Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Baltimore Activist Alert -- August 3, 2023

34] Diaspora Jews United to End the Occupation – Aug. 3

35] 50th anniversary of the Cambodia Bombing Halt Aug. 3

36] Update call for AFSC supporters Aug. 3

37] The Beirut blast – Aug. 3

38 Brady Organizing Team – Aug. 3

39] Vote NO campaign Aug. 3

40] Meeting of the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus – Aug. 3

41] US State Department as a Tool of Empire – Aug. 3


34] – American Friends of Combatants for Peace are hosting a webinar Collective Liberation: Diaspora Jews United to End the Occupation on Thurs., Aug. 3 at noon ET. Hadar Cohen & Eva Borgwardt will explore how many in the Jewish diaspora are organizing to demand dignity and equality for ALL, from the river to the sea. Learn from leaders who are fighting against antisemitism and for Palestinian liberation. This Collective ED event will be moderated by Rabbi Sheila Weinberg. Rabbi Sheila currently leads an AFCFP Chapter in Philadelphia. She served as a congregational rabbi for seventeen years and has worked in the fields of Jewish community relations, Jewish education and Hillel. Sign up at


35] – The Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee [reachout.ffrd@gmail.com] on Thurs., Aug. 3 at 2 PM ET is holding a webinar for the 50th anniversary of the Cambodia Bombing Halt and the actual end of US combat in Indochina. Get first-hand a counts from journalists, a Congressional staff member and an antiwar lobbyist. Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dZOZ9BMnSIKT4rxB23Sgvw#/registration.

The Immigration Justice Campaign [justice@immcouncil.org] is hosting a webinar on Thurs., Aug. 3 at 2 PM ET -- "Form I-589; Tips for Preparing an Asylum Application." The Form I-589 (application for asylum and withholding of removal) can be daunting.  Its 12 pages of questions cover extensive biographic information for the applicant and their family members, as well as detailed substantive questions about the applicant’s experiences in their home country and fear of persecution or torture.  Join for a discussion of how to approach the application, work with clients to best present their claims, and avoid pitfalls. RSVP at https://aila-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4z2b7ohZR563iDa3ILE3-w#/registration.

36] – Join an update call for AFSC supporters on a Zoom call on Thurs., Aug. 3 at 2 PM ET! General Secretary Joyce Ajlouny will share about her visits to several AFSC programs this summer. Are you curious about how AFSC is supporting women training as conflict mediators in Burundi, or young people stalled in refugee camps in Kenya?   

Rick Wilson, AFSC’s Economic Justice Director, will join in to talk about work for a livable, sustainable future for all people. Rick has been informed by decades of work for justice in West Virginia. To RSVP, please visit afsc.org/SupporterCall. Once you RSVP, you will receive information for joining the call via Zoom or phone, as well as a reminder on the day of the call.

37] – James Zogby [jzogby@aaiusa.org] is continuing his series Lebanon Conversation on Thurs., Aug, 3 at 4:30 PM ET to remember the three year anniversary of the Beirut blast and its victims. Hear from Beirut by survivors of the blast, member of parliament Paula Yacoubian, director of Human Rights Watch's MENA office Lama Fakih, and filmmaker Daizy Gedeon. Three years ago this week, a massive explosion in the Port of Beirut killed hundreds, wounded thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands to flee their destroyed homes and devastated neighborhoods. How and why did this blast occur? Despite calls for an investigation and accountability, three years later nothing has been done.  Register to receive the dial-in information for the Zoom call: Register to receive the dial-in information for the Zoom call: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lc-ygqDgtEtWrA38AtlHZDEGJ-3LZI0dq?emci=314a904b-8130-ee11-b8f0-00224832eb73&emdi=0c289f9d-9d30-ee11-b8f0-00224832eb73&ceid=389907#/registration.

38] – On Thurs., Aug. 3 from 5 to 6 PM ET, get with the Brady Organizing Team for a virtual training. Do you need support from Brady’s organizing team? Have new ideas to combat gun violence, but don’t know how to get them off the ground? Every week, a member of the organizing team is here to support your work. Sign up for the shift that works best for your schedule. If you can't find a time that works for you, email rgonzalez@bradyunited.org to schedule time to talk. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/380248/?followup_modal_context=nonexclusive_newsletter_closest.  This will continue on Thursdays through Dec. 21.

39] – There is a Vote NO Campaign virtual phone bank and training, hosted by Ohio Democratic Party. Join other pro-democracy callers on phone banks run by the Ohio Democratic Party to help ensure that the 60% threshold to pass a citizen-led constitutional amendment never, ever becomes Ohio law. Call as many voters throughout Ohio as humanly possible to turn them out to vote. At the outset of a phone bank, you will be trained on how to make phone calls using a dialer! After you attend a training and the phone bank afterwards, you'll be equipped to make calls anytime that works for your schedule in the future.  The phone bank times are as follows on Thurs., Aug. 3 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM ET. Sign up at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/563286/?followup_modal_context=nonexclusive_newsletter_most_popular_virtual.

40] –Jared Schablein [admin@lowershoreprogressives.com] wants you to know about the hybrid monthly meeting of the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus on Thurs., Aug. 3 at 6:30 PM ET. You can join in person at the UU Fellowship in Salisbury, 2812 Old Ocean City Road, Salisbury 21804 or remotely via Zoom. To attend virtually, RSVP to receive your Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qf-2prjsqEt3XcBPp5pKGGqp9ZBhwVV9r#/registration.  There will be a roundtable discussion for you to share your vision on the future trajectory of the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus.

41] – Ken Jones [info@email.actionnetwork.org] wants you to attend a War Industry Resistance Network webinar on Thurs., Aug. 3 at 8 PM ET -- The US State Department as a Tool of Empire. Hear from Ann Wright and Matthew Hoh.  Register here: https://masspeaceaction.org/event/the-us-state-department-as-a-tool-of-empire-a-war-industry-resisters-network-webinar/.

The official mission of the US State Department is: “To protect and promote U.S. security, prosperity, and democratic values and shape an international environment in which all Americans can thrive.” No word about diplomacy, but rather a tone of chauvinistic militancy. How does the State Department accompany the war industry in the US drive for global dominance? This webinar will address how an agency tasked with fostering diplomatic relations has become an aggressive force for maintaining a unipolar world, promoting fear and hatred towards Russia, China, and other countries that do not comply with the so-called “rules-based order” imposed by the US.

To be continued.

Donations can be sent to Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 431 Notre Dame Lane, Apt. 206, Baltimore, MD 21212.  Ph.: 410-323-1607; Email: mobuszewski2001 [at] comcast.net. Go to http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/.

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs

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