Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Baltimore Activist Alert -- September 27 - 28, 2023

30] Whose Sustainability – Sept. 27

31] Make effective calls to Congress -- Sept. 27

32] Abolish nuclear weapons – Sept. 27

33] IRA 101 – Sept. 27

34] Worker-Centered Policy Sept. 27

35] Stomp out Slumlords – Sept. 27

36] Healing the harms of nuclear testing -- Sept. 27

37] State's goal of 100% clean energy Sept. 27

38] Superwoman Wednesday – Sept. 27

39] U.S. and China can act together on climate change Sept. 27

40] JVP Strategy Session – Sept. 27

41] Shaping the War Narrative Sept. 27


30] -- On Wed., Sept. 27 at 9 AM, get with Whose Sustainability? - Unpacking decolonization in sustainability science. Researchers, policymakers, and Indigenous and local communities alike are recognizing the significance of incorporating diverse and sometimes conflicting knowledge and value systems to effectively address sustainability challenges. What (un)learning is necessary to enhance the autonomy of Global South scientists? How do researchers engage and highlight different visions for the future that are currently excluded in dominant Western paradigms? In practice, the predominance of the Eurocentric scientific paradigm continues to hamper this effort while reinforcing deep social injustices and unequal power relations, leaving many researchers at a loss on how to effectively contribute to more diverse and inclusive approaches.

  This webinar explores decolonizing research, focusing on Sustainability Science. It will interest and support researchers who wish to treat decolonization as a process more than a buzzword. Decolonizing research in practice is a nuanced and multifaceted endeavor that involves reexamining and restructuring research practices to challenge and undo the complex and ongoing impacts of colonization. Hear from Bagele Chilisa, University of Botswana and others. RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/whose-sustainability-unpacking-decolonization-in-sustainability-science-tickets-706615364577?utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_editorial&utm_content=loc.85949461.r2023_37&utm_term=ebemnsuserinsight&ref=ebemnsuserinsight&afu=219117122755&rank=1&eeid=8a0d2da7b2f64538bd0646c852bcc565&recommended_events_quantity=15&aff=ebemnsuserinsight

31] -- The Union of Concerned Scientists [action@ucsusa.org] wants to train you on Wed., Sept. 27 at noon ET how to make effective calls to Congress. This summer the film Oppenheimer has brought nuclear weapons and the importance of science advocacy to the forefront of public discourse. Now is the time to learn how to call your legislators about the harm caused by nuclear weapons. The Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists invites you to attend a virtual skills-building workshop on how to make an effective call to Congress. Join UCS organizers and fellow supporters to learn how you can be an advocate for science.  Register at https://secure.ucsusa.org/a/2023-9-27-training-how-to-call-congress?contactdata=ZfFzvCobIgVsCOtmQagLfOVJ934tA+QPe6L6W5QUI6xSp0YAA1qbS4Nn9EXGAseqfpx+xmbopp+FsiAcVKCvNis9FYtVkfpmYFdNiqa1yhVZnhylYOUI9nnA9xXl2V8VAnAkVSXqLvH4QE9%2fcgh8Nlj2gPECoUSay+5kdfWQa6+49PaCV%2fUOuxH1Hv2Dt1H+hpSKM6I3SCf7jR+aXi1EhERsKQ5rVb9g6+1sBBOOrNUJj5Dzi83P8FhIVptXvfGLE1hSgtj3i0pcEJGtbgwroA%3d%3d&utm_campaign=email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=email&emci=11567b93-394c-ee11-a3f1-00224832eb73&emdi=223f9b9a-394c-ee11-a3f1-00224832eb73&ceid=1507036

32] --  The Brandywine Peace Community is doing a Philly "REACH-OUT" to Abolish Nuclear Weapons & DEFUSE NUCLEAR WAR on Wed., Sept. 27 at 3:30 PM ET at the 30th Street Train Station, 30th & Markets Streets, Philadelphia. RSVP at https://www.brandywinepeace.com/event/defuse-nuclear-war-philly-reach-out-at-30th-street-train-station/https:/www.brandywinepeace.com/event/defuse-nuclear-war-philly-reach-out-at-30th-street-train-station/  Visit www.brandywinepeace.com and WWW.DEFUSENUCLEARWAR.ORG.  

