Friday, August 31, 2018

The Nonviolence Movement: The future is this moment and not someplace out there

Dear Friends,
We are writing to invite you to join with us in a dialogue to discuss how we can work together, through nonviolent civil resistance, to bring about real change and bring an end to the war crimes of our government.
Malachy and Joy have both been engaged in nonviolent civil resistance with the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) since its earliest days in 2002, when it was known as Iraq Pledge of Resistance.  Now we find ourselves at a juncture and believe that there could be a better way to continue this work.
As we have thought deeply about this over the last several months, it seems clear that we need to reach out to broaden our efforts and to work together with a larger group of people who have the same concerns in engaging in nonviolent civil resistance against the empire and militarism. 
Though many of us are engaged in local actions throughout the country, we would like to invite you to come together to discuss with us how we could join together in a concerted collective effort to confront empire at least once a year at its heart, in the Washington, DC area. 
The community of good people who we have worked and witnessed with in NCNR over the last 16 years are truly wonderful and inspiring friends. We’ve experienced so much, and have grown a lot together. However, the juncture we find ourselves at today is, it seems, far from 2002 and the violence of empire is more oppressive today than ever. We think a conversation is needed about how we can all expand our work.  The future of a movement practicing nonviolent civil resistance is vital to bringing about real change.
We would like to invite you to enter into a conversation about working together and organizing for at least one annual mass action of nonviolent civil resistance in or around Washington, DC confronting the US imperial War Machine.  We are looking at Saturday Sept. 29 or Sunday Sept. 30 in the Washington, DC area.
**Please contact either of us at or
**We want to reduce long and cumbersome email threads.  Please do not reply all, but just send either Malachy or Joy a note stating whether or not you are interested in this idea and whether you can meet in DC Sept. 29 or 30. 
In peace and resistance,
Joy and Malachy

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Baltimore Activist Alert - August 31 -- September 3, 2018

For sale a button calling Donald Trump Bully -- $2.
For sale BOY GENIUS, a book about Karl Rove, written by Lou Dubose, Jan Reid and Carl M. Cannon -- $2.

42] ALC Retreat – Aug. 31 to Sept. 3
43] WIB peace vigils – Aug. 31
44] White House vigil – Aug. 31
45] Food Rescue Friday – Aug. 31
46] Black Lives Matter – Aug. 31
47] Volunteer at the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival – Aug. 31 – Sept. 3
48] Stop Kavanaugh Postcard Writing and "RBG" Film Screening – Aug. 31
49] Ballroom Dancing – Aug. 31
50] Community Canvass with Team O – Sept. 1
51] Baltimore City Canvasses for Ben Jealous – Sept. 1
52] Compost Demonstration – Sept. 1
53] Democratic Day of Action – Sept. 1
54] Chester County Peace Vigil – Sept. 1
55] Cats, Coffee, & Cookies – Sept. 1
56] Philadelphia Center City Drone Death Walk/Vigil – Sept. 1
58] Baltimore Humane Society Adoption Event – Sept. 1
59] Racism Threatening Public Transportation – Sept. 1
60] Do you want to join a peace caravan?
61] Emergency Demonstration against an attack on Iran or North Korea  
63] Donate books, videos, DVDs and records  
64] Do you need any book shelves?
65] Join the Global Zero campaign
66] Peace Park Antinuclear Vigil
42] – The 2018 Atlantic Life Community Retreat begins on Fri., Aug. 31 and concludes on Mon., Sept. 3 at the Romero Center, 2907 Federal St., Camden, NJ 08105. There is a need to hear from individuals or groups who would be willing to cook a meal for the retreat.  To attend, RSVP to Joe Byrne, Jonah House, at or

43] – On Fri., Aug. 31 from noon to 1 PM, join a Women in Black peace vigil. A vigil will take place in McKeldin Square at the corner of Light and Pratt Sts.  STAY FOR LUNCH at Baba's Kitchen.  Warm-up, dry off, and enjoy a vegetarian chili lunch and lots of good conversation. Bring a side or topping for the chili.  There are still places at the table; invite a friend to come along with you.

  Another vigil is at Roland Park Place, 830 W. 40th St, Baltimore. 21211. However, if weather is iffy, contact Anne at  Lunch will take place at 1 PM at the RPP Café, 830 W. 40th St., Baltimore 21211.

  A third vigil will be in Chestertown, Kent County at Memorial Park at Cross Street and Park Row.  This vigil is looking for more peace bodies on the Eastern Shore.  Welcome to the network, Chestertown Women in Black.

