Thursday, July 22, 2010

Calendar - Part 1

Baltimore Activist Alert July 22 – Aug. 9, 2010


"I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours.

The initiative to stop it must be ours." -Martin Luther King Jr.


Friends, this list and other email documents which I send out are done under the auspices of the Baltimore Nonviolence Center.  Go to  If you appreciate this information and would like to make a donation, send contributions to BNC, 325 East 25th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218.  Max Obuszewski can be reached at 410-366-1637 or mobuszewski [at]


The Baltimore IndyMedia Center publicizes peace-related events. Go to


1] Books, buttons and stickers

2] Web site for info on federal legislation

3] Join Nonviolent Resistance lists  

4] Buy coffee through HoCoFoLA  

5] Used stamps for humanitarian causes

6] Testify for a living wage – July 22

7] Protest vote for war by John Sarbanes – July 22

8] Meeting for Global Work Party – July 22

9] Play WAR & THERAPY – July 22, 23, 24 & 25

10] Human Rights & Obama Administration -- July 22                                 

11] ALTERNATIVE METHODS -- July 22 & 24

12] Jobs & Justice meeting – July 22                                 

13] Pray for Peace – July 22

14] Film COUNTDOWN TO ZERO – July 23-28

15] Bioweapons talk – July 23

16] White House vigil – July 23       

17] WIB Inner Harbor vigil – July 23

18] WIB Roland Park vigil – July 23    

19] Justice for Palestine/Israel vigil – July 23

20] Homewood vigil – July 23

21] Honduran Coup – July 23

22] Vigil at Walter Reed – July 23

23] National Peace Conference – July 23

24] Ballroom dancing – July 23

25] W. Baltimore Farmers Market – July 24

26] Olney vigil to end the war – July 24                           

27] Peace vigil in Chester, PA – July 24

28] Cybernetics, Capitalism, Control – July 24                           

29] Peace vigil at Capitol – July 24

30] “A Walk In the Woods -- July 24

31] An Ethical Discussion – July 25

32] “Contemporary Anarchism” – July 25

33] Bridge vigil – July 25

34] End Korean War! – July 25-27

35] Quaker Peace Vigil – July 25

36] Red Emma’s needs volunteers – July 25

37] Pentagon vigil – July 26

38] Protest the death penalty – July 26               

39] Marc Steiner on WEAA – July 26 – 29

40] Pledge of Resistance meeting – July 26


1] – Buttons, bumperstickers and books are available.  “God Bless the Whole World, No Exceptions” stickers are in stock. Call Max at 410-366-1637.


2] – To obtain information how your federal legislators voted on particular bills, go to  Congressional toll-free numbers are 888-818-6641, 888-355-3588 or 800-426-8073. The White House Comment Email is accessible at

3] – THE ORGANIZING LIST will be the primary decision-making mechanism of the National Campaign of Nonviolent Resistance [NCNR].  It will be augmented by conference calls and possibly in-person meetings as needed.  It will consist of 1 or 2 representatives from each local, regional, or national organization (not coalitions) that wishes to actively work to carry out the NCNR campaign of facilitating and organizing nonviolent resistance to the war in Iraq.


To join the ORGANIZING List, please send your name, group affiliation, city and email address to  Different local chapters of a national organization are encouraged to subscribe.  


THE NOTICES LIST will include only notices of NCNR actions and related information and is open to any interested person to subscribe.  It will be moderated to maintain focus & will include periodic notices about getting involved in NCNR national organizing.  To join the NOTICES List, send an email message to You will get a confirmation message once subscribed.  If you have problems, please write to the list manager at


4] – You can help safeguard human rights and fragile ecosystems through your purchase of HOCOFOLA Café Quetzal. Bags of ground coffee or whole beans can be ordered by mailing in an order form. Also note organic cocoa and sugar are for sale.  For more details and to download the order form, go to


Be sure you indicate ground (G) or bean (B) for each type of coffee ordered. Make the check out to HoCoFoLA and send it with your order form to Nancy Meier, 10 Pepperdine Circle, Catonsville, MD 21228.  Contact Pat McLaine at 410-964-0960 or  The coffee will arrive some time the following week and you will be notified where to pick it up.


5] – Brad Hathaway spearheads an effort to sell donated used stamps to raise money for different humanitarian causes around the world. Go to, and click the link for the stamp ministry.  Carefully clip canceled postage stamps and send to Quaker Missions, PO Box 795, Mattapoisett, MA 02739. Send no small flag stamps or Liberty Bell Forever stamps.


6] – Join the Job Is A Right Campaign and Bailout the People Movement in Baltimore. Be at City Hall, 100 Holliday St.,  on Thurs., July 22 for a hearing on the Living Wage Bill at 4 PM. Testify in favor of a Living Wage Bill that will require big retail businesses to pay their workers living wages.  Email  or call 410-218-4835.


