31] Baltimore Peace Challenge – Aug. 4 - 6
32] Peace vigil at White House – Aug. 4
33] WIB peace vigil – Aug. 4
35] Progressive Maryland canvas – Aug. 4 -- 6
36] Ceasefire All Night – Aug. 4
37] Black Lives Matter vigil – Aug. 4
38] Ballroom Dancing – Aug. 4
39] Film WE ARE SANKOFA – Aug. 5
40] West Chester peace vigil – Aug. 5
41] People's BBQ For the Homeless – Aug. 5
42] Honoring Henrietta Lacks – Aug. 5
43] Baltimore Ceasefire at the Greenmount West Community Cookout – Aug. 5
45] Commemorate Hiroshima – Aug. 6
46] Commemorate Nagasaki – Aug. 9
47] Do you have a room for an Afghanistan refugee?
48] Support the Wheeler family who lost their home in a fire
49] Sign up with Washington Peace Center
50] Donate books, videos, DVDs and records
51] Do you need any book shelves?
52] Join the Global Zero campaign
31] – Starting Fri., Aug. 4 Baltimore City residents are calling on one another to participate in the #BaltimorePeaceChallenge through Sun., Aug. 6th, 2017. Choose to focus on positivity and plan to have life affirming events in an effort to avoid having any murders in our city. Choose to celebrate life with family, friends, and loved ones. Choose peace on purpose that weekend. Celebrate ourselves and our city and lift each other in love during the first weekend in August. Commit to peace Aug. 4 through Aug. 6. Go to https://www.facebook.com/baltimoreceasefire.
32] – On Fri., Aug. 4 from noon to 1 PM, join the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker in a vigil urging the powers that be to abolish war and torture, to disarm all weapons, to end indefinite detention, to close Guantanamo, to establish justice for all and help create the Beloved Community! This vigil will take place at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. Contract Art @ artlaffin@hotmail.com or at 202-360-6416.
33] – On Fri., Aug. 4 from noon to 1 PM, join a Women in Black peace vigil. A vigil will take place in McKeldin Square at the corner of Light and Pratt Sts. Stay for as long as you can. Wear black. Dress for who knows what kind of weather. Bring your own poster or help with the "NO WAR IN MY NAME" banner. When there are others to stand with, you don't need to carry the burden alone. Do this to be in solidarity with others....when everything around us says “Be afraid of the stranger.” Carpool and parking available. Just send an email that you need a ride [mailto:wibbaltimore@peacepath911.org]. Peace signs will be available.
34] – Al Gore’s AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL: TRUTH TO POWER opens Aug. 4 at the CHARLES THEATRE. A decade after AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH brought Climate Change into the heart of popular culture comes the follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution.
35] – Progressive Maryland has spent the summer talking to residents across the state and are finding people are concerned about many of the same things. That's why it is holding a weekend of action with a goal of having 100 volunteer canvassers talking to residents in every region of the state from Fri., Aug. 4 at 4 PM through Sun., Aug. 6. RSVP at http://www.progressivemaryland.org/weekendofaction?utm_campaign=wkendofaction1&utm_medium=email&utm_source=progressivemaryland, and an organizer in your area will follow-up with additional details for your area canvass. No experience is required. The idea is to seek access to high quality affordable health care, jobs that pay fair wages and provide opportunities for upward mobility, safe communities, and elected officials who actually listen to our concerns. We may differ on how to get there, but it's important to come together around our shared values to forge solutions together.
36] – On Fri., Aug. 4 at 5 PM through Sun., Aug. 6 at 5 AM get involved with Out For Justice: Ceasefire All Night, hosted by Out For Justice, Inc., at 3245 Belair Rd., Baltimore 21213-1227. Out for Justice (OFJ) has been called on by the Baltimore Ceasefire effort, which is a community-led, citywide nonviolence movement calling for 72hrs of peace. OFJ believes that violence is spread and perpetuated through stress, trauma and lack of access to basic resources and opportunities afforded to others. As a result, our part in this nonviolence movement is to reduce stress and celebrate life through free access to key resources and support for residents in high-violence neighborhoods. Be at 3245 Belair Rd. from Fri., Aug. 4 at 5 PM until Sat., Aug. 5 at 5 AM. And then at 201 S. Collins Ave. from Sat., Aug. 5 at 5 PM through Sun., Aug. 6 at 5 AM. Email getinfo@out4justice. Go to https://docs.google.com/a/out4justice.org/forms/d/1uUlsyn5eMA4Dc3kI12EAEq7Sa3eh4FzEXF2nt8ZejOI/edit.
