27] Stop the execution of two Kurdish women
28] Restore lifesaving aid –
March 11
29] Power Half-Hour for Gaza – March 11- 13
30] Labor Working Group
meeting – March 11
31] Stop the SAVE act – March 11, 13, 18 & 25
32] Protect immigrant students – March 11
33] Indivisible chapter
meeting – March 11
34] DSA candidate wins – March 11
35] Town Hall by legislators – March 11
36] Despair is Not a Strategy – March 11
37] Phone bank for
Rockville Rent Stabilization – March 11
38] Genocide in Gaza – March 12
39] Save Healthcare – March 12
40] Boycott Chevron – March 12
27] –The Islamic regime
in Iran is using execution verdicts as a desperate act to suppress peaceful
demonstrations and protests due to the disastrous economic condition in
Iran. The judicial system in Iran executes innocent activist and
individuals by forced confessions, torture and sham trials. The unjust
death sentences for Pakhshan Azizi and Varisheh Moradi is another act of
desperation by the Islamic Republic’s use of capital punishment to suppress
members of minority communities and terrorize Iranian women who are fighting
tirelessly for their rights as equal citizens of Iran. You are asked to
show your urgent support for contacting the United Nations Human Rights office
and Iranian mission at United Nations to demand the Islamic republic of Iran
stop the unjust execution verdicts for both women and hundreds of other
prisoners on death row in Iran. These prisoners must receive fair trials
according to international judicial standards, including the right for all
prisoners to independent counsels.
Contact the permanent mission of Iran, 622 Third Avenue, 34th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10017 -- https://geneva.mfa.gov.ir or Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Palais Wilson, 52 rue des Pâquis, CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland -- ohchr-InfoDesk@un.org On Tues., March 4 from 7 - 8:30 PM ET, enjoy Habitant Gardening for Birds: Intro Webinar. Learn the basics of how to transform your home, school, work, or community space into a bird and butterfly paradise! Audubon experts will share practical tips and scientific support for gardening with native plants and making our neighborhoods more resilient. Explore resources needed to beautify your outdoor space and attract birds, butterflies, and other beneficial wildlife! RSVP at https://md.audubon.org/events/habitat-gardening-birds-intro-webinar?ms=aud-email-_(midatl)_ama_md_programming_february_march_2025&utm_source=ea&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=_(midatl)_ama_md_programming_february_march_2025&emci=5e01f646-22ea-ef11-90cb-0022482a94f4&emdi=b2049753-beeb-ef11-90cb-0022482a94f4&ceid=2504878
28] – Join Christian leaders from across political and denominational affiliations representing international assistance implementers, advocacy organizations, and their allies on Tues., March 11 at 10 AM ET to pray and urge the Trump administration and Congress to restore lifesaving aid. Gather at Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, 201 4th St SE, WDC between 8:30 and 9:30 AM and walk to the House Triangle for the 10 AM vigil on the House side of the US Capitol's east front, at New Jersey Ave. and SE0 Dr. SE, WDC. Visit https://go.bread.org/page/80050/survey/1
29] – Jewish Voice for Peace is doing a Power Half-Hour for Gaza: Channel grief & outrage into action to stop a genocide. A year into the genocide in Gaza, we are overwhelmed with sorrow and rage. There are no words to describe the devastating pain of the past year in which the Israeli military has killed over 44,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including more than 17,000 children. The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court have both declared that Israel must stop the genocidal acts being committed on the Palestinian people. And the U.S. government is actively supporting the Israeli military as it wreaks devastation on the over 2 million Palestinians in Gaza. JVP continues to come together as a political community in its daily half-hour to take action, Monday through Friday, for the past year. Join in and take collective action to demand an arms embargo to Israel, immediate end to the genocide, a lasting ceasefire and an end to Israeli siege, apartheid, occupation, and oppression of Palestinians and Lebanon. All are welcome. All are needed. Get involved at 3 PM ET on Tues., March 11, Wed., March 12 & Thurs., March 13. Visit https://jvp-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Un0Lupy1SFObVVXJaZO5UQ?_x_zm_rtaid=8L0JUS3pQkenMGtx9ha3mQ.1732760660364.03949df73aedc7035fc618f76c52fc75&_x_zm_rhtaid=249#/registration
30] – On Tues., March 11 from 6 to 7:30 PM at the Shaw/Watha T. Daniel Library, Meeting Room 1, 1630 7th St. NW, WDC 20001, there will be a Labor Working Group meeting. RSVP at https://actionnetwork.org/events/labor-working-group-march-meeting?link_id=67&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-february-14-2025-2&email_referrer=email_2645977&email_subject=metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-rch-7-2025
31] – Phone Bank virtually with Common Cause: STOP THE SAVE ACT on Tuesdays, March 11, 18 & 25 and Thursdays, March 13 & 20 from 6 to 8 PM ET. Join Common Cause for an important phone bank to mobilize voters to take action against the dangerous SAVE Act and advocate for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. The SAVE Act threatens to make it harder for millions of Americans—especially students, seniors, and veterans—to cast their ballots. Ensure voters across the country call their representatives and demand they protect the freedom to vote. A full training will take place at the start of each shift! RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/758610/?followup_modal_context=nonexclusive_newsletter_most_popular_virtual
32] – On Tues., March 11 from 6 to 7:30 PM, go to a Baltimore County School Board meeting, Protecting Immigrant Students. CASA is advocating for the Baltimore County Public Schools to stand up for immigrant students and create safe, welcoming schools for ALL. No student should feel unsafe in their school. Gather at the Baltimore County Board of Education, 6901 N Charles St, Towson, MD 21204, Building E. If you are able to attend, Email Sandy at SandyRobson@gmail.com
33] – On Tues., March 11 at 6:30 PM ET, there will be an Eastern Shore Indivisible Inaugural Meeting. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/dfadcoalition/event/758416/?followup_modal_context=organization_newsletter_custom_recommendations Volunteers are organizing to form an Indivisible chapter. This event's address is private. The Eastern Shore Indivisible group is just getting started. Its goal is to build a coalition of empowered voters from Kent Island to Easton.
