see how important zoos are in protecting these endangered species, watch enrichment demos, and participate in primate-themed activities! This event is FREE with Zoo admission or membership! Check out

15] – Usually, the Baltimore Ethical Society, 2521 St. Paul St., Baltimore 21218, meets on Sundays, and generally there is a speaker and discussion at 10:30 AM.  On Sun., Sept. 1 hear that Felix Adler Was Not a Humanist.  Ethical Culture founder, Felix Adler, was not a humanist and he prevented Ethical Culture from identifying with the Humanists while he was alive.  Why was he opposed to Humanism? Why did EC become involved with Humanism after Adler died? What does Humanism mean for EC now? Call 410-581-2322 or email

16] – On Sun., Sept. 1 from noon to 3 PM, get with Soil to Sanctuary Market, hosted by The Black Church Food Security Network at 430 E. Belvedere Ave., Baltimore 21212-3035.  Grab your crew and come through to support Black Farmers and business owners. Support our mission of advancing Black #foodsovereignty and furthering the creation of a just food system in Baltimore!
Look at

17] – On Sun., Sept. 1 from 1 to 2:30 PM, attend the Rent Control Working Group Meeting, hosted by Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America at the Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW, WDC 20011. Talk strategy and also get updates from chapter members working on our rent control campaign. Working group meetings are a great way to get plugged into all kinds of chapter work. See

18] – On Sun., Sept. 1 from 4 to 5 PM, get on The CALL - ERA Education Program at Katrina's Dream, PO Box 32003, WDC 20007.  Tickets are at  Please come each Sunday and help build the groundswell. The collaboration of grassroots organizers, lobbyists, and professionals is dedicated to promoting and educating folks across the United States of America to empowering women around the world.

The CALL IN NUMBER is 563.999.2090, the CONFERENCE NO: 898879#.  Visit

To be continued

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Baltimore Activist Alert -- August 29 -- September 1, 2019

44] Clip boarding for Bernie – Aug. 29
45] DSA Happy Hour – Aug. 29
46] Voters & Elections in Latin America – Aug. 29
47] Move Beyond Coal – Aug. 29
48] Effective Testimony and Letter Writing 101 workshop – Aug. 29
49] Council President's Legislative Town Hall – Aug. 29
50] Meeting of the Baltimore County Progressive Democrats Club -- Aug. 29
51] Elephants Up Close & Personal – Aug. 30
52] Maryland Vegan Restaurant Weeks – Aug. 30 – 31
53] Food Rescue – Aug. 30
54] White House vigil– Aug. 30
55] WIB peace vigils – Aug. 30
56] Black Lives Matter/Peace & Justice Vigil – Aug. 30
57] Salvadoran Women at the Forefront of Struggle – Aug. 30 
58] Labor Day Retreat – Aug. 30 – Sept. 1
59] Greenbelt Labor Day Festival -- Aug. 30
60] Ballroom Dancing – Aug. 30
44] – Clip boarding for Bernie is hosted by Terps for Bernie 2020 on Thurs., Aug. 29 at 1 PM and noon on Fri., Aug. 30 at the University of Maryland, College Park 20742.  Get tickets at  Join Terps for Bernie to clipboard-field canvass and engage student voters about Bernie Sanders and the 2020 election! If you're new to Terps for Bernie, sign up to join and RSVP for the event here:  If you're a current member of Terps for Bernie, you may RSVP for the event here: Visit

45] On Thurs., Aug. 29 from 5 to 8 PM, come to a New Member Happy Hour, hosted by Baltimore Democratic Socialists of America at Laughing Pint, 3531 Gough St., Baltimore 21224.  Bring your roommates, your friends, your kids - all are welcome!  Get to know each other, talk a bit about the organization and its work, and have some laughs!  Email Go to

46] – On Thurs., Aug. 29 from 6 to 8 PM, catch Voters & Elections in Latin America: How Much Choice is Too Much, hosted by Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame, 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 120, WDC 20036.  Citizens in Ecuador, El Salvador, and Honduras now face the nearly impossible task of voting for up to 24 different candidates for congress. Join a discussion with a panel of experts sharing surprising new research and experience from the field about the advantages and limits of open electoral systems.  View the panelists and RSVP at  Go to

47] – On Thurs., Aug. 29 from 6 to 8 PM, get over to Move Beyond Coal: SMECO Member Meeting, hosted by Southern Maryland Sierra Club at  Middleton Hall, 4045 Renner Road, Waldorf 20602. Tickets are at  Each year, SMECO holds a Member Meeting, where customers can speak directly to the Board of Directors and the President and CEO, ask questions and make their voices heard.  Take this opportunity to elevate the need for a just and equitable transition from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy sources.