Wear black. Dress for who knows what kind of weather.  Peace signs will be available. When there are others to stand with, you don't need to carry the burden alone. Do this to be in solidarity with others....when everything around us says “Be afraid of the stranger.” Carpool and parking available. Just send an email that you need a ride to:

44] – On Fri.,  Aug. 31 from noon to 1 PM, join the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker in a vigil urging the powers that be to abolish war and torture, to disarm all weapons, to end indefinite detention, to close Guantanamo, to establish justice for all and help create the Beloved Community! This vigil will take place at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. Contract Art @ or at 202-360-6416.

45] – On Fri., Aug. 31 at noon, get over to Grace Baptist Church, 3201 The Alameda., Baltimore 21218, hosted by Food Rescue Baltimore. This occurs every Friday until Feb. 8, 2019.  For Friday Food Rescue, bring a bag, bring a friend, and take delicious, nutritious, free rescued food. See

46] – There is usually a silent vigil on Fridays, from 5 to 6 PM, sponsored by Homewood Friends Meeting, outside the Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3107 N. Charles St.  The next scheduled vigil is on August 31. Black Lives Matter.   

47] – On Fri., Aug. 31 at 6 PM until Mon., Sept. 3 at 6  PM, volunteer at the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival - Funnel Cake and Political Booth, hosted by Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club, P.O. Box 824, Greenbelt 20770. Visit to sign up for volunteering at the booth.  A portion of the money from the funnel cake booth goes to the Roosevelt Democratic Club. See

48] -- On Fri., Aug. 31 from 7 to 9 PM, there is a Stop Kavanaugh Postcard Writing and "RBG" Film Screening at Joe Squared, 33 W. North Ave., Baltimore 21201. See a screening of RBG, a documentary about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and participate in the #StopKavanaugh campaign by writing postcards to our senators with concerns about the SCOTUS nomination and suggested questions Judge Kavanaugh should answer at the confirmation hearings. Go to

49] – There is an opportunity to participate in ballroom dancing, usually every Friday of the month, in the JHU ROTC Bldg. at 8 PM.  Turn south on San Martin Dr. from the intersection of Univ. Parkway and 39th St.  Drive on campus by taking the third left turn. The next dance will be on August 31. Call Dave Greene at 410-599-3725.

50] –  On Sat., Sept. 1 at 10 AM, join in Community Canvass with Team O, hosted by Johnny Olszewski for Baltimore County Executive at 4050 North Point Blvd., Dundalk 21222. This will be replicated every Saturday, until Nov. 10.  Build a better Baltimore County!  Knock on doors, call voters, talk to neighbors, and help share Johnny's vision to expand opportunity in every community.  Contact Team O's Brad at 410-371-9731 or at See

51] –  On Sat., Sept. 1 and Sun., Sept. 2 at 10 AM & at 1 PM, join the Baltimore City Canvasses for Ben Jealous hosted by Baltimore City Democratic Party at 1023 Cathedral St., Baltimore 21201-5403.  Join Baltimore City's Democratic Party in canvassing voters across Baltimore, and tell them why Ben Jealous is the best gubernatorial candidate for our City! Canvass every Saturday and Sunday, with launches at 10AM and 1PM! 

If you've never canvassed before, it's easy! You'll have talking points on hand, and plenty of seasoned volunteers to support you as you engage with our neighbors across Baltimore. Volunteering is the most important thing we can do to make sure our state has the leadership it needs in Annapolis, and with your help, we'll get that new leadership in November!  See

52] -- On Sat., Sept. 1 from 10 to 11 AM, there will be a Compost Demonstration, hosted by The Friends of Quiet Waters Park, 600 Quiet Waters Park Rd., Annapolis 21403.  Master Gardeners maintain the Composting and Native Gardens site at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis. They give hour-long compost demonstrations twice a month. The talks are given by those on the team that are Master Composters. Attendees receive a free compost bin, provided by the Anne Arundel County Department of Recycling and information (goodie) bag filled with printed materials explaining various ways of composting. Visit  Email

53] – On Sat., Sept. 1 at 10 AM and Sun., Sept. 2 at 11 AM, join in a Democratic Day of Action! Get with Door Knocking in West Baltimore County, hosted by Baltimore County Young Democrats at the 5740 Executive Drive, suite 108, Catonsville.  This is a Coordinated Campaign, also including the Baltimore County Progressive Democrats, and other local Democratic groups and candidates to promote Ben Jealous, Johnny Olszewski, Jr, and the rest of the Democratic ticket in Western Baltimore County!  IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND ONE OR BOTH DAYS, RSVP to Sheila Ruth at  Visit