33] -- Learn How to Save Money & the Planet by understanding IRA 101 with Rewiring America & Physicians for Social Responsibility. It's been a little over one year since the Inflation Reduction Act was passed, and there are billions of dollars allocated for consumers to make their homes healthier for our bodies and our planet! The two groups on Wed., Sept. 27 at 3:30 PM ET will organize a discussion to learn how much money you could save through the IRA and how exactly to access these tax credits and rebates. Rewiring America's Director of Research, Cora Wyent, will outline the steps we can all take toward electrification by upgrading the ways we heat, cool, and power our homes, cook our food, and get around.  Register at https://psr-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jXjDHl9vR-O7C0y_ojs9HQ?emci=e8eebd05-e757-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&emdi=d7efb950-f057-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&ceid=130901#/registration

34] – The Economic Policy Institute [development@epi.org] is holding a briefing on Wed., Sept. 27 at 5 PM ET at 1225 I Street NW, Suite 600. WDC 20005 -- What's Next: Worker-Centered Policy in the US and Global Economy. Jared Bernstein will give one of his first addresses as Chair of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers, and will discuss what’s next in worker-centered economic policy, including trade policy, empowering workers, and securing economic resiliency. He will also discuss the current economic outlook, and more. Email mkannan@epi.org. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-next-worker-centered-policy-in-the-us-and-global-economy-tickets-710506944397?aff=oddtdtcreator&mc_eid=72ea77dbdd&mc_cid=4f767e3b60

35] – On Wed., Sept. 27 from 6 to 8 PM ET, check out Organizing after Crisis with Stomp Out Slumlords as part of the Socialist Night School. RSVP at https://actionnetwork.org/events/organizing-after-crisis-with-stomp-out-slumlords-socialist-night-school?link_id=64&can_id=4b9d4061aec5469758759317ac0f5285&source=email-metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-september-8-2023&email_referrer=email_2047239&email_subject=metro-dc-dsa-weekly-newsletter-for-september-15-2023

The event will take place at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 401-E Conference Room, 901 G St. NW, WDC 20001. Stomp out Slumlords has grown exponentially since the pandemic hit in 2020. What started out as Metro DC DSA's anti-eviction canvassing operation in 2017 has blossomed into a fighting tenants' union with organized buildings across the District and Maryland and Virginia suburbs.  Join core Stomp out Slumlords organizers and tenant leaders for an evening talking about how they're not going to let that happen so easily. This is a hybrid event. If you have questions or to request accommodations, please email politicaleducation@mdcdsa.org. Please make sure your COVID vaccinations are up to date. Masks are strongly encouraged. This hybrid event is open to both DSA Members and supporters. Those who wish to attend virtually can RSVP and will be provided with a Zoom webinar link.

36] – FCNL [support@fcnl.org] is hosting on Wed., Sept. 27 at 6:30 PM ET “Healing the Harms of Nuclear Testing.” From 1945 to 1962, the U.S. government conducted more than 200 above-ground nuclear tests. Those exposed to nuclear fallout are still dealing with the deadly consequences. Radiation spread for thousands of miles, poisoning the surrounding area—and overwhelmingly impacting low-income households and communities of color. Those exposed to nuclear fallout are still dealing with the deadly consequences of these detonations today. Few have been compensated.  Speakers include Allen Hester, FCNL’s nuclear disarmament lobbyist, and Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium. Our discussion will be moderated by Alicia McBride, FCNL’s senior director for Quaker leadership. It will explore the impact of nuclear testing and how our Quaker testimonies for peace and integrity call us to advocate with communities that still bear the scars of our country’s nuclear history.