  SMECO has taken many environmentally friendly actions recently, including applying for grants for electric vehicle infrastructure for the region, which will help reduce emissions from our transportation sector. This is a praiseworthy action, and we need to show SMECO’s leadership that we appreciate their environmentally friendly moves.  Stress to SMECO the importance of moving away as rapidly as possible from dirty fossil fuels like Coal. Currently, 15% of all energy distributed by SMECO comes from Coal. Urge a policy of total divestment from Coal and a matching investment in clean renewable energy sources.  Look at

48] – On Thurs, Aug. 29 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, the Howard County Sierra Club is hosting an Effective Testimony and Letter Writing 101 workshop at the Miller Library, 9421 Frederick Rd., Ellicott City 21042.  Contact Patricia Soffen at or (410) 869-0552.  Do you want to make a difference in Howard County Legislation and Policies, but don't know where to start? Learn about local legislation that is up for consideration in September by the County Council, along with how best to write and/or read testimony to the County Council. Council Member Liz Walsh will be speaking about the CB-38 that she introduced to the council. CB-38, The Patapsco Lower North Branch Bill, aims to protect and preserve our trees, forests, waterways, neighborhoods, and historic areas in this watershed. The public hearing for CB-38 will be held on September 16th at the George Howard Building and the Council vote will take place on October 7th.

49] – On Thurs., Aug. 29 from 6:30 to 8 PM, come to the Council President Brandon M. Scott's Legislative Town Hall at the Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries, 6000 Radecke Ave., Baltimore 21206.  RSVP at*.  On July 31, Council President Scott released a legislative and policy proposal for the Baltimore City Council to clean up city government, build safer and stronger neighborhoods, invest in youth, and bring an equity framework to governance. The Council President is taking that proposal out of City Hall and into neighborhoods across Baltimore.

The Council President wants your feedback on the City Council's priorities through 2020 and to hear your ideas. Your input will shape the policy proposal moving forward. You may also email with your feedback and ideas. You can view the Legislative & Policy Proposal at  To view the other scheduled Legislative Town Hall events, visit  Go to

50] – On Thurs., Aug. 29 from 7 to 9 PM, check out the monthly meeting of the Baltimore County Progressive Democrats Club at 301 Allegheny Ave., Towson 21204-4258. Hear a report from the HOME Act coalition and on what state/county election data shows about 2020 and beyond--leading to new MDP statewide field program. There will be a panel discussion on lessons learned from running for office (Del. Shelly Hettleman, MDP's Ben Smith, Sachin Hebbar, and Sheila Ruth).  See

51] –  On Fri., Aug. 30 from 10:30 to 11:30 AM, get the word on Elephants Up Close & Personal,  hosted by Catonsville Senior Center Council, 501 N. Rolling Rd., Catonsville 21228.  Center members Larry & Hilde Martin will discuss their re- cent trip to Kenya for an up close and personal look at the elephant conservation efforts of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.  It was founded in 1977 and a pioneer in the rescue and hand rearing of orphaned baby elephants. Over a 10 day period in August 2018, the Martins were immersed in The Orphans Project, visiting the nursery unit in Nairobi and all three reintegration units in Tsavo National Park.  Visit

52] –On Fri., Aug. 30 from 11 AM to 11 PM and on Sat., Aug. 31 from 10 AM to 11 PM, Baltimore Vegan Restaurant Week continues with Wicked Sisters and Maryland Vegan Eats at 3845 Falls Road, Baltimore 21211. The Baltimore Vegan Restaurant Week will continue until Sept. 1.  You can make reservations in advance by going to Look at

53] – On Fri., Aug. 30 from noon to 1 PM, Fridays at Grace Baptist Church, 3201 The Alameda., Baltimore 21218, are by Food Rescue Baltimore.  Bring a bag, bring a friend, and take delicious, nutritious, free rescued food. Look at

54] – The Dorothy Day Catholic Worker will host a peace vigil at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, WDC, on Fri., Aug. 30 at noon.  Contact the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker: 202-882-9649,  

55] – Women in Black VIGILS FOR PEACE take place on Fri., Aug. 30 from noon to 1 PM.  One is at McKeldin Square, corner of Light and Pratt Sts., in the Inner Harbor, Baltimore.  Use the purple circulator line.  Enjoy an AFTER VIGIL LUNCH from the food trucks in the Inner Harbor.  Bring Your Own Sandwich or stop by one of the food trucks in the McKeldin Square.

