Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Baltimore Activist Alert -- May 2 - 8, 2024

39] Understanding Hamas – May 2

40] State of Democracy phone banks – May 2

41] No arms to Israel protest – May 2

42] Where your taxes went – May 2

43] Janice & Max in court – May 2

44] Vote Uncommitted rally May 2

45] Phone bank virtually for Terri Hill for Congress – May 2

46] Social Housing Organizing meeting – May 2

47] Lower Shore Progressive Caucus meeting – May 2

48] Vote uncommitted – May 2 – 8

49] Dialogue on War and the Nuclear Threat – May 2

50] Campaign to Victory call – May 2

51] Create visibility for Assange – May 3


39] Just World Ed [] wants you to attend Understanding Hamas, & Why that Matters on Thurs., May 2 at noon ET. These webinars will continue each Thursday through May 23. Join the May 2 conversation with Dr. Paola Caridi hosted by Rami Khouri and Helena Cobban. Register at

40] On Thurs., May 2 from noon to 2 PM & 4 to 6 PM ET, get involved with State of Democracy, a Common Cause organized Election Protection phone bank.   Work together to demand bold changes to our democracy to create a government that represents all of us, not big corporations or special interests. Register for a shift to make calls and help strengthen the phone bank team to protect our democracy. These shifts will also always include training for first-timers before you make calls, so if this is your first time, no worries! Register at

41] – Kevin Martin, Peace Action [] indicates that the organization and others are holding a protest at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. on Thurs., May 2 from noon to 2 PM ET.  The purpose is to inform the Biden administration that it must Stop Sending Weapons to Israel. All states have the obligation to prevent atrocity crimes and protect civilians. The U.S. government is long overdue to live up to these commitments. Let’s make our voices heard that we do not support weapons, and our tax dollars, being used for war crimes! RSVP at

42] – The National Priorities Project [] is holding a webinar on Thurs., May 2 from 1 to 2 PM ET -- Where Your 2023 Taxes Went: A People’s Briefing.  Join this online People’s Briefing with IPS’ National Priorities Project (NPP) Director, Lindsay Koshgarian, and NPP Outreach Coordinator, Alliyah Lusuegro who will give an illuminating explanation of where your 2023 income taxes went. RSVP at

43] – Janice Sevre-Duszynska and Max Obuszewski were arrested with 51 members of Christians for a Free Palestine on April 9 in the Dirksen Senate Office Building cafeteria. The arrestees were chanting that Palestinians are starving in the Gaza Strip.  That is why the organizers decided to do the action in a Senate cafeteria. While the others paid $50 to have their arrests expunged, Janice and Max requested a trial date.  On Thurs., May 2 at 1:30 PM, they will appear in D.C. Superior Court facing an incommoding [trespass] charge.  Janice received a snail mail reminder to appear for the hearing, while Max did not.  Charges could be dismissed for one or both defendants.  The intent of the defendants is to request a motions hearing which eventually would lead to a trial. One argument at trial would be that the Biden administration is complicit with genocide because it supplies weapons to Israel which is committing war crimes in the Gaza Strip.   Contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net.  

44] – Listen to Maryland [] is holding a Vote Uncommitted rally on Thurs., May 2 at 4 PM ET at 1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring 20910. RSVP at

Join the statewide rally and press conference supporting the Vote Uncommitted campaign. It will feature special guest speakers and representatives from some of the 50+ endorsing organizations. Listen to Maryland can be reached at

45] – On Thurs., May 2 from 6 to 8 PM ET, phone bank virtually for Terri Hill for Congress. After you RSVP, the Zoom link will provided. RSVP at

If you have any questions, please reach out to Carly Colby (Campaign Manager) Del. Hill has been a Maryland State Delegate since 2015. She currently represents District 12A. As Delegate, Dr. Hill has leveraged her background in medicine, engineering and business to fight for quality of life issues. Now, she’s running for Congress in Maryland’s 3rd District to ensure the hard won rights we’ve enjoyed are not lost on future generations. Help us put this doctor in the House! The phone banking will continue each Thursday through May 9 from 6 to 8 PM ET.

46] – On Thurs., May 2 at 6 PM ET, there is a Social Housing Organizing meeting. A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP at

  Join the Social Housing Working Group for its biweekly organizing meeting. Learn about its latest activities, what they're planning for the future, and how to get involved. The Group seeks to educate Metro DC DSA chapter members and the general public about social housing and to facilitate collective action in support of the passage and implementation of the Green New Deal for Housing Amendment Act. The legislation proposes to create mixed-income, district-owned housing with market rate units that subsidize a larger number of affordable units. It's a pioneering approach that deepens affordability, invests surplus funds into the creation of more social housing, and locks-in financial sustainability. The bill also includes climate and labor standards and elected tenant boards with oversight over building management. This event is open to both DSA Members and supporters. Email

47] –On Thurs., May 2 from 6:30 to 8 PM ET, the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus will hold its virtual monthly meeting.  The monthly meetings will occur as follows:  June 6, July 4, Aug. 1, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Nov. 7 and Dec. 5 at 6:30 PM ET. Visit

48] – Maryland voters are saying loud and clear that President Biden can count us out in the May 14th Democratic Primary. We are selecting UNCOMMITTED on the ballot as a protest, to let him know we won’t stand with him as he funds more war and genocide in Gaza. In order to reach as many voters as possible, we need to contact hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. Before you get started, we'll reach out and schedule a quick training/intro call. Sign up for a shift on Thurs., May 2, Fri., May 3, Mon., May 6, Tues., May 7 & Wed., May 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and on Sat., May 4 and Sun., May 5 from 2 to 4 PM ET. Maryland voters are saying loud and clear that President Biden can count us out in the May 14th Democratic Primary. We are selecting UNCOMMITTED on the ballot as a protest, to let him know we won’t stand with him as he funds more war and genocide in Gaza. In order to reach as many voters as possible, we need to contact hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. Before you get started, we'll reach out and schedule a quick training/intro call. RSVP at

49] – The RootsAction Education Fund [] on Thurs., May 2 at 8:30 PM ET is holding a Virtual Dialogue on War and the Nuclear Threat.  ‌As the group approaches Daniel Ellsberg Week, coming up June 10-16, it is organizing a series of events emphasizing the importance of peacemaking, global diplomacy, and nuclear disarmament. These events include pickets, vigils, campaigns to name a street, library, or other local landmark after Daniel Ellsberg, as well as other types of events.

The Virtual Dialogue on War and the Nuclear Threat will include author and Orbis Books editor-in-chief Robert Ellsberg; professor and historian Christian Appy; author and historian Dr. Assal Rad; Pastor Michael McBride of the Quincy Institute; Defuse Nuclear War’s Emma Claire Foley; RootsAction’s Norman Solomon; and CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling. Sign up at

50] – Mike Fox for Progressive Democrats of America [] suggests that you attend on Thurs., May 2 at 9 PM ET a Campaign to Victory call focusing on Squad Member Summer Lee and Berniecrat Zach Shrewsbury for Senate from West Virginia. PDA is coming off of its single most successful event ever for any of its endorsed candidates with a promotion for Summer Lee.  And now Zach Shrewsbury is running to fill Joe Manchin's vacated Senate seat in WV. Join in to find out updates from the campaign and how you can make a real difference from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the country:

51] – World Press Freedom Day will be celebrated on Fri., May 3.  There are several high-profile events in DC, which unfortunately are closed to the public.  However, there is a plan to be outside to "greet" attendees!   Hold banners at both the National Press Club and Washington Post headquarters, as attendees enter these events.  Please come out, between 8 and 10 AM to create visibility for Assange.  Be at the National Press Club, 14th & F St. NW from 8:30 to 9 AM. . Then from 9:15 to 10 AM be at the entrance of the Washington Post, 1300 K St. NW to greet attendees at a Wash Post Live event which begins at 10 AM. Contact Ann Wilcox at [].

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] Go to

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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