  Congress could extend and expand the Radiation Compensation Exposure Act (RECA) this year to address the grievous harms and lasting health impacts. In August, the Senate advanced a bipartisan amendment to extend this program in its annual defense authorization bill, but sustained advocacy is needed to ensure the amendment becomes law. Register https://act.fcnl.org/event/quaker-welcome-center-events-watch-home/3206/?akid=38138.152065.3nqHa2&rd=1&t=17&utm_campaign=event&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ak&utm_term=38138.152065.3nqHa2

37] -- CCAN [info@chesapeakeclimate.org] wants you to join in a Maryland Action Member meetup and Wed., Sept. 27 at 7 PM ET.  The focus will be on how we can reach our state's goal of 100% clean energy by 2035. SIGN in at https://act.chesapeakeclimate.org/page/56929/data/1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=engagingnetworks&utm_campaign=membership&utm_content=MD-Sept+Action+Member+Meetup+REMINDER-0923-c3&ea.url.id=2009428

38] – On Wed., Sept. 27 from 7 to 8 PM ET, get with Superwomen Wednesday hosted by Supermajority.  Superwomen Wednesday is a place for the Supermajority community to come together to learn and take action. It is an entry point for anyone new to volunteering and also a place for seasoned volunteers to take meaningful action on a consistent basis. Starting on September 20th, this event will be going to a WEEKLY schedule through Nov. 1. Join us each Wednesday evening for a jam-packed hour of action to build women's political power this year and be an absolutely formidable force in 2024. Everything is on the line, and everything is possible, including making the Majority Rules real for every woman and femme across the country. RSVP to get Zoom registration details at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/547542/?followup_modal_context=nonexclusive_newsletter_most_popular_virtual.

39] –The climate crisis is unfolding before our eyes, and millions of people around the world are already experiencing the traumatic impact of extreme weather events in their everyday lives. Though no place is immune, countries in the Global South are bearing the brunt of the climate crisis, despite having historically contributed to global emissions the least.  No country can produce this global transition on its own in the timeframe necessary to prevent climate disaster. As the world’s largest economy and biggest historical greenhouse gas emitter, the U.S. holds the greatest responsibility and power to lead the transition. China is also a major economy and the largest current greenhouse gas emitter. It is crucial that these two countries work together to forge a global path to sustainability. 

  Join a webinar on Wed., Sept. 27 at 8 PM ET for an online discussion with Rep. Jamaal Bowman and allied organizations to speak about how the U.S. and China can act together to tackle climate change and help build a green and fair global economy.    RSVP at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eFfwUBx_RuqZhjcuTysNfA?emci=37549e76-9158-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&emdi=2b4b6502-db58-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&ceid=9582057#/registration

40] –JVP Wire [info@jewishvoiceforpeace.org] needs you on Wed., Sept. 27 at 8 PM ET.  JVP's task now is to leverage the sentiment around Netanyahu to bring those criticizing Israel for the first time into the Palestine solidarity movement. As the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, JVP has a critical role to play in doing just that — and there is a plan to make it happen.  

JVP is launching its new strategic plan which will guide the future of its work to end U.S. complicity in Israeli apartheid — and it’s going to take all of us to put it into action. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/jewishvoiceforpeace/event/577219/?sourceid=1001761&emci=6ac0377b-be57-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&emdi=d812c4c6-ce57-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&ceid=237778

41] –Ken Jones [info@email.actionnetwork.org] wants you to attend Shaping the War Narrative: How military contractors use think tanks and lobbying to lead us to war on Wed., Sept. 27 at 8 PM ET.  This event is sponsored by the War Industry Resisters Network (WIRN). Register at https://secure.everyaction.com/vNV3M8JavkW_NVYmvAkU4A2

This webinar will look at how foreign policy is influenced by weapons contractors and think tanks.  Hear from Ben Freeman, director of the Democratizing Foreign Policy program at the Quincy Institute. Also speaking will be Daniel Auble, a Senior Researcher at Open Secrets. Auble knows where the money in politics comes from and where it goes.

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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