7] – Join the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore on Thurs., July 22 at 4:30 PM at Rep. John Sarbanes’ office, Suite 303, 600 Baltimore Ave.  Pledge members will tell his staff that it is unconscionable that the member of the House voted to further fund the war in Afghanistan.  Afterwards, there will be an antiwar demo on Bosley Ave. from 5 to 5:30 PM.  Call Max at 410-366-1637.                                   


8] – Attend the new play, WAR & THERAPY, written and produced by Paula Caplan.  What's a soldier to do when nothing takes away the memories of war, and the fear that she is crazy leaves her desperate for relief? Her therapist, long a rebel, tries desperately to help, but the remedy comes from an unexpected source.  Caplan plays the therapist, and New York-based Nichole Donjé plays the soldier. Broadway director and theatre legend Aaron Frankel directs the show, which will be seen at the Capital Fringe Festival on Thurs., July 22 @ 6 PM, Fri., July 23 @ 10:30 PM,  Sat., July 24 @ 7:30 PM & Sun., July 25 @ noon. The performances will be at Fort Fringe--The Bedroom, 612 L Street NW, WDC 20009.  Purchase tickets online at or by cash at the door for $15.  Email or call 617-491-0962.                                  


The play focuses on an Iraqi doctor, suspected of treating an Al-Qaeda leader, who is detained and interrogated.  US forces want to know where the injured leader's safe house is: capturing him will save lives, they claim.  Susan, a young interrogation psychologist, is asked to pose as a lawyer to gain the doctor's trust.  As her colleagues resort to brutal methods, Susan must choose: Will she be complicit in the doctor's torture or risk her life to make it stop?


9] – Join the coalition to help organize a series of projects across D.C. for the campaign's Global Work Party day of action on October 10. There is a meeting on Thurs., July 22 at 6:30 PM to discuss how to work together to make 10/10 an historic day when D.C. residents get to work on climate solutions and push our leaders to do the same. The meeting will take place at the Reeves Center, 2000 14th St. NW (at U St.).  Bring a snack to share.  RSVP REQUIRED:

10] – Human Rights and the Obama Administration features Michael H. Posner, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, on Thurs., July 22 at 6:30 PM, a free lecture at UDC, David A. Clarke School of Law, Bldg. 38 - 2nd Floor, 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW, WDC 20008.  Use Van Ness/UDC Red Line Metro Station. Email Prior to joining the State Department, Posner was the executive director and then president of Human Rights First. He helped the organization earn a reputation for leadership in the areas of refugee protection, advancing a rights-based approach to national security, challenging crimes against humanity, and combating discrimination.

11] – Attend the new play, ALTERNATIVE METHODS, written and produced by Patricia Davis, which "explores indefinite detention, learned helplessness, and the deep involvement of psychologists in torture." It continues at the Capital Fringe Festival on Thurs., July 22 @ 6:30 PM & Sat., July 24 @ 11 AM. The performances will be at Fort Fringe--The Shop, 607 New York Ave. NW, WDC 20009.  Purchase tickets online at or by cash at the door for $15.  Go to

12] – To plan for a march and rally for JOBS & JUSTICE NOW!, attend an organizer’s meeting on Thurs., July 22 from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at 611 Eutaw St. (Centre & Eutaw Sts.), SEIU 1199's Union Hall, Baltimore. Get information.  Become a Volunteer.  Represent Your Group.  Help organize an Oct. 2, 2010 - NATIONAL MARCH in WASHINGTON D.C.  One Nation Together was announced by Ben Jealous, nat'l pres. NAACP and endorsed by many unions and community groups. Also there will be organizing for an Oct. 7 - NATIONAL STUDENT DAY OF ACTION TO DEFEND EDUCATION and an Oct. 25 - PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY ON THE ECONOMIC CRISIS.  Contact Job Is a Right Campaign/Bailout the People Movement at 410-218-4835 or


13] -- Pray for Peace at 7:30 PM on Tues., July 22 at St. Francis Academy, 501 E. Chase St. The prayer for peace occurs on the 22nd of the month.  Contact Charles Cloughen at 410-321-0199 or


14] – Starting Fri., July 23 and continuing through Thurs., July 29, see COUNTDOWN TO ZERO at the E Street Theater, 555 11th St. NW, WDC 20004. Call 202-452-7672. There are multiple showings each day.  It is documentary which explores the alarming reality of nuclear weapons, or as director Lucy Walker describes it “a non fiction horror movie...the scariest movie ever.”