34] – Look over the Shayla Adams-Stafford Campaign, and reflect on What’s Next on Tues., March 11 at 7 to 7:45 PM ET. RSVP at https://actionnetwork.org/events/shayla-adams-stafford-campaign-reflections-and-whats-next?link_id=68&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-february-14-2025-2&email_referrer=email_2645977&email_subject=metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-march-7-2025
A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP. Email pec@mdcdsa.org. The Metro DC DSA Electoral Working Group showed up in force, knocking on more than 7400 peoples' doors for Shayla's campaign. What's next for Metro DC DSA's electoral program?
35] – Congresswoman Sarah Elfreth [MD03SE.Outreach@mail.house.gov] on Tues., March 11 at 7:30 PM is holding a Town Hall at Howard Community College’s Smith Theatre at 10901 Little Patuxent Parkway in Columbia. Her district is facing new forms of uncertainty and fear as President Trump institutes policies that attack and roll back protections for federal workers, the LGBTQIA+ community, immigrants, and so many others. Senators Angela Alsobrooks and Chris Van Hollen, and Howard County Executive Calvin Ball will be there to respond to your questions and concerns. All seating is taken. View the livestream at https://www.youtube.com/live/ER4ifIIG4PI
36] – On Tues., March 11 at 8 PM ET, Andrea Miller, chair and founder of Center for Common Ground, will expound on Despair is Not a Strategy. Keep focused on and achieve your goals in the midst of political chaos. Learn how the Center for Common Ground (CCG) has made significant progress in securing votes for Progressive leaders and causes in historically red states. CCG has been effective at getting Black citizens to vote and may have been instrumental in the election of Senator Warnock in Georgia in 2022 and Democratic majorities in the Virginia state legislature in 2023.
Miller designs and administers digital phone banks and texting programs. From 2013 to 2015, she led the Progressive Round Table on Capitol Hill, bringing together members of Congress, activists, and non-profit leaders. Her expertise is in voting rights, climate, and the Equal Rights Amendment. She has successfully advocated for legislation on both the Federal and State level. Register here. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlc-igqTsvGdEGWLPOfa9KcjXTpul49zMI?link_id=3&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-ops-opportunities-learn-the-latest-3&email_referrer=email_2646093&email_subject=ops-opportunities-learn-the-latest#/registration
37] – On Tues., March 11 at 8 PM ET, join a virtual event—Phone bank for Rockville Rent Stabilization. Get with Montgomery County DSA to make calls to tenants and invite them to an upcoming Rockville rent stabilization community forum. Email montgomerycountydsa@gmail.com. RSVP for the Zoom link: https://actionnetwork.org/events/rockville-rent-stabilization-phonebank?link_id=69&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-february-14-2025-2&email_referrer=email_2645977&email_subject=metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-march-7-2025
38] – Sign up to join Doctors against Genocide on the Hill on Wed., March 12 to demand justice and accountability for the genocide in Gaza. Go to the offices of Senators and Representatives to speak out and demand that UNRWA be refunded by the U.S. so as to allow it to perform its life saving duties for the people of Gaza. When signing up, indicate who your representatives are and any relevant information you know about them, i.e. if you have spoken to them in person before. Indicate your availability on this form: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/hill-day-31225-sign-up?link_id=3&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-urgent-update-from-amnesty-international-and-healthcare-workers-watch-2&email_referrer=email_2647241___subject_3158131&email_subject=hear-from-medical-students-in-gaza
39] –The People's Action Institute [hello@peoplesaction.org] on Wed., March 12 at noon is mobilizing to Save Healthcare, starting at Columbus Circle. No Health Care Cuts for Corporate Greed! There’s enough wealth in this country to provide health care for every single person who needs it–if we stop billionaires and greedy corporations from stealing it. Right now, Republicans and their billionaire backers are planning to cut Medicaid by $880 billion. This means, nearly 40 million people will have their health care taken away from them in order to fund tax breaks for the greediest people alive. At least ten health care and grassroots organizations across the country have joined together for a major mobilization to Save Our Healthcare. Gather at Columbus Circle and march to the Capitol to stop Congress from cutting lifesaving programs for everyday people to fund tax breaks for the rich. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/peoplesactioninstitute/event/761343/?link_id=2&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-no-health-care-cuts-for-corporate-greed-join-us-on-312-to-fight-back&email_referrer=email_2645262&email_subject=no-health-care-cuts-for-corporate-greed-join-us-on-312-to-fight-back40] –Chevron supports Israel's apartheid regime and its genocidal war against the Palestinian people, while also bringing environmental destruction to countries around the world. Chevron runs natural gas extraction and pipelines off the shore of Palestine/Israel. Israel depends heavily on fossil gas for electricity, and Chevron is the largest producer for Israel, illegally exploiting Palestinian natural resources. Chevron is also providing millions of dollars in tax revenues to Israel. Chevron is one the most destructive oil companies, ravaging land, poisoning rivers and streams, destroying communities, and financing violence. The company’s activities have played a role in the destruction of marginalized people’s homes, resources, and livelihoods in at least 30 countries.
Boycott Chevron for its human rights violations and the destruction of Mother Earth. Join the protest on Wed., March 12 at 1 PM ET by signing up at https://palestine.events/12March2025
To be continued.
Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212. Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.
"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs
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