Thursday, May 23, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- May 23, 2024

44] Forum with Israeli Conscientious Objector Yuval Dag – May 23

45] What you need to know ahead of Election Day – May 23

46] Christian Nationalism: American Democracy's Looming Threat – May 23

47] Screening of The Occupation of the American Mind – May 23

48] Working Families Party Welcome Gathering May 23

49] Sustained civil resistance to end fossil fuels – May 23

50] Teach-In about Demanding divestment from Israel's genocide – May 23

51] Reject AIPAC – May 23

52] Campaign to Victory call – May 23


44] – The Fellowship of Reconciliation [] on Thurs., May 23 at 1 PM ET is holding an Emergency Forum with Israeli Conscientious Objector Yuval Dag.  Full-blown famine is underway in Gaza thanks to Israel's genocide, and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is now in its third year. At the same time, Turkey has repeatedly been deploying military forces in the Kurdish regions of neighboring Iraq and Syria. Turkish Conscientious Objector Kenan Kahya, who declared his conscientious objection in 2017, continues to face violations of his right to work and restrictions of his freedom of travel, due to refusing compulsory military service.

  The people of Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey and elsewhere are refusing to go to war! Conscientious objection is both an internationally recognized human right and a beautiful and peaceful way -- a building block -- to transform broken, militarized, nationalistic societies from places of destruction to gardens of life. Register at

45] – Team HIAS [] on Thurs., May 23 at 4 PM ET is holding a webinar -- What you need to know ahead of Election Day.  Learn what you need to know and what you can do between now and Election Day to stand up for the rights, safety, and dignity of refugees and asylum seekers. Register at

46] – On Thurs., May 23 at 6 PM ET, there will be a virtual meeting of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State to discuss Christian Nationalism: American Democracy's Looming Threat, RSVP at

47] – On Thurs., May 23 at 6 PM ET, watch a screening of "The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel's Public Relations War in the United States."  There will be a post-screening discussion with Executive Producer Sut Jhally, Mary Beth Tinker, and Dave Zirin. RSVP at

 Mary Beth is the victorious plaintiff in the landmark 1969 Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court case which ruled that her high school could not punish students for wearing a black armband in protest of the Vietnam War and is what allows high school students to have freedom of speech. Dave Zirin is the sports editor of The Nation Magazine, and host of WPFW's The Collision. 

   Pro-Israeli organizations like the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) have done everything in their power to ban the showing of "The Occupation of the American Mind", a documentary about how media propaganda is used to support the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The JCRC and other groups have done this by slandering the film as anti-Semitic. Here in the DMV, they have gotten schools to shut down showings at Montgomery College in Maryland and by the Arab Student Union (ASU) at Jackson Reed High School in DC. The ACLU has filed a lawsuit against the DC Public Schools on behalf of the ASU to have the movie shown and for the students to be able to distribute Palestine related literature, which the school has consistently censored.

48] – On Thurs., May 23 at 7 PM ET, the Working Families Party is holding a virtual Welcome Gathering. RSVP at

 Whether you’re a new supporter or a longtime WFP member, ALL members are urged to join one Welcome Gathering! Welcome Gatherings are an energetic space where you can meet other working people with the same vision of building a world where we can thrive, and not just survive. We’ll share our desires and vision for a political party that truly is for us and by us. The Working Families Party (WFP) is a grassroots political party building a multiracial movement of working people to transform America for the liberation of our people and the planet.

49] –The Money Pipeline [] on Thurs., May 23 at 7:30 PM ET is meeting to discuss sustained civil resistance to end fossil fuels. This is a Summer of Heat Mass Action Call to plan the first week of actions when there will be efforts to shut down the Global HQ of Citibank every day, all week long. The Wall Street giants that are bankrolling the coal, oil, and gas expansion that is causing our entire world to unravel will be challenged.  RSVP for the call and jump into what will be the largest climate campaign in the country this year. RSVP

50] – Dani Noble [] hopes you will join in on Thurs., May 23 at 8 PM ET to a Teach-In about Demanding divestment from Israel's genocide. JVP, Adalah Justice Project, and other partner organizations are demanding an end to this investment in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. So the groups are launching the Break the Bonds campaign to make it happen. RSVP at

51] – IfNotNow DMV [] on Thurs., May 23 from 8 to 9 PM is holding a training to reject AIPAC: How to Target Your Reps. We need to get every Democratic congressional candidate on record answering a clear question: Will you side with humanity and Reject AIPAC, or join AIPAC's dangerous agenda of endless bloodshed and apartheid?  RSVP at

52] – Mike Fox for Progressive Democrats of America [] suggests that you attend on Thurs., May 23 at 9 PM ET a Campaign to Victory call for How We Keep the Wins Coming. There are more primaries quickly approaching. There's no question there paths to victory, but it's going to take the kind of ground and air game we saw with Summer Lee's campaign to grab the wins. Join in and discuss how to add to the Squad by helping to bring in the win for Jamie McLeod-Skinner in OR-05 and Susheela Jayapal in OR-03.  And it’s essential to ensure that Squad Member Jamaal Bowman's retains his seat in NY-16. The calls will continue on May 30 and June 6.  RSVP at

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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