15] – On Fri., July 23, from noon to 1:30 PM, Piers Millett, Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, will do a presentation--"Revving Up for the 2011 BTWC Five-Year Review Conference" at Global Green USA, 1100 15th St., NW, 11th Floor, WDC.  RSVP at


16] – A peace vigil takes place every Friday from noon to 1 PM at Lafayette Park facing the White House.  Join the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker and friends. Contact Art Laffin:   

17] – Every Friday from noon to 1 PM, Women in Black, Baltimore, host a vigil at Pratt and Light Sts. in the Inner Harbor. Peace signs and flyers about the siege will be available. See or write or call 410-467-9114

18] – There is also a noon vigil, weather permitting, on Fri., July 23 at Roland Park Place at 830 W. 40th St.  Call 410-467-9114.

19] – A vigil for Justice in Palestine/Israel (now in its 8th year) takes place every Friday from noon to 1 PM at 19th & JFK Blvd., Philadelphia (across from Israeli Consulate.  It is sponsored by Bubbies & Zaydes (Grandparents) for Peace in the Middle East. Email Go to

20] – There is a silent vigil on Fri., July 23 from 5 to 6 PM outside of Homewood Friends Meeting, 3107 N. Charles St., in opposition to war with Iraq. Placards say: "War Is Not the Answer." The silent vigil is sponsored by AFSC, Homewood Friends and Stony Run Meetings.


21] – On Fri., July 23 at 6 PM, celebrate the transformative power of art in the face of overwhelming adversity. Moved by events over the last year in Honduras, Dan Archer and Nikil Saval created a graphic novel that captures both the horrors and hopes of the Honduran people as they awake from their false democracy.  The first U.S. print run occurred in May. Art has been a key force for the pro-democracy opposition movement, and what better place than BloomBars, 3222 11th St. NW, WDC,  whose vision is to "serve as a training ground for a new generation of change agents who believe in the transformational power of art to affect positive growth in the community.” The suggested donation range is from $10 to $25.  This will get you your very own copy of the graphic novel, printed in both Spanish and English! There will be live music, drinks, and a special video appearance by Dan Archer.


22] – SHED LIGHT ON US WAR CASUALTIES: FROM THE FRONT LINE TO THE BACK DOOR of Walter Reed Army Medical Center (North Gate), every Friday night, from 7 to 9 PM in the middle of the 7100 block of Georgia Ave., NW. The vigil calls for peace, care for the wounded, and full benefits for all veterans.  Contact Bruce Wolf -


23] – The Unity United National Peace Conference takes place from Fri., July 23, starting at 7 PM, through Sun., July 25, ending at 1 PM, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Albany, New York. Call 518-227-6947. Register at or by emailing


24] –  There is an opportunity to participate in ballroom dancing, usually every Friday of the month, in the JHU ROTC Bldg. at 8 PM.  Turn south on San Martin Dr. from the intersection of Univ. Parkway and 39th St.  Drive on campus by taking the third left turn. The next dance will be July 23. Call Dave Greene at 410-599-3725.

25] – Citizens Planning and Housing Association is urging you to shop at the W. Baltimore Farmer's Market on Sat., July 24 from 8 AM to noon and every Saturday through Nov. 20. The market is located at the West Baltimore MARC train station parking lot (400 block of Smallwood St. between Franklin and Mulberry). CPHA provides technical assistance to WBMTTI. Call 410-539-1369 or email

26] – Friends House, 17715 Meeting House Rd., Sandy Spring, MD 20860, hosts a peace vigil every Saturday, 10:30 to 11:30 AM, on the corner of Rt. 108 and Georgia Ave. in Olney, MD.  The next vigil is July 24. Call Chuck Harker at 301-570-7167. 

27] –  Each Saturday, 11 AM – 1 PM, Chester County Peace Movement holds a peace vigil in West Chester in front of the Chester County Courthouse, High & Market Sts. Go to Email


28] – On Sat., July 24 at 11 AM, there will be a one-day intensive participatory seminar on the political economy of information processing in the 20th and 21st centuries--Cybernetics, Capitalism, Control--at the Baltimore Free School, 1323 N. Calvert St. Go to The seminar will use Tiqqun's "The Cybernetic Hypothesis" as a starting point and critical horizon for the discussion, but then to branch out from there, examining everything from the current state of surveillance and commodification on the Internet, to the history and future of attempts at using "cybernetics" and electronic networks for more liberatory purposes. Participants are welcome to prepare brief presentations for the seminar. This seminar will lay the groundwork for a two-day seminar in August with theorist Brian Holmes.