  Another is at Roland Park Place, 830 W. 40th St., Baltimore.  Free Parking available. Vigil from noon to 1 PM. Lunch in the Bistro at 1 PM. If there's a storm, there is no vigil, but there will be lunch. Contact Anne:  The final vigil is in Chestertown, Kent County on the Eastern Shore at Memorial Park at Cross Street and Park Row. Email

56] – There is usually a silent vigil on Fridays, from 5 to 6 PM, sponsored by Homewood Friends Meeting, outside the Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3107 N. Charles St.  The next scheduled vigil is on Aug. 30. Black Lives Matter.

57] – On Fri., Aug. 30 from 6 to 9 PM, hear from Salvadoran Women at the Forefront of Struggle, hosted by DC CISPES at 1525 Newton St, NW, WDC 20010-3103.  The long legacy of Salvadoran resistance in the face of colonial, imperialist, and capitalist exploitation guides today’s struggles against escalating attacks. The Salvadoran and global elite continue to push the same kinds of destructive profit-driven economic and political models that their predecessors pushed during the country’s military dictatorships and the Salvadoran social movements continue to fight back!

Join us for a night of community learning to build local and international solidarity. We will be joined by water defense and labor rights activistas and feminist political leaders from El Salvador AND by local Guatemalan activist and organizer with La ColectiVA and the For Us, Not Amazon coalition, Yolanda Corado Cendejas. Yolanda will share about their important anti-gentrification and immigrant rights work at the local level. Look at
58] – The Labor Day retreat will be held Fri., Aug. 30 through Sun., Sept. 1 in Camden, NJ. Sisters Ardeth and Carol are lined up to do a presentation on the wonderful work they’ve been doing with the U.N. nuclear weapon abolition treaty. Brendan Fay, a gay activist working on the St. Pat’s For All campaign in NYC, may do a presentation on the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. Another possibility might be Norman Lowry speaking on his work resisting military recruiting, and his recent stint in prison for same. Finally, Bill Hartman and Joe Byrne hope to do a session on The Work That Reconnects, an eco-project of Buddhist activist Joanna Macy.  There will also be, of course, shared prayer, shared meals, and a talent show!

Email Jonah House [] to indicate if you plan on attending the retreat, and how many will be in your group. Can you prepare a meal for the retreat community?  Or you willing to coordinate child care?  Can you help plan the Bible Study/Liturgy on Sunday.  The proposal is that the retreat will begin on Friday and end at mid-day on Sunday, which means not staying on until Monday, which is Labor Day. However, the retreat center will be available until Monday mid-day.  So there is a possibility of some folks remaining behind to do support work for the Kings Bay Plowshares. Keep in your thoughts and prayers friends who are dealing with cancer (Heidi Hynes and Lin Romano), recovering from accidents (Scott Schaeffer-Duffy), and recovering from acts of nature (friends at Anathoth Farm, in Wisconsin, who recently were hit by a devastating tornado).

59] –   Go to the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival, hosted by Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club, P.O. Box 824, Greenbelt 20770.  Tickets are at  Sign up on the website to volunteer at the Funnel Cake Booth during the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival. A portion of the money from the funnel cake booth goes to the Roosevelt Democratic Club:  Volunteers are needed to help out at the Funnel Cake Booth--Saturday from 1 to 3:30 PM and 3:30 to 6 PM, Sunday from 8 to 10 PM; and on Monday from 11 to 1 PM and 5 to 6 PM. If you are able to help out during any of those times, email the Club President at Look at

60] – There is an opportunity to participate in ballroom dancing, usually every Friday of the month in the JHU ROTC Bldg. at 8 PM.  Turn south on San Martin Dr. from the intersection of Univ. Parkway and 39th St.  Drive on campus by taking the third left turn. The next dance will be on Aug. 30. Call Dave Greene at 301-570-3283; or email

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs