Monday, August 30, 2010

Wrestling with the Khmer Rouge Legacy

Wrestling with the Khmer Rouge Legacy


By Tom Fawthrop




History News Network


The Khmer Rouge Tribunal delivered its first verdict in

July against Kaing Guek Euv, alias "Duch," the director

of the notorious S-21 prison, a torture and

extermination center under the rule of Cambodian

dictator Pol Pot.  After a 77-day trial, the five

judges--two international and three

Cambodian--unanimously convicted Duch of committing

crimes against humanity.  He was sentenced to

thirty-five years in prison.


This landmark decision came only days after the U.S.

Embassy in Phnom Penh celebrated the sixtieth

anniversary of the restoration of U.S.-Cambodian

relations.  U.S. officials made no mention of their

critical role in helping Pol Pot's forces come to

power.  Nor did the trio of former U.S.

ambassadors--Charles Ray, Kent Wiedemann, and Joseph

Mussomeli--issue any apologies during the two-day

celebration for the Nixon administration's secret B-52

bombings that inflicted massive destruction on the

Cambodian countryside or for U.S. diplomatic support

for the Khmer Rouge from 1979 to 1990.


During his trial, Duch testified that the Khmer Rouge

would have likely died out if the United States had not

promoted a military coup d'etat in 1970 against the

non-aligned government led by Prince Norodom Sihanouk.

"I think the Khmer Rouge would already have been

demolished," he said of their status by 1970, "But Mr.

Kissinger [then U.S. secretary of state] and Richard

Nixon were quick [to back coup leader] Gen. Lon Nol,

and then the Khmer Rouge noted the golden opportunity."


Because of this alliance, the Khmer Rouge was able to

build up its power over the course of their 1970-75 war

against the Lon Nol regime, Duch told the tribunal.


At these two events--a condemnation and a

celebration--the media paid little attention to U.S.

complicity in the Cambodian tragedy.  In fact, the

Khmer Rouge Tribunal was set up in just such a way as

to avoid asking any of the uncomfortable questions

about U.S. policy.  The tribunal's mandate for

indictment only covers the period from April 17, 1975

to January 6, 1979, when the Khmer Rouge regime was

already in power.


Any investigation into the time period that covered

U.S. bombing before 1975, which directly caused the

deaths of 250,000 civilians, could open up former U.S.

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to liability for war crimes.


After the fall of the Pol Pot regime in 1979, U.S.

foreign policy also played a major role in aggravating

the sufferings of the traumatized Cambodian people.  As

a result of the decision to focus only on that time

period during the rule of Pol Pot and his regime, the

Tribunal conveniently concentrates all the guilt for

the atrocities in Cambodia on the Khmer Rouge and

little on their enablers. After 1979


The toppling of the barbarous Khmer Rouge regime, which

ended the Cambodian nightmare, should have been cause

for international celebration.  But Washington and most

western governments showed no elation at all because

the "wrong country"--Vietnam--liberated the Cambodians.

Instead, western governments condemned Vietnam for an

illegal invasion.


Washington, meanwhile, joined China in keeping the

ousted Pol Pot regime alive by retaining its seat in

the UN General Assembly through its diplomatic

recognition as the legitimate representative of the

Cambodian people.  The Khmer Rouge then used its vote,

along with U.S. support, to prevent any UN agency from

providing development aid to a country trying to

rebuild itself from the abject ruins of Pol Pot's "Year

Zero."  UNICEF, a lone exception, was the only UN

agency permitted to have an office in Phnom Penh. Why the Delay?


Why has it taken thirty years to bring Khmer Rouge

leaders to trial?  The Hun Sen government's protracted

negotiation with the UN legal affairs department is one

oft-cited reason.  But, in fact, Cambodian Prime

Minister Hun Sen requested the UN to set up a tribunal

back in 1986.  From 1986-1987, Australian Foreign

Minister Bill Hayden called for Pol Pot to be put on

trial.  But the Reagan administration blocked his

initiative, claiming that any attempt to prosecute

Khmer Rouge leaders would "undermine" U.S.-Australian

relations and the united front, with the Association of

Southeast Asian Nations and China, against Vietnam.


Only after the Cold War ended and a Cambodian peace

deal was signed could Cambodians put a Khmer Rouge

tribunal back on the agenda.  In 1997, in his human

rights report, UN Special Rapporteur for Cambodia

Thomas Hammarberg included a request from Cambodian

leaders for a UN-aided tribunal.  The General Assembly

unanimously passed a resolution that noted for the

first time that crimes against humanity had occurred in

Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, and they needed to be

addressed.  This delay in bringing the Khmer Rouge to

trial stretched for nearly twenty years because

Washington blocked all attempts at setting up a tribunal.


Given this unhappy record of the United States and its

contribution to the Cambodian tragedy, the Cambodia

government had expected that their longstanding request

for the cancellation of a very old debt of $339 million

would receive a sympathetic hearing in Washington.


After all, this debt is based on original loans to the

military regime of General Lon Nol who came to power in

1970 with U.S. military support.  Cambodia's government

says that in part, these loans were used to buy weapons

and support that war, which caused great suffering to

the Cambodian people.  Much of the $339 million

represents interest accumulated over the last thirty years.


And yet, for all the recent improvement in

U.S.-Cambodia relations, Washington remains obdurate in

insisting that the current government in Phnom Penh

repay the debt.


To show some measure of respect for the Cambodian

people, the Obama administration should stop demanding

that Cambodians pay for the bombs used to kill so many

of  their fellow citizens.  Washington should reverse

current policy and cancel the debt.  Moreover, as

compensation for people killed and infrastructure

destroyed during the war, the United States should

extend considerably more humanitarian aid to Cambodian

war victims than the few small grants so far provided

to U.S. charities.  The United States can't undo all

the damage done by the secret bombing campaign and

support for the Khmer Rouge.  But at this late date,

Washington can at least help Cambodia deal with the

legacy of the war and the destructive political force

that grew out of it.



Tom Fawthrop is the co-author with Helen Jarvis of

Getting Away with Genocide? Elusive Justice and the

Khmer Rouge Tribunal (Pluto books distributed in the

United States by University of Michigan Press). He has

reported on Cambodia since 1979 for The Guardian (UK),

BBC, and other media. He is a contributor to Foreign

Policy In Focus, from where it is reprinted with the

kind permission of that organization.




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