29] – There will be a peace vigil on the West Lawn of the Capitol at noon on July 24. Look for the blue banner with the message, "Seek Peace and Pursue It.--Psalms 34:14." The vigil lasts one hour and is silent except when one responds to the occasional questions. Go to or email


30] – Catch the American Ensemble Theater play A Walk in the Woods at Goethe Institut - Gallery, 812 Seventh St., NW, WDC 20001. It will be performed on Sat., July 24 at 3 PM. Lee Blessing's comic drama follows two Cold War nuclear arms negotiators, one U.S., one Russian, as they struggle to reach an arms reduction agreement. It was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, a Tony Award, and an Olivier Award. Tickets are $15. Order phone: 866-811-4111. This production is presented as a part of the 2010 Capital Fringe Festival. Go to


31] – On Sun., July 25 at 10:30 AM, the Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 W. Franklin St., Suite 102, will have an open discussion.   Call 410-581-2322 or visit


32] – Throughout the world, anarchism is experiencing a revival. What is the anarchists’ strategy for challenging capitalism? What are its strengths? What are its shortcomings? Join Sunday Sedition, an International Socialist Review discussion group, for a brunch meeting on Eric Kerl’s article "Contemporary Anarchism", found in the latest issue, on Sun., July 25 at 11:30 AM at Utopia Bar & Grill, 1418 U St. NW, WDC.  International Socialist Review is a bi-monthly journal of the revolutionary Left published by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change. "Contemporary Anarchism" can be read online at


33] – Maryland Bridges for Peace welcomes you to stand for peace Sundays from noon (or thereabouts) to 1 PM on the Spa Creek Bridge in Annapolis.  Contact Lucy at 410-263-7271 or Signs are not allowed to be on a stick or pole.   If there is interest, people will be standing on the Stoney Creek Bridge on Fort Smallwood Road in Pasadena [410-437-5379 or]. Go to


34] – This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, yet it is not over, and Korea is still divided.  In 1945, two U.S. colonels in Washington D.C. divided the Korean peninsula along the 38th parallel.  This arbitrary divide soon became a border and military frontline before and during the Korean War.  An Armistice temporarily ceased fighting on the Korean peninsula and established the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the 38th parallel.  A peace treaty was never signed, and to this day, Korea remains in a state of war.  The National Campaign to End the Korean War is hosting a series of events.  On Sun., July 25 from 2 to 4 PM, gather at the Capitol Reflecting Pool Plaza (between 1st St NW and 3rd St NW). See "100 Bojagi for Peace,” an interactive art installation in front of the Capitol will feature 100 bojagi (traditional Korean bundles carried by refugees during the war) with audio and written recollections by Korean Americans and Canadians during the Korean War.  The bojagi represent millions of Korean families who are still separated by the division.  That evening at 7 PM at the Justice Center, 617 Florida Ave. NW, watch the film "In the Matter of Cha Jung-hee" by Deann Borshay Liem on the adoption of thousands of Korean children from the Korean War.  


On Mon., July 26 at 10 AM, there will be a press conference.  On Tues., July 27, there will be legislative visits to demand an end to the Korean War. Email or call 410-218-4835.


35] – Every Sunday, 4 to 5 PM, there is a Quaker Peace Vigil at Independence Mall, N. side of Market between 5th and 6th Sts., Philadelphia. Call 215-421-5811


36] – Red Emma’s needs volunteers.  Stop in to the weekly Sunday meeting at 7 PM at 800 St. Paul St. or email  The next meeting is July 25. There is no meeting on the first Sunday of the month.  Call 410-230-0450. If you would be interested in volunteering or becoming a collective member of 2640, send an email to


37] – There is a weekly Pentagon Peace Vigil from 7 to 8 AM on Mondays, since 1987, outside the Pentagon Metro stop.  The next vigil is Mon., July 26, and it is sponsored by the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker.  Call 202-882-9649.


38] – There is usually a vigil to abolish the death penalty every Monday from 5 to 6 PM, outside the prison complex and across the street from Maryland’s Super Max Prison, at the corner of Madison Ave. and Fallsway in Baltimore.  Recently death row was moved out of Baltimore, but it was decided to continue the vigil. The next one is scheduled for Mon., July 26.  Call 410-366-1637.


39] – The Marc Steiner Show airs Monday through Thursday from 5 to 7 PM on WEAA 88.9 FM, The Voice of the Community, or online at   The call-in number is 410-319-8888, and comments can also be sent by email to All shows are also available as podcasts at

40] – The Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore usually meets on Mondays at 7:30 PM, and the meetings now take place at Max’s residence.  The next meeting is scheduled for July 26.  The agenda will include Hiroshima-Nagasaki activities, a thank you letter to Rep. Elijah Cummings and the peace conference in Albany.  Contact Max at 410-366-1637 or email mobuszewski at for directions.  

To be continued


Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center, 325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-366-1637; Email: mobuszewski [at]


"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and everything to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Victor Debs


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