37] – There is usually a silent vigil on Fridays, from 5 to 6 PM, sponsored by Homewood Friends Meeting, outside the Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3107 N. Charles St. The next scheduled vigil is on Aug. 4. Black Lives Matter.
38] – There is an opportunity to participate in ballroom dancing, usually every Friday of the month, in the JHU ROTC Bldg. at 8 PM. Turn south on San Martin Dr. from the intersection of Univ. Parkway and 39th St. Drive on campus by taking the third left turn. The next dance will be on Aug. 4. Call Dave Greene at 410-599-3725.
39] – Big Picture Alliance is showing WE ARE SANKOFA at the BlackStar Film Festival on Sat., Aug 5 at 10 AM! This is a documentary film about a group of Philly youth who use DNA to trace their African ancestry and rethink their identity as they approach high school graduation. The film was produced by students from New Media Technology Charter School in Big Picture Alliance's youth filmmaking program. See the film at the URBN Annex at Drexel University, L. Pearlstein Gallery Screening Room, 3401 Filbert St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. Email aleks@bigpicturealliance.org. Register at https://www.blackstarfest.org/youth-program-2/.
40] – Each Saturday, 11 AM – 1 PM, Chester County Peace Movement holds a peace vigil in West Chester in front of the Chester County Courthouse, High & Market Sts. Go to www.ccpeace.org. Email ccpeacemovement@aol.com.
41] – On Sat., Aug. 5 from 11 AM to 3 PM, volunteer at the People's BBQ For the Homeless 2017, hosted by Raven Lane, at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 120 N. Front St., Baltimore 21202. The BBQ is back for the 6th year! It is expected that 1,000 homeless guests will attend.
42] – Phil Pack and Len Shindel, retired steelworkers and union officers, will be featured at 20th Annual Turner Station Heritage Foundation Committee Praise Day Celebration Honoring Henrietta Lacks on Sat., Aug. 5 at noon at Union Baptist Church, 105 Main Street Turner Station, Baltimore 21222. The program by Len and Phil will be at 3 PM., and both will describe their histories--Phil grew up in Turner and was one of the first high school students to be transferred to Dundalk High School, where a recruiter for the apprenticeship programs at Bethlehem Steel came to recruit. Len started working at the mill in 1974 just as the Consent Decree was being implemented. They will have memories of this time and will attract other retired workers who will share memories. Email William Barry [mailto:billbarry21214@gmail.com.]
43] -- On Sat., Aug. 5 from 1 to 4 PM, join the Baltimore Ceasefire at the Greenmount West Community Cookout, hosted by Jimmie Evans and Stern Christian, at 1309 Homewood Ave., Baltimore 21202. In support of the Baltimore Cease Fire Weekend, the Choice Program, Excellence and Ambition, Inc., and Stand Up Baltimore have partnered with the Greenmount West community to throw a cookout with the Johnston Square community. Enjoy food, music, dancing, laughter, painting, tie-dye, seed planting, and games.
44] -- On Sat., Aug. 5 at 6:30 PM at Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse, 30 W. North Ave., Baltimore 21201, come to RED EMMA'S MOTHER EARTH POETRY VIBE—FEATURING ELLIOT AXIOM! In a world of misinformation and “alternative facts,” we need axioms of truth and justice! Come to an open mic of justice, conscious thought, spirituality, family, real life—whatever advances the village! In the tradition of Emma Goldman’s Mother Earth magazine, come drop some progressive “fiyah,” or contribute just with your presence and energy!
Bringing the poetic knowledge from Durham, NC is Elliot Axiom, a nationally acclaimed touring poet and workshop facilitator. His work has a traditional feel with an urban edge. He makes use of classical form in his work while maintaining relevance to the moment. His performance dynamic spans the poetry spectrum—from the high energy, hard-hitting style of a spoken word artist and slam poet to the intense, audience engaging, storytelling methods of the ancient griots. His content ranges from socially conscious to educational to therapeutic to erotic. He is a poet whose passion is the people he is reaching and teaching! Call 443-602-7585. RSVP at http://www.redemmas.org.
