Sunday, May 5, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- May 6 - 12, 2024

19] Phone bank for Alsobrooks – May 6

20] Phone bank for Uncommitted May 6 - 12

21] See the classic MODERN TIMES – May 6

22] Know your rights training May 6

23] Rally at the State Department – May 7


19] – CCAN Action Fund [] will do a virtual Phone bank to support Angela Alsobrooks as the new senator from Maryland, as she is the best candidate for protecting the environment.  On Mon., May 6, May 13 & May 20 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM ET, make calls as she supports climate policies that will reduce carbon emission levels by half before 2030, expand clean energy tax credits, and hold fossil fuel companies accountable. She is ready to co-sponsor Senator Chris Van Hollen’s Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act, which is a top priority for this organization. She also is a big supporter of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which empowers the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce voting rights. RSVP at

20] – Maryland voters are saying loud and clear that President Biden can count us out in the May 14th Democratic Primary. We are selecting UNCOMMITTED on the ballot as a protest, to let him know we won’t stand with him as he funds more war and genocide in Gaza. In order to reach as many voters as possible, we need to contact hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. Before you get started, we'll reach out and schedule a quick training/intro call. Sign up for a shift on Mon., May 6, Tues., May 7, Wed., May 8, Thurs., May 9 & Fri., , May 10 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and on Sat., May 11 and Sun., May 12 from noon to 2, 2 to 4 PM and 4 to 6 PM ET. There will also be a phone bank on Sat., May 11 from 6 to 8 PM ET. Maryland voters are saying loud and clear that President Biden can count us out in the May 14th Democratic Primary. We are selecting UNCOMMITTED on the ballot as a protest, to let him know we won’t stand with him as he funds more war and genocide in Gaza. In order to reach as many voters as possible, we need to contact hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. Before you get started, we'll reach out and schedule a quick training/intro call. RSVP at

21] – Metro DC DSA [] on Mon., May 6 at 6:45 PM is joining United Mine Workers of America and Labor Heritage Foundation in hosting a viewing of Modern Times at AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring 20910. Charlie Chaplin's Little Tramp gets trapped in the coils of automation — at one point literally — so frenziedly tightening screws on the assembly line that, once off it, he compulsively tightens buttons on women and later becomes the guinea pig for an efficiency-promoting feeding machine run amok. Inspired by René Clair's À NOUS LA LIBERTÉ, this corrosive satire on the dehumanizing effects of technology gives its screeches, groans and grinds more lines than the actors. It's also one of Chaplin's most lighthearted works, with highlights including his helpful waving of a red flag dropped by a departing truck just as a Communist demonstration marches up behind him. This 1936 film was written, directed and produced by Chaplin. Tickets are $13 (with a discount for those with a union membership card). RSVP at

22] – CODEPINK [] wants to see you on Mon., May 6 at 8 PM ET for Missing Peace Monday: Know Your Rights Training with the National Lawyers Guild! ‌ ‌ In times like these, staying connected and sharing strategy is crucial as we unite to demand a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the Israeli occupation in Palestine!  We must keep each other informed and safe as we continue fighting for the liberation of Palestine. RSVP at

23] – The Ad-Hoc Coalition to Stop U.S. Arms to Israel is calling for a demonstration at 3 PM on May 7 at the State Department, 2201 C Street NW, WDC 20520, the day before a report on arm sales will be released. The Coalition includes groups working on bringing an end to the genocide ongoing in the Gaza Strip. Here is a synopsis of NSM-20, issued February 8, 2024, which is the document that Biden signed that requires a report on May 8 by the secretaries of State and Defense [sic].  They have received all the documented info they need to declare that Israel is violating international law by using U.S. weapons to kill civilians and by blocking humanitarian aid. Such a finding could lead to a cutoff of certain U.S. military aid to Israel. Our demo is designed to garner press coverage and increase the pressure on the Biden Administration to sanction Israel.  CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin and Nonviolence International’s Michael Beer will speak at the rally.  Eventually, the group will attempt to deliver a letter to someone in the State Department who will present it to Secretary Blinken.

Consider signing on to the letter which calls on Blinken to be truthful in his report that acknowledges Israeli war crimes.  Also consider joining the May 7 demo.  Email Max at mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.  

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs


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