54] – Each Saturday, 11 AM – 1 PM, Chester County Peace Movement holds a peace vigil in West Chester in front of the Chester County Courthouse, High & Market Sts. Go to Email

55] – On Sat., Sept. 1, 8 and 15 at 11 AM, attend Cats, Coffee, & Cookies, hosted by Passport Animal Rescue, Inc.  This event will continue every Saturday until Dec 29 at Petco (Lutherville), 1719 York Rd., Lutherville 21093.  Check out the adoptable cats & kittens, every Saturday.  Yummy treats, coffee and juice, and a room full of kitties needing homes will be available!  See

56] – Join the Philadelphia Center City Drone Death Walk/Vigil at 11:30 AM until 1 PM on Sat., Sept. 1 at 12th & Arch Sts. The wars continue and our military government makes them seem like the status quo. We are just getting used to WARS – Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, and countries in Africa which go unnamed but are being militarized by the U.S.  Right now the WAR in YEMEN, a human tragedy on a huge scale, continues with U.S. military support. Without that support this war would not continue. President Donald J. Trump and the Congress need to be resisted each day, in the streets, online, on the phone. This street protest, while quiet, is visible, dramatic, and one of a few that addresses the issue of U.S. WARMAKING. If wars fit Trump’s fascist agenda, he will wage them just as he has, significantly added to the number of drone strikes and then some since the Obama Administration.   Please wear BLACK, and you will get a plain white mask. Call Marge Van Cleef at 203-804-3013.

57] – On Sat., Sept. 1 from 1 to 4 PM, get over to HOPE's 6th ANNUAL BACKPACK GIVEAWAY BBQ, hosted by Helping Other People Through Empowerment at Montebello Park, 2040 E 32nd St., Baltimore 21218. HOPE will supply 100 at risk youth with FREE backpacks and school supplies. This event is geared to helping students in grades k-5 start off the new school year with the proper essentials. There will also be games, entertainment & free food. Look for all the balloons under the pavilion by the school. There will be concession stands and over 20 vendors. Register at   Go to

58] – On Sat., Sept. 1, Oct. 6 and Nov. 3 at 1 PM, come to the Baltimore Humane Society Adoption Event, hosted by Bark! (Catonsville), 816 Frederick Rd., Catonsville 21228. Humane Society staffers will be onsite to assist with adoptions.  Check out event, or

59] – On Sat., Sept. 1 from 3 to 5 PM, get involved with the issue Racism Threatening AACo Public Transportation, hosted by SURJ Annapolis at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, 333 Dubois Rd., Annapolis 21401. Hear from Samuel Jordan, president of the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition (BTEC).  White supremacy relies on restricting the mobility of some over others. This Saturday commit to use our privilege to dismantle them. 

Showing Up for Racial Justice local Annapolis & AACo chapter is organizing in solidarity with the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition (BTEC) and the Baltimore Chapter of SURJ to mobilize “a broader and more representative area constituency that promotes totally bias-free, equal access to all transportation services in the region without regard to race, color, income, destination, home address, employment or health status as a regional transit policy.” Misplaced community fear has transformed into a dangerous race-baiting campaign to close three light rail stops in North County. These stops are critical to connect folks with employment, health care, and other services.

SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (SURJ) Annapolis & Anne Arundel County (3A) monthly meetings take place the first Saturday of each month from 3:00-5:00 pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. See

60] – Do you have any interest in challenging the Trump administration for reneging on the Iran Deal? If yes, would you be interested in joining a Peace Caravan to the Iranian embassy in Washington, D.C.? Contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.  

61] – It is a violation of U.S. law for us to attack a country that has not attacked us, as only Congress can declare war. The Trump administration is nevertheless beating the war drums for war against Iran and North Korea. The Mueller investigation is tightening the vise, and could cause Trump to attack those countries in order to divert attention from Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Such a military strike would demand an immediate and unequivocal response from us to show that we will not tolerate his abuse of power.

Let's mobilize to show that we the people will not tolerate another military adventure, which would be bound to have profound negative consequences. If a preemptive military strike against Iran or North Korea takes place, then meet outside the War Memorial, 101 N. Gay St., Baltimore, MD 21202. If the attack is before 2 PM local time, then events will begin at 5 PM, local time. If the attack occurs after 2 PM local time, then events will begin at noon, local time, the following day. Contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.


After 44 years of resisting weapons and war, Jonah House is Baltimore is in danger of shutting down. Two of the three core members have announced their intention to leave the community as of May 2018. That leaves one core member, Joe Byrne, who will remain to recruit and re-form intentional community. But if no one steps forward, Jonah House will have to close.   Jonah House was founded by Phil Berrigan, Liz McAlister, and others, in 1973, during the Vietnam War. It was a center of resistance to that war. When the war ended, the focus of resistance became the nuclear arms race. This resistance blossomed into the Plowshares movement. Jonah House members have spent years in jail for Plowshares disarmament actions. Other members have spent years supporting them, and doing the work of the community in their absence. Resistance to weapons and war continues at Jonah House. More recently, Jonah House has also become involved in racial justice efforts in Baltimore, and the environmental justice movement.

  Jonah House is planted in the middle of a 22-acre, mostly-wooded cemetery in West Baltimore called St. Peter’s. Maintaining and slowly restoring St. Peter’s Cemetery is the work that pays the bills for the community. Jonah House also uses the property to serve the living as well as honor the dead. Our gardens and orchards feed the Jonah House community, and the surrounding neighborhood community, via a food pantry and weekly food distribution to low-income neighbors. We envision the cemetery—particularly the 11-acre forest patch—as a haven for the people of the neighborhood, international peace activists, and numberless living beings.

Jonah House is also an interfaith spiritual community. We pray or meditate together daily, and our spiritual practice informs and empowers everything we do, whether in the fields or in the streets. To continue the vision, Jonah House is looking for a few new core members willing to commit to a two-year stint. We are also open to short- and long-term interns (3 months to a year). The work of radical peacemaking, direct service to the poor, and stewarding the land requires workers. We pray that God will send laborers to the vineyard (yes, we have that too) and that Jonah House will continue to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable for another 44 years!  For more information, call 443-804-3410, or email us at

63] -- If you would like to get rid of books, videos, DVDs, records, tarps and table cloths, contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at

64] -- Can you use any book shelves? Contact Max at 410-323-1637 or mobuszewski2001 at

65] -- Join an extraordinary global campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons: A growing group of leaders around the world is calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons and a majority of the global public agrees.  This is an historic window of opportunity.  With momentum already building in favor of Zero, a major show of support from people around the world could tip the balance. When it comes to nuclear weapons, one is one too many.

66] – A Peace Park Antinuclear Vigil takes place every day in Lafayette Park, 1601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 24 hours a day, since June 3, 1981. Go to; call 202-682-4282.

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-366-1637; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

“One is called to live nonviolently, even if the change one works for seems impossible. It may or may not be possible to turn the US around through nonviolent revolution. But one thing favors such an attempt: the total inability of violence to change anything for the better" - Daniel Berrigan

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Baltimore Activist Alert - August 29 -- November 5, 2018

32] Phone Bank for Johnny O – Aug. 29 – Nov. 5
33] Two films about Gaza – Aug. 29
34] Transportation Forum – Aug. 29
35] Book talk about “Resilience for All” – Aug. 29
36] A Multi-Agency Forum/Using FOIA to Access Immigration Records – Aug. 30
37] Phone bank for Ben Jealous – Aug. 30
38] The Syria Crisis – Aug. 30
39] Fight for the Ocean Aug. 30
40] Stop the Hate vigil – Aug. 30
41] See the film ”End the Silence” – Aug. 30
32]   On Wed., Aug. 29 and Thurs., Aug. 30 at 5:30 PM and continuing until November 5, do phone banking with Team O!, hosted by Johnny Olszewski for Baltimore County Executive, 4050 North Point Blvd., Dundalk 21222.  Join a people-powered campaign to build a better Baltimore County!  Contact Team O's Brad at 410-371-9731 or at  Look at

33] – On Thurs., Aug. 29 at 6 PM EDT, FCNL's Quaker Welcome Center will host a special screening of two films about Gaza, followed by a Q&A. You can watch via livestream! This screening will kick off the "Voices from the Holy Land" screening series in collaboration with other Quaker groups in Washington.   The Quaker Welcome Center is a place for dialogue and the promotion of peace, justice, and environmental sustainability on Capitol Hill. The center hosts programs and events that equip people to change policy, nurture integrity in governance, and collaborate across political differences. 

Watch two short films “Gaza in Context” at and “Gaza: Open Wound” at  The Q&A and live stream will start at 7 PM EDT. RSVP at  Once you sign up, FCNL will send you a link that you can use to join the live stream when the Q&A starts.

34] – Attend the St. Mary's Transportation Forum with Free Food on Wed., Aug. 29 from  6:30 to 8:30 PM, organized by the Sierra Club’s Southern Maryland Group at the Patuxent Naval Air Museum, 22156 Three Notch Rd., Lexington Park  20653.Contact Lindsey Mendelson at or  (847) 691-2186. Hear about the challenges and opportunities for transportation, share your vision on what a climate-friendly, safe, equitable, and reliable transportation system will look like, and set up an action plan!

35] – On Wed., Aug. 29 from 6:30 to 8 PM, catch the book talk with author Barbara Brown Wilson who will discuss her book “Resilience for All” at Busboys and Poets Books, 1025 5th St. NW, WDC 20001.  In many vulnerable neighborhoods, structural racism and classism prevent residents from having a seat at the table when decisions are made about their community. In an effort to overcome power imbalances and ensure local knowledge informs decision-making, a new approach to community engagement is essential. Wilson provides the tools and inspiration needed to do so, and charts a path forward that is driven by social equity, vibrancy, and hope. This event will highlight how community-driven design projects in underserved communities can not only change the built world, but also provide opportunities for residents to build their own capacities.  Visit and

36] –  On Thurs., Aug. 30 from 10 AM to noon, join a Multi-Agency Forum on Using FOIA to Access Immigration Records, hosted by Research at the US National Archives at the William G. McGowan Theater, National Archives and Records Administration, 700 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.  Accessing immigration records through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) does not have to be a confusing process. Learn from federal agency representatives about the kinds of immigration records their agency keeps and how you can use FOIA to request copies of these records. The forum is presented by the Office of Government Information Services and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. RSVP at  A Livestream will be available on National Archives YouTube Channel.  Go to

37] –  On Thurs., Aug. 30 at 6 PM, and continuing until Sept. 27, get involved with Baltimore City Phone Banks for Ben Jealous, hosted by the Baltimore City Democratic Party at the 1199 SEIU Maryland/DC, 611 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore 21201.  Call voters across Baltimore, and tell them why Ben Jealous is the best candidate for our City! Phone bank every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 8 PM.  You'll have talking points on hand, and plenty of seasoned volunteers to support you as you engage with neighbors across Baltimore. Just bring a cell phone and a charger! Go to

38] – On Thurs., Aug. 30 from 7 to 8:30 PM, catch up with The Syria Crisis: Still Unfolding, hosted by the Global Center for Refugee Education and Science and Veterans for American Ideals, 805 15th St. NW, Suite 900, WDC 20005.   These groups and Human Rights First invite you to attend the Fall 2018 speaker series. This series brings together some of the best minds in the world to discuss the state of the global refugee crisis, its complexity, and where it's heading. Each month, focus on a different region of the world.  The first event will be on the Syria crisis, which is still unfolding. Discuss the scope of this issue and the actions we can take to make positive change. Tickets are at See

39] – On Thurs., Aug. 30 from 6 to 7 PM, Fight for the Ocean, hosted by La Raza For Liberation and Food Empowerment Project at the Anacostia River, WDC 20781.  In honor of Dr. Sylvia Earle, Food Empowerment Project declares August 30th as Fight for the Ocean Day! Grab your reusable water bottle, bucket or compostable trash bags and join us for a day of cleaning one of our local beaches! Trash harms our oceans and the sea creatures who call it home. Gather at 1901 Anacostia Dr., WDC 20020.  Dog are welcome and parking is free at Poplar Point and throughout Anacostia Park. Entrances to the park are accessible from bridge sidewalk ramps. The parking lots throughout the park are paved with handicap parking spaces. The newly paved Anacostia River Trail that spans the length of the park along the river is wheelchair accessible. All restrooms throughout the park are also accessible.  Start at Poplar Point at 6 PM and work your way up the river walk trail.  Want to take action by organizing a clean-up at a local beach, river, or lake in your area? Send an email at info (at)!  Visit and

40] – On Thurs., Aug. 30 at 7 PM, Johnny Olszewski, running for Baltimore County Executive, will join the No Hate in 21228 Vigil at Immanuel Church of Christ, 1905 Edmondson Ave., Catonsville 21228. See

41] –  At The Senator Theater, 5904 York Road, Baltimore 21212 from Thurs., Aug. 30 at 7 PM through Sat., Sept. 1, see the film ” End the Silence,” a groundbreaking documentary that examines child sexual abuse from behind the closed doors of African-American homes. Seven powerful women give a candid account of how they turned tragedy into triumph.  Admission includes the following: live performances by soundtrack artist Karlessa Beach and Baltimore's own, FloJo; keynote speaker, and an After Party at Melba's Place, 3126 Greenmount Ave., Baltimore 21218.  This film is rated PG-13. Children from ages 13-16 gets in the show FREE with a parent or guardian. Each additional child is $10. All teens should see this film. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the #protectourgirlscampaign. For VIP seating, contact Kymme Agee Pierce at 410-340-1110. Go to

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

US Bombs Are Killing Children in Yemen. Does Anybody Care?


Prevent Nuclear War Maryland is considering organizing a demonstration at Lockheed Martin headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland on Labor Day.  Let me know if you are able to join us to speak out against the awful Saudi-UAE-USA attack on the people of Yemen, including the children. We must end the carnage.



US Bombs Are Killing Children in Yemen. Does Anybody Care?

The lack of outrage at the US’s key role in this humanitarian disaster raises troubling questions

By Moustafa Bayoumi

August 26, 2018
This is not a column about Donald Trump. It’s also not about Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen or Robert Mueller, and it’s certainly not about Rudolph Giuliani and his way with words. On the contrary, this is a column about the things we are not paying attention to, and why we should.

     On 9 August, the US-backed Saudi-led coalition waging war in Yemen against a Houthi-led rebellion dropped a bomb on a school bus packed with children. According to reports, the excited kids had been on a school trip marking the end of their summer classes, and as they passed a busy marketplace, the bomb directly hit their vehicle.

    The results were horrific. Of the 54 people killed, 44 were children, with most between the ages of six and 11. The pictures of the dead and injured children, some of whom can be seen wearing their blue Unicef backpacks, are beyond heartbreaking.

    And the tragedy in Yemen is unrelenting. Just this past Thursday, a mere two weeks after the school bus attack, Saudi-led coalition airstrikes killed yet another 26 children and four women fleeing the fighting in the western province of Hudaydah.

    If this sounds to you like I’m relating a story about how terrible the civil war in Yemen is, then you’d be correct, although – and let’s be honest here – the war in Yemen occupies almost none of our collective political attention today. Could it be that we don’t care all that much about this war because Yemenis are Muslim, brown, and poor, and we’ve already been droning them for years on end?

    The reality is that the war has created the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe today. Three-quarters of the population, some 22 million Yemenis, require humanitarian assistance and protection. About 8.4 million people hang on the brink of starvation and another 7 million lie malnourished. Since 2015, more than 28,000 thousand people have been killed or injured, and many thousands more have died from causes exacerbated by war, such as a cholera epidemic that has afflicted more than a million people and claimed over 2,300 lives. At least one child dies every 10 minutes from causes linked to the war, according to the United Nations.

  But this is also a story about the responsibility of the United States. A report by CNN indicates that the bomb used in the school bus airstrike was a 500-pound laser-guided MK 82 bomb, manufactured by Lockheed Martin, one of the largest US defense contractors. Having facilitated the sale to the Saudi-led coalition of the weapon used to kill these children, does the United States bear any responsibility for their deaths?

Undoubtedly. For one thing, these latest bombings are hardly the only times the Saudi-led coalition has killed civilians from the air. An independent monitoring group, the Yemen Data Project, found that there have been 55 airstrikes against civilian vehicles and buses in the first seven months of this year alone, and that of the 18,000 airstrikes between March 2015 to April 2018, almost a third (31%) of the targets were non-military (either civilians or civilian infrastructure) and another 33% of the strikes were classified as having unknown targets. 

That’s 64% of the strikes that could not be determined as having clear military targets.
And then there’s existing law. In a 2017 report, the American Bar Association concluded that “in the context of multiple credible reports of recurring and highly questionable strikes … further sales [of arms] under both the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign Assistance Act are prohibited until the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia takes effective measures to ensure compliance with international law and the President submits relevant certifications to the Congress”.

The United States is certainly aware of how poorly the coalition is prosecuting the war. How can it not be? The US provides aerial targeting assistance to the coalition, for Pete’s sake, along with intelligence sharing and mid-flight aerial refueling for coalition aircraft. And of course, the US supplies (with the UK) the bulk of the coalition’s weapons. Lots of them. Hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth.

This failed strategy was begun under the Obama administration, not under Trump. But when coalition fighter jets bombed a funeral hall and killed over 140 people in October 2016, the Obama administration began mulling their options. In his last weeks in office, Obama finally restricted sales of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia amid concerns over civilian casualties, but by May 2017, sales resumed when the secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, overturned the ban. Obama was no peace-monger president, however. His administration oversaw the sales of more weapons than any other president since 1945, and most of the arms sold during his time in office went to Saudi Arabia.