45] – There is a HIROSHIMA COMMEMORATION on Sunday, August 6. At 5:30 PM, outside Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3107 N, Charles Street, demonstrate in favor of the treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons: Fifty nations must ratify the Convention to Ban Nuclear Weapons, and ratification begins on September 20. One hundred and twenty two countries signed on to the convention, but they must take it back to their nations for ratification by whatever means each nation has for ratification.
At 6:30 PM inside Homewood Meetinghouse, savor a potluck dinner with members of the peace and justice community. David Eberhardt will again share some poetry, and Joseph Byrne will perform some dulcimer music.
At 7:15 PM, the program will begin with Dr. Gwen DuBois, Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility, who will discuss her work in New York City during the gathering at the United Nations to ban nuclear weapons. Then a statement will be read from Rev. Dr. Mankekolo Mahlangu-Ngcobo, who will share her thoughts about living in apartheid South Africa. Rev. Mahlangu-Ngcobo will be in South Africa on August 6 for a Prayer Intercession in Parliament. Note that South Africa is the first nuclear nation to end its program. RSVP to Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.
46] – The NAGASAKI COMMEMORATION is on Wednesday, August 9, 2017. At 5:30 PM, demonstrate at 33rd & N. Charles Streets against Johns Hopkins University’s weapons contracts, including research on killer drones, commemorate the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, and remember Fukushima, Japan. At 6:30 PM, march to the Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3107 N. Charles Street.
At 7 PM, John Steinbach and Kio Kanda of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area will share some remarks. Then, with the help of a translator, a Korean Hibakusha, Ms. Jon Sung Lee, will address the group. Ms. Lee was 12 years old when she experienced the Hiroshima bombing. Her family were part of the large Korean community in Hiroshima forced to work in Japan during WW2. She entered Hiroshima three days after the bombing and was exposed to the radiation.
Also speaking will be Sister Megan Rice of the Transform Now Plowshares. She engaged with Greg Boertje-Obed and Mike Walli in a remarkable Plowshares disarmament at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN. Finally, the accomplished musician David Sawyer will perform. At 8:30 PM, enjoy dinner at Niwana Restaurant, 3 E. 33rd Street, with our Korean guest. RSVP to Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.
HIROSHIMA-NAGASAKI COMMEMORATION COMMITTEE, 325 East 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218 Ph: 410-323-1607 Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Comcast dot net
47] – “Do you have room to house a female refugee from Afghanistan? She would need to be placed in an all-female household OR a family setting, and is scheduled to arrive on August 2. An ideal placement would be from six months to one year. The resettlement agency, Lutheran Social Services (LSS), would pay rent up to $600/month. If you are interested, email liana@eventidewellness.com.
48] – Activists Joyce and Tim Wheeler now live in Sequim, Washington, but their son, Morgan and his family have lived in the Wheeler’s Baltimore home, 816 Beaumont Avenue for some time. Tragically, at 3 AM on February 4, the home was burned beyond recognition. Morgan was able to get his family out, but the house and its contents are totally destroyed. Morgan's daughter, Erin, has created a Go Fund Me page which you can access below. Anything you are able to contribute to support Morgan and his family would be greatly appreciated. Go to https://www.gofundme.com/a7y7m-fire-leaves-family-with-nothing?ssid=904794688&pos=2.
49] -- The Washington Peace Center has a progressive calendar & activist alert! Consider signing up to receive its weekly email: info@washingtonpeacecenter.org.
50] -- If you would like to get rid of books, videos, DVDs or records, contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski at verizon.net.
51] -- Can you use any book shelves? Contact Max at 410-366-1637 or mobuszewski at verizon.net.
52] -- Join an extraordinary global campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons: http://www.globalzero.org/sign-declaration. A growing group of leaders around the world is calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons and a majority of the global public agrees. This is an historic window of opportunity. With momentum already building in favor of Zero, a major show of support from people around the world could tip the balance. When it comes to nuclear weapons, one is one too many.
Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218. Ph: 410-366-1637; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.
“One is called to live nonviolently, even if the change one works for seems impossible. It may or may not be possible to turn the US around through nonviolent revolution. But one thing favors such an attempt: the total inability of violence to change anything for the better" - Daniel Berrigan
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