325 E. 25th
Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 Ph: 410-323-1607
Max Obuszewski 410-323-1607 or 727-256-5789 or
mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net
activists to protest Lockheed Martin’s role in killing civilians in Yemen.
2, 2018
WHO: Several peace and
justice groups are infuriated by the U.S. role in supporting Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Emirate, as these countries wage war on the people of Yemen. So
the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, Peace Action Montgomery County, Prince George's
Peace and Justice Coalition and Peace Action Baltimore decided to call for a
protest at Lockheed Martin’s headquarters.
WHAT: Representatives from the various groups intend
to speak out against this corporation’s involvement in an unconstitutional war
against the people of Yemen. Protesters will include
Pat Elder, a Green Party candidate for Congress opposing “Democratic Whip”
Steny Hoyer. Hoyer is a supporter of arm sales to Saudi Arabia.
Selling weapons to one of the most repressive regimes in the world is a recipe
for disaster that has been unfolding in Yemen for several years. Thus
concerned activists will speak truth to power.
WHEN: Monday, September 3 at 2 PM
WHERE: Lockheed Martin, 6801 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD
WHY: Below, a Yemeni child holds a fragment of a MK-82 bomb manufactured by
Lockheed Martin, according to CNN, which hit a school bus on August 9 and
killed 50 civilians, and wounded another sixty. Go to https://www.mintpressnews.com/bomb-yemen-school-bus-lockheed-martin/247536/, The Nuremberg Tribunals taught us that when a government or
a corporation is involved in war crimes, citizens must speak out.
to the protest, a number of peace and justice activists will march with Pat Elder in the annual Greenbelt Labor Day Parade from 10
AM to noon. After marching, the peace and justice advocates will travel
to Bethesda to decry what Lockheed Martin weaponry is doing to one of the
poorest countries in the world. A recent United
Nations report drew this conclusion: “The Saudi Arabia-led coalition and allied
forces, Huthi and Yemeni government aligned forces have consistently carried
out unlawful attacks, restricted access to humanitarian aid, carried out
widespread arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, child recruitment and
other serious violations that have and continue to inflict unimaginable
suffering on Yemen’s civilian population.”
# # #
master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought
the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while
the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially
their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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