Opposition to the US’s blank-check policy regarding this war has been growing not only among lawyers but also among lawmakers. Earlier this year, Senators Bernie Sanders, Mike Lee and Chris Murphy introduced a joint resolution in the Senate to end US support for the coalition, though it was effectively defeated in March by a vote of 55-44. (John McCain did not vote.)

On 22 August, Murphy also introduced an amendment to the defense appropriations bill that would have cut off funds for the coalition until the secretary of defense could certify that rules for the protection of civilians were being properly followed. His efforts were blocked by the Republican senator Richard Shelby, whose donors, perhaps not coincidentally, are Boeing (also a major defense contractor) and Lockheed Martin.

With Trump, the situation is as you would expect. It is his administration after all that bans Yemenis from coming to the United States. The massive $717bn National Defense Authorization Act, recently signed into law by the president, does contain specific limited language designed to minimize civilian deaths in Yemen. The president, however, has issued a signing statement. He won’t abide by these provisions of the law. Unsurprisingly, his justification is that he has “exclusive constitutional authorities as commander in chief and as the sole representative of the nation in foreign affairs”.

Trump’s indifference to the suffering in Yemen is to be expected, But what about ours? Do the American people not realize that our bombs are killing innocent children in Yemen or do we just not care? The lack of public outrage – or even just attention – to what the US-backed Saudi-led coalition is doing with American support and American-made munitions indicates something disturbing. Despite the evidence that we have become more politically engaged since the 2016 election, we still have little to no interest in what is done in our name overseas.

There could be another, related explanation, as well. The circus show that is the Trump administration has, like a fireball in an air shaft, swallowed all the oxygen in the room. The administration’s endless scandals give us just the justification we need to focus almost exclusively on our domestic life and not on America’s meddling in rest of the world.

But if that’s the case, this is a dangerous state of affairs. A lot of bad things can happen when people aren’t looking. And our lack of attention to anything but our president or ourselves says a lot, not only about Donald Trump, but about us, too.

© 2018 The Guardian

Believing a better world is possible and organizing to achieve it, that is our shared duty. Even as many news outlets are shedding staff or closing doors, our plans are just the opposite. We're growing. We're gearing up. After more than 20 years of fighting for the common good, we're just getting started. But we can't do it alone. We need you. Together we can make a difference. And now—at this crucial moment in history—we need your support and financial backing more than ever. Can you pitch in today?

Moustafa Bayoumi is the author of the award-winning books How Does It Feel To Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America and This Muslim American Life: Dispatches from the War on Terror. He is Professor of English at Brooklyn College, City University of New York.

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Baltimore Activist Alert - August 27 -- December 31, 2018

21] Undesign the Redline exhibit – through Dec. 31
22] Dangerous tailpipe emissions listening session – Aug. 27
23] Food Rescue Baltimore – Aug. 27
24] Phone Bank for Johnny O – Aug. 27 – Nov. 5
25] Mass Liberation Mondays – Aug. 27
26] Open Meeting on the Abuse Scandal Aug. 27
27] Get Money Out of Maryland conference call – Aug. 27
28] Peace Vigil – Aug. 28
29] No Drone Research DEMO – Aug. 28
30] New Energy & Economic Future Town Hall -- Aug. 28
31] Phone bank for Ben Jealous – Aug. 28 & 30
21] – At 10 AM through December 31, check out Undesign the Redline exhibit, hosted by Choose Civility, HCLS Central Branch. Look for tickets at  This interactive exhibit explores the history of structural racism and classism, how these designs compounded each other from redlining maps until today, and how we can come together to undesign these systems with intentionality.  Tours, reading lists, events, and more details are at See

22] –  There is a regional transportation luncheon and listening session on Mon, Aug. 27 from 11 AM to 4 PM, organized by the Sierra Club Maryland Chapter at the University of Maryland University College, Academic Center, 1616 McCormick Drive, Largo. Contact Lindsey Mendelson at or 240-706-7901.  TO ATTEND YOU MUST REGISTER AT  The is a FREE pre-meeting LUNCH with the Union of Concerned Scientists to discuss the session beforehand at 11 AM at the HOLIDAY INN Liberty meeting room (1st floor), 9101 Basil Ct., Largo 20774. The meeting room is an 8 minute walk and 1 minute drive away.  

   The dangerous tailpipe emissions from the vehicles we drive is now the number one source of climate disrupting-pollution in the country and a leading contributor to the dirty air days that harm our health. Maryland does not yet have an actual plan to reduce enough pollution from the transportation sector to meet the goals we need to protect our future. Fortunately, Maryland is on the frontier of forming a new regional partnership that would cut harmful pollution from the transportation sector and invest in the clean, safe, and equitable solutions we need to get from point A to point B. 

23] – On Mon., Aug. 27, and every Monday until Feb. 4, 2019, at noon, there will be a Food Rescue at Land of Kush, 840 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore 21201. Food Rescue Baltimore is honored to partner with The Land of Kush each and every Monday to bring access to free vegan/plant-based food in the community. Bring a bag. Take what you want from noon to 1PM or while supplies last. No purchase is necessary to take advantage of the Food Rescue Baltimore give away. Items from The Land of Kush's menu are not included in the give-away but will be available for sale. See

24]   On Mon., Aug. 27 at 5:30 PM and continuing until November 5, do phone banking with Team O!, hosted by Johnny Olszewski for Baltimore County Executive, 4050 North Point Blvd., Dundalk 21222.  Join a people-powered campaign to build a better Baltimore County!  Contact Team O's Brad at 410-371-9731 or at  Look at

25] – On Mon., Aug. 27 at 6:30 PM, attend Mass Liberation Mondays, hosted by Mass Liberation Project PG County Maryland at the Clout Workspace, 9221 Hampton Overlook, Capitol Heights 20743.  This event will continue at 6:30 PM on Sept. 3 and Sept. 17.  This is a Prince George's Community Meeting to learn about ways of ending Mass Incarceration through Local Political Education, Court watch, Participatory Defense, State's Attorney Accountability and Know Your Rights.  Check out

26] – On Mon., Aug. 27 from 8 to 10 PM, come to an Open Meeting on the Abuse Scandal, hosted by Church of the Resurrection, 3175 Paulskirk Dr., Ellicott City 21042.  This is an open meeting to provide an opportunity for voices to be heard, questions to be asked and an open discussion to be had regarding the recent uncovering of the abuse cover-up in Pennsylvania as well as the broader problem all over the world. Gather in the chapel following adoration. All are welcome to attend and to come early and pray if you want. See

27] – Join the Get Money Out of Maryland Teleconference on Monday, Aug. 20 from 8:30 to 9:30 PM.  Call 605-475-6711, code 1136243#.  Work only on brainstorming ideas for participation in the upcoming General Election. Early voting goes from Thurs., Oct. 25 through Thurs., Nov. 1 (8 days), and Election Day is Tues., Nov. 6. 

28] –  Each Tuesday from 4:30 - 5:30 PM, the Catholic Peace Fellowship-Philadelphia for peace in Afghanistan and Iraq gathers at the Suburban Station, 16th St. & JFK Blvd., at the entrance to Tracks 3 and 4 on the mezzanine.  The next vigil is Aug. 28.  Call 215-426-0364.

29] – Vigil to say "No Drone Research at JHU" each Tuesday at 33rd & North Charles Sts. Join this ongoing vigil on Aug. 28 from 5:30  to 6:30 PM. Contact Max at mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net or 410-323-1607. 

30] – On Tues., Aug. 28 at 5:30 PM at The Real News Network, 231 Holliday St., Baltimore 21202,   Communities United will participate in the New Energy & Economic Future Town Hall. Mustafa Santiago Ali, Senior VP of Climate, Environmental Justice & Community Revitalization for the Hip Hop Caucus, will open this town hall with a special video message. Then leaders from labor, climate, and local grassroots groups will dig into how to build green industries in Maryland that protect the climate, provide clean, affordable power, and create family-sustaining jobs. Throughout the evening, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in the conversation. 

The panel will be moderated by Marc Steiner, host of the Marc Steiner Show and founder of the Center for Emerging Media, and Khalilah M. Harris, host and executive producer at the Real News Network, 231 Holliday St. RSVP at

31] – On Tues., Aug. 28 and Thurs., Aug. 30 at 6 PM, and continuing until Sept. 27, get involved with Baltimore City Phone Banks for Ben Jealous, hosted by the Baltimore City Democratic Party at the 1199 SEIU Maryland/DC, 611 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore 21201.  Call voters across Baltimore, and tell them why Ben Jealous is the best candidate for our City! Phone bank every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 8 PM.  You'll have talking points on hand, and plenty of seasoned volunteers to support you as you engage with neighbors across Baltimore. Just bring a cell phone and a charger